Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 04-16-2011, 08:42 AM   #127 (permalink)
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Chapter Fifty One

‘You’re not going Harry’ she walked down the stairs,
‘Give me one reason why you should’
‘For the fate of our kind’
‘Let the ministry deal with it’
‘I’m a ministry worker, an Auror, it’s my job to stop these criminals, I’m in the Order of the Phoenix to protect our world, and I can’t just abandon them now with a gigantic threat looming’
‘But you can abandon me and your daughters’
She paused on the bottom step ‘I’ll always come second, we’ll always come second with you won’t we?’
‘It’s not like that at all’
‘Then say that you’ll stay, say that you’ll leave it up to someone else’
‘I can’t do that’
‘You’ve left me plenty of times already why should I be surprised about now’ she turned to walk back up the stairs,
‘This is different’ he started ‘I have to help, would you rather I let Charlie and Bill and Ron and Arthur do this on there own?’
‘He’s going too, Molly’s letting him go, reluctantly but she is letting him go’
‘But he’s too old to get mixed up in this’
‘He’s going to help his sons; I want to help my brothers’
‘I don’t want to lose you, any of you why can’t all of you leave it alone and let other people save the world’
‘It wouldn’t get done Gin’ he walked up behind her ‘It’s up to us because we know we can do it, we know we can stop them’
‘How do you know, how do you know you won’t get killed hey – that you won’t just leave me with them to raise by myself and tell them how stubborn and horrible and -’ she turned round to kiss him ‘– and amazing and lovely you are’ he held her in the embrace ‘Why won’t you give yourself a chance to be happy at the sidelines with me and them and not nearly dying every time you leave the house’ she spoke looking in his eyes ‘Why won’t you stay?’
‘Because it’s not in me to back away from the fight Ginny, especially when it puts you in danger, when it puts the people I love in danger’ he kissed her this time fervently, ‘If they were to raise him who do you think he would come after first Gin?’ she held his cheek their foreheads touching,
‘And you and the girls and our mother and our father and our brothers and our sisters – they would come for my family Gin, for our family and I can’t lose you or them, not now I have you all, not now I’m happy’ He kissed her again lingering ‘I love you Ginerva, and I refuse to lose you or let you go or give up with you because you hate me for walking away right now’ he kissed gently stepping back, her lips still caught in the kiss as he left her standing there eyes closed and tears falling.
The door closed and she heard him apparate.
‘I Love you too Harry’
RIP JD Salinger
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