Thread: Harry Potter: A Butterfly - Sa13+
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Old 04-13-2011, 03:23 PM   #32 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kyoya Blake Barnett
Fourth Year
Jeanne Morgan// Virgo Wilson // Draco Malfoy fan

Chapter 6

“Psst… Harry” I called out silently. Of course I went after him. What else was I suppose to do run off to the Head Master and tell him Harry’s in danger?--- Now that I’ve think about it, yeah, I should’ve done that.

I drew out my wand but I didn’t want to attract any living specie around so I decided not to cast a ‘Lumos’ spell.
“Harry?” I whispered loudly. He couldn’t get that far right?

The Forbidden Forest is truly scary. Everything was dark and foggy. You can hear footsteps that are possibly not a 2 legged person. The trees are old and it feels like it’s all looking at you or probably alive. I kept moving my way inside the forest and hoping that I could spot Harry.

Out of nowhere there were footsteps again. I was sweating a lot. I keep repeating “Expelliarmus” in case someone would attack me from behind. My head was going left and right, my hands were trembling and my feet were shaking. I’m not going to die inside this rigid forest, no. I possibly can not. I’m a witch for heaven sake.

I heard the footsteps again. It was dark and foggy so I couldn’t seem to see who I am dealing with. “Who’s there?” I shouted. “I mean no harm to this place. I’m just looking for my friend.” Not my best line. I had nothing else to say. If I fight back I might get killed and if I don’t, I still might get killed.

Oh come on Harry, you’re killing me. Show up!

The footsteps were getting nearer and nearer. The moon light was not doing a very good job in lighting this forest and who knows what kind of dreadful creature lives in this black, wild forest.

Suddenly there was silence. My heart is just pounding and pounding. There was no wind, no sound, nothing. Even the footsteps had stop and eventually me too. I was standing so still that I couldn’t move my legs even if I told them to run. I only had my wand clutched on my hand and possibly ready to attack anytime.

I could hear someone moving and I feel like it was close to me. I wanted to turn around but I was too much of a coward to do so. It feels like someone was reaching behind my back and it is getting nearer and nearer and nearer.

“Cho!” someone pushed me from behind.
“HARRY!” I slapped his arm so hard. “I was literally scared. I couldn’t--- I was trying to--- Where have you been?” Of course I was mad at him. I thought someone was going to kill me was that something to be happy about?

“You SCARED me to death Harry!” we were walking back to the school.
“I’m sorry.”
“So what exactly did you see?”
“Nothing. I said ‘I just thought’ I saw something.”
I looked at Harry confusedly. “Wow, you went inside the bloody forest and you’re now telling me you THOUGHT you saw something? That’s rubbish!”
Harry didn’t say much while going back to Hogwarts but he did stare at me a lot. It was quite weird but I have gotten pretty much used to it right now.

After the incident we didn’t bother to eat dinner. Perhaps the nerves on every inch of my body are not getting away unless I go to sleep. We finally reached the staircase and it’s time to go to our respective rooms. Harry was still staring at me with a smile still stuck on his face.
“What?” I asked him.
“No, it couldn’t be nothing. You’ve been staring at me and smiling the whole time we went back. Surely there must be something wrong or at least, something funny.” I tried to reason out with him.
“You look cute when you care that much about me.” He said. After that, he kissed me on the cheeks and went upstairs faster than you can say ‘Quidditch’.

For awhile the stairs started moving and Harry might already be in the Gryffindor’s common room, I was still standing on the same spot. So why was I suddenly like this? Blushing and hyper? Was this a normal behavior?

“Harry’s just a friend—just a friend” I kept repeating while going to the Raveclaw’s common room.
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