Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 04-16-2011, 08:45 AM   #128 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Fifty Two

They walked in the shadows of the building; Harry whispered a spell in the silence,
‘They’ve moved’ he twitched his wand slightly ‘I know where they’ll go’ he breathed in closing his eyes and opening them again in anticipation ‘I’ll have to take you; I know where it is, who wants to go first?’
‘How do you know?’ Ron muttered ‘Sophia’s voice like Charlie or is it Hermione?’
‘It’s actually because I happen to know where the perfect place to reanimate Voldemort would be Ronald and that would be where he was born’ he saw the surroundings of the work house, the dark damp room and the small witch telling the other woman her new sons name,
‘Tom after his father, Marvolo after mine, Riddle for his last’
‘No one knows where that is’
‘I do’
Ron glared ‘You a death eater in your spare time?’
‘Ron shut up’ Charlie cut in ‘Harry take me first’
‘Why are you sacrificing yourself Charlie?’ Bill said with a smirk ‘Or hoping to be a hero for Soph’
Charlie knew he was joking and punched his arm lightly ‘Oh yeah that’s me, hero all over’ he grinned ‘You’ve got too much to lose little bro, and I reckon I can slow my psycho ex down for a bit to give you guys a chance to jump in and save me’
He apparated him to the spot in a nearby alley,
‘Back in a sec’ he disappeared and reappeared with Bill, then Arthur and then Ron,
‘What is this place Harry?’ Charlie asked,
‘It used to be a work house like years ago – his mother came here pregnant to a muggle, Tom Riddle, and died shortly after bring the monster into the world and naming him’
‘No wonder he was a fruit cake, who wouldn’t be born into this, it’s bleak’
Harry smirked at Charlie’s words,
‘My thoughts exactly when I was shown the memory of this place’ he led them out ‘We’re on unchartered ground, I don’t know my way around this place I was only shown the outside but I remember the basement door – it was the coal tunnel for the furnace’ he unlocked it with a wave of his wand,
‘How’d you know not to go in the front way?’
‘Muggle films’ he smiled ‘You get killed that way’
‘That must be how Soph knew too’ he followed him into the dark cramped space as Harry lit his wand and the others followed after,
Harry said the same spell to identify human life as he had done previously and found they were directly underneath a circle of them, thirteen of them’
‘We need to stop them’
‘They were looking for two more people to sacrifice, they need your soul to or they can’t do it’
Harry swore ‘I go in there anyone of them could do the same spell Jade did’
‘You’ve got your cloak’ Charlie said ‘Jade couldn’t see her under it but she could see underneath disillusionment charms give it to one of us to go in and distract them while the others attack’
‘I’ll go in first - Problem solved’ he grinned,
‘Harry’ Arthur said ‘Maybe it would be better for you to stay here’ he placed a hand on his shoulder ‘You’re the most at risk of all of us, even under the cloak’
‘You’re worried about Ginny’
‘Something happens to you and she’ll have nothing’
‘I’ve sorted this out with her, I’m going in, and I’m going to stop them – let me please’ he threw on his cloak they went in wands drawn after him, up the stairs and to the main room.

Harry shot them down from the door way moving round the room stealthily hitting them. Jade and Draco shot out at the invisible assassin, hiding behind a large alter made out of a boulder at the rear of the cauldron in the centre of the room. Foul black smoke billowing from it went threw a hole blasted in the ceiling and out into the sky.
‘Honestly Jade, did you think I would let you get away with this, that the order of the Phoenix or the ministry would let you?’ Charlie said walking in wand at her chest,
‘No but I had thought you would bring company – who’s hidden now or is it still little Sophia?’ the others cornered Draco to tie him up with the other cloaked death eaters in the back of the room,
‘Leave her out of this’
‘Come on Charlie, while would you marry a little kid when you could have a grown up, when you had a grown up’ she smirked ‘Or is that what you like, the inexperience in the bedroom, the helplessness of a damsel in distress and you’re trying to stay the free spirited dragon chaser she can get attached to instead of a boring thirty year old – or is the other way round are you trying to be a daddy not a hubby? Are you thinking being with a teenage you’ll feel younger and she’ll be older and love you still – that she won’t get fed up because you want to go to bed and she’s ready to go out?’
‘Shut your mouth and leave her alone’
‘She needs you I bet, she wants you to defend her all the time to feel wanted, to feel loved – the ever protective Charlie when her own daddies dead and she’s desperately in need of a father figure, tell me, how did you tell her about me, did it hurt her, did she cry and hit you?’She spoke like silk, smooth and dangerously ‘Did she tell you not to touch her, not to come near her?’ she grinned walking forward with a bottle in hand ‘Did she forgive you and hug you and kiss you?’
‘Stop it’
‘Did she let you say sorry Charlie, did she let you take her then and there on the living room floor as you begged her to forgive you?’
‘Shut up’
Harry was behind her slowly getting angrier at each word his wand at her back, she moved to him and he flinched as she whispered in his ear,
‘Did she say your name Charlie; did she scream it just like I did?’

