Thanks girlies! Really appreciate your comments!!! Glad your enjoying my posts 
First of all... appologies for taking so long. Working two jobs at the moment so its hard finding time to RP and write... so the writing has been seriously lacking. But!.... I'm getting back into the swing of things. So hopefully you'll like my next post.
Its only short... but its a start!
Happy Reading! hopefully my posts will be more frequent now.
A few hours after lunch was served Ellouise found herself being shepherded into the library on the main floor. Nobody ever went in there. Cobwebs hung from books and candelabra, the windows were covered in grime, thick layers of dust coated the sofa and armchairs which were arranged around a sturdy mahogany desk. With a wave of his wand Dumbledore cleaned down the furniture, leaving them looking brand new. Gesturing for Ellouise and Xavier to take a seat, he took his position on the corner of the desk, twirling his thumbs as he went.
“Now, before I go into any detail concerning what you saw earlier, it is crucial that you both remain tight-lipped about this.”
Ellouise heard the warning in Dumbledore’s tone. Whatever was going on, whatever he was about to tell them, was not meant to be heard by anyone... not even them. Bt he didn’t have a choice in that matter.
“Yes sir”, replied Xavier, Ellouise just nodded her understanding.
“Right”, replied Dambledore nodding his head.
After a moment of awkward silence he let his palms rest against the surface of the table.
“The first thing you need to know is that Igor Karkaroff is not Severus Snape. He unlike Severus is not a trusted member of the Order of the Phoenix, so therefore he does not have access to the Order Headquarters”, he flourished his hands at their surroundings.
“Secondly, the nature of his mission is to feed myself and Severus information to which we are not privy. He is currently in Voldemort’s favour and therefore is an important asset to our cause.”
Ellouise followed along in her mind, so he wasn’t trusted... yet they took his words as gospel?
“Sir...” started Ellouise, but she was shut down almost immediately as Dumbledore raised a finger to his lips.
“Thirdly,” he said continuing as though she hadn’t interjected, “You need to realise that I am a very careful Wizard... I scrutinize every ounce of information I receive before I use it.”
Deep down Ellouise knew Dumbledore was a responsible Wizard, he would never do anything that would jeopardise the success of the Order.
“So how long has this been going on?” asked Xavier, who still didn’t look comfortable with the idea that Karkaroff couldn’t be trusted.
“Um Professor Dumbledore... how did it start?” asked Ellouise. Had Karkaroff gone to Dumbledore? Or was Dumbledore scouting traitors?