He grabbed her by the throat to pin her against the wall wand at her neck,
‘Hmm Charlie, down boy’ she prodded him in the stomach with the wand biting her lip in breathless anticipation,
‘I hate you’ he said harshly in her ear ‘I can’t stand the sight of you, I wish you had died when they found your stuff at the top of that cliff, I wish I’d never laid eyes on you or been stupid enough to trust you – it’s been five years and I forgot you ever existed until you poped up – hell I forgot you the day after I slept with you, you only got me to marry because you used magic I would have never have done it if I wasn’t under the influence’
‘Don’t say such horrible things to me, I’m your wife’
‘Ex wife’
‘Watch it now, my wand is in a dangerous place’ she moved it down to poke so he got the idea, ‘Or I could just decide to be a widow’ she returned it to his heart,
‘I’d rather death then another moment breathing the same air as you’ he held her tighter at the throat pointing his wand to jab it at the skin, ‘I like the thought of being a widower’ he whispered in her ear ‘Would you like to die in pain or just suffering slightly?’
‘Charlie’ Arthur said from beside him ‘Don’t be hasty son, think about this’
Harry put an invisible hand on his shoulder ‘What would Soph do eh?’ he smiled,
‘Kill her painfully and slowly’ Charlie smiled and stepped back, she was too quick, he fell to the floor and the familiar white mist form was screaming in Charlie’s familiar voice as it was sucked from his body and into the bottle.

Harry stunned her and caught the bottle as she fell to the floor. He gave the bottle to Arthur as he took her wand and tied her up. He woke her, taking off the hood to reveal himself as Charlie gasped to come back to life,
‘Harry Potter’
‘Where are his ashes?’
‘Now why would I tell you that?’
‘You don’t have them’ he smirked ‘Draco had them’
Her eyes failed her for a second before she replied ‘I know where they are I’m just not telling’
‘I consider Sophia Black as my sister and I’m currently very, very annoyed with you, I would advise you that as an Auror I have the power to kill you and just say it was because you were breaking the law and I have four witnesses that won’t say otherwise’
‘Draco had it, and then he put it in there’ she gestured to the cauldron ‘He’s only half way here, you can save him Harry, you can give him life – just your soul, Charlie’s and Ginny’s’
He struck her with curse and she screamed in agony on the floor as he let go,
‘Harry’ Bill said watching,
‘She suggested killing Ginny and Charlie to bring Voldemort back’
‘Oh – as you were then’ he smirked,
Harry released her from the pain after a moment and went to the cauldron. He felt his scar burn and stepped back holding onto it,
‘See you can feel the pull, he’s still in there; my master is still there’ Draco said grinning from the corner ‘He will rise again’
‘Don’t be so stupid’ Ron said stunning him to keep him quiet, ‘Let’s get out of here, all these crazy’s are freaking me out with there zombie talk’
‘Harry, are you alright?’ Charlie said as Harry held his head backing to lean against the wall behind the alter,
‘Just being that close, it took something from me’ he slid to sit on the floor, ‘I’m not strong enough to apparate out’ he rubbed his temples, ‘What ever in there sucked something out of me, I feel like I just need to sleep’
‘Not a good sign – Bill give me a hand to get him out of here’ Charlie said ‘Dad, Ron take them to the ministry’
‘I’ll make a portkey, it’ll be easier’ Arthur said touching the rope that bound them all together ‘Ron, come on give me a hand’
He was looking between his father and Harry, ‘I’m coming’ he grabbed on as it glowed blue and they disappeared,

‘Charlie you have to destroy the potion’
‘Don’t know how though’
‘Set it on fire – fyend fire, that’s what, destroys Horcruxes unless one of you has a spare Basilisk tooth on you’
‘Fire it is’ Charlie and Bill raised their wands the cauldron exploded and they ducked behind the boulder alter.
‘Merlin that was nuts’ Bill smirked ‘You think its dead?’
Charlie looked up to see the whole room on fire,
‘Definitely’ they apparated out and to Mungo’s,

‘Back again Mr Potter’
‘Aren’t you glad I’m alive this time round’ he grinned held up by Charlie and Bill,
‘We most certainly are’
‘Guy’s it’s all good’ he made to take a step on his own and fell forward to be levitated unconscious onto a stretcher; the healer ran his wand over him,
‘Should be fine, he’s exhausted – what happened to him for that much power to be taken out of his system? – it is by magic, I can tell that much’
‘You’ll see it in the prophet tomorrow I imagine’ Charlie sighed ‘I’ll go tell Gin, she’ll want to be mad at someone’
‘Rather you then me bro’ he smirked ‘I’ll see how there going at the ministry’
Charlie apparated to the front door but didn’t get to knock Sophia was there and threw her arms around him happily,
‘I’m so glad you’re alright’ she sighed into his arms, ‘I don’t know what I would have done – what I would do without you’ she reached to kiss him but he replied in it hesitantly,
She pulled away ‘- what’s happened?’
‘Is he ok?’
‘Mungo’s, the thing in the cauldron was kind of alive – I should tell Gin first’
‘Sure’ she led him in to her feeding a twin, his eyes drifted away from the blanket covering her chest but he could still hear the sucking noise, to was too weird to think she was his little sister and she had – had…
‘Charlie get a grip will you brother’
‘I can’t, not feed them unless you want to sit with them crying at us’ she noticed he wasn’t behind Charlie, where he should be ‘Where is Harry?’
‘He’s going to be fine’
‘But’ she couldn’t let her go she was still feeding,
‘He’s in Mungo’s, they had Voldemort in a cauldron and it kind of sucked some of Harry’s life, his magic – he’s just going to sleep for a bit, but he’ll be completely fine – no shortened life expectancy or anything’
‘I told him not to go’
‘He was doing this for you and them Gin, don’t begrudge him that, he loves you more then his own life’s value you should be happy and proud he was willing to fight – is still willing to fight him after seven years of it’
‘Happy and proud he’s back in hospital – sure’ she burped her on her shoulder ‘Happy he’s throwing himself into danger and saying its for us, happy he’s leaving me to look after them while he gets to be the hero and save the world then staying with his family where he belongs – happy he’s making me angry and hate him for always coming back broken and never in one piece, happy he’s -’
‘I’m not happy!’
‘He’s trying’ Soph whispered ‘But doing what he has to, what he feels he has to is part of who he is, you know that, you said it’
‘Hmm’ she shifted the happily fed one and Soph took her middle name sake as Ginny reached for Faith, ‘I’ll feed this one then go and see him – would you guys be ok to-?’
‘-Sure we’ll look after them’ Charlie grinned ‘Go shout at him once he’s awake’
‘I still hate you’
‘I can live with it’
‘No you won’t’ she muttered ‘I’m taking the girls and we’re staying at the Burrow until I decide otherwise’
‘Don’t’ she crossed her arms as she sat in the chair, ‘My minds made up, I need to think about our future and so do you’
‘I know my future it’s with you, forever, you and our girls and the other kids you agreed to’
‘That was before you chose running to the rescue over us’
‘Fine then, go, take as long as you want – I’ll get out of here and I’ll find Hermione and wait for you to stop having your hissy fit’
‘This is not a hissy fit, this is me walking out on our marriage because of you, this is me saying I might not come back, this is me saying I might just send divorce papers and move us to Scotland, this is me saying that if you keep leaving and I don’t think your coming back I’m not going to be here waiting’ she stood up ‘Goodbye Harry’
‘I said goodbye Harry’
‘Bye Gin’ he sighed and flopped back into his pillows, she walked out in tears back to the cottage and saw them sitting on the couch playing with a twin each.
‘Don’t’ she waved her hand ‘Charlie when you go to the Burrow tell Mum I’m coming to stay, I’ve just got to pack’
‘I’ll go now – you girls talk’
‘Mmm’ she moved to the toy box waving her wand so those strewn around the room returned as Sophia placed the twins in the pram,
Charlie’s disappearing crack could be heard outside,
‘I’m just going to stay there for a little while’
‘And decide whether to come back’
‘Why leave?’
‘It won’t be for long’ she moved around the room packing her school truck from under the stairs as everything floated down the stairwell to fold itself neatly and fit inside.
‘Come and see us when ever you like, Mum needs to get used to seeing you around there then she’ll warm up to you’
‘You can’t keep avoiding it’
‘I am not; I don’t want to talk about it because I just have to think about it’
‘Don’t leave him like this – have you told him your going?’
‘Yes’ she pulled on her cloak and checked for anything left behind or needed to be done -‘Yuck you need a change, it can wait we’ll be there soon’ she touched each nose, ‘Bye Soph’ she smiled ruefully and pushed the pram out levitating the trunk behind her.
‘Bye’ she shook her head and then went outside to go to the hospital.
RIP JD Salinger
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