Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 04-11-2011, 02:56 AM   #125 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart xxx

Chapter Fifty
‘Ginny don’t be so silly, you can’t leave Faith and Hope now, we’ll get him back’ Charlie said waving his wand to return the baby items back to the room, ‘Take them to mums for now, she’ll look after you all’
‘I don’t need looking after I’m going to find my husband and return him to his body’
‘Soph looked it up, you have three days of waiting, me and Bill and Ron – we’ll get him back just don’t put yourself at risk like this, don’t leave your daughters like Harry’s parents left him’
‘They died protecting him; if I die it will be to save them’
‘Let them at least grow up with one parent’
‘You can’t change my mind’
‘Fine’ he conjured ropes to wrap around her forcing her to sit on the kitchen chair,
‘Charlie’ she struggled ‘Let me go now!’
‘Charlie?’ Sophie said coming down the stairs, floating the carry cribs in front of her gently as they slept, ‘Charlie what are you – oh’
‘It’s for her own good’ he frowned,
‘Well I’m coming if you won’t let her’
‘What – no the whole point is to keep you guys safe’
‘You won’t take his wife, take his sister so she has piece of mind’
‘I’m not risking you – you want me to tie you up too?’
‘Fine let’s take them to Molly’
‘Thank you’
She winked at Ginny who smiled at her thankful at her deceit.

‘You ready Charlie?’
‘Yeah’ he took out his wand, ‘Malfoy manor right’
‘First try’ Ron smirked ‘I doubt they’ll be there’
‘Malfoy’s not exactly clever Ron’ Bill muttered, ‘Though he sure beats you in the brain department’
‘Take care Bill’ Fleur hugged and kissed him, he patted her bulging belly,
‘Be back soon’
‘Don’t do anything stupid Charlie’ Sophie said biting her lip, reluctant to kiss him in case it would be the last time, but then with what she planned she’d be lucky to get another one, ‘Love you’ she kissed him delicately,
‘Love you too’
‘Urgh – lets go already’
Charlie looked over ‘No, Pavarti then Ron eh?’
‘She’s my girlfriend not my Siamese twin, let’s go’
Sophie stepped back from him reluctantly,
‘Take care of Gin hey’ he smiled and she nodded, they disappeared.

She hurried up the stairs to her in her old room with the twins,
‘Thank you Sophie’
‘Its fine, I just hope Charlie will forgive me’ she wiped her eyes hurriedly,
‘He will, I promise’ she handed over the cloak, ‘Good Luck sister’
She squeezed her hand gently, ‘I’ll send you a message when we find him’ she threw the cloak on vanishing from sight before disappearing with a soft crack.

She looked around seeing them walking cloaked to the front door.
‘Oh my god there so stupid’ she hurried after them trying to avoid telling them to recognise the signs of a trap – you never go through the front door, she got that from the expanse of muggle films she’d watched over the years,
‘This doesn’t look like they’re home Charlie’
‘Shut it Ron’
She tried to find a way to tell him, ‘Charlie it’s not right’ she whispered softly ‘Use the cellar’
‘Let’s go this way’ he gestured his head to the cellar doors round the side, ‘They’ll be keeping tabs on the main entrances but this one might be closer to where there keeping him’
‘Why the sudden change of mind?’ Bill asked following,
‘Erm... just a little hint’ he broke the lock with a flick of his wand and they walked through into darkness lighting there wands,
‘Hint’ Ron hissed ‘What kind of hint?’
‘Hmm – oh just Soph’
His eyes glanced over there surrounding picking out the only door as there way out, ‘Keep quiet will you’
‘We’re being led to our deaths by the voice of your girlfriend in your head and you want me to be quiet’
He turned around to him ‘I trust her, she’s knows when something’s wrong, she has a knack for it’ he turned back ‘Keep quiet or we’re going to get caught’
‘Yeah so she already knew you were married’ he hissed,
He was poised to turn the door handle ‘Ron shut your mouth right now or I’ll shut it for you, your putting us in danger’
‘I-’ Bill slapped him round the top of the head and put a finger on his lips gesturing,
Ron scowled and followed them into the hallway.
Sophia smiled following on after them,
There were voices above them,
‘They’re here’
Suddenly the whole house shifted and thumped back on the ground,
‘What the hell was that?’
‘They just apparated us all, house included’ Bill said ‘A trick used by the Egyptians for guarding there tombs, you shift the entire place when some breaks in, the guard wakes up, chucks you out in the middle of the desert and then the tomb is replaced back where it was’
Charlie muttered, ‘They know we’re here’
Bill cut in ‘There not going to chuck us out’
Ron swore then spoke ‘-They’re going to kill us’
‘No there not’ Sophie said with a grin
‘They don’t know you’re here, they know that somebody’s here and they went through the front door’
She took down the hood ‘Thought you could do with a helping hand – I sent in a decoy upstairs to distract them, come on’ she put the hood back up before he could get angry at her and left a trail of purple sparks for them to follow as she took them up stairs. She’d seen the floor plan in Sirius’s vault and remembered where the main room was, the room that centred the entire magical energy of the household creating enough of a build up to summon something.
‘Sophia’ he said sharply,
‘Be ready’ she replied, it filtered through the air and she could feel it on her fingertips smiling as she stopped ‘Disillusionment charms boys’
They did as she said and they slowed down, wands out and hands on shoulders to guide each other,
They walked pass guards and death eaters and into the atrium where Draco stood cloaked in black and stirring a large cauldron. Jade grinned sitting in a huge armchair with a bottle in her lap,
‘Hi guys, come to join the party?’
Draco looked up,
Ron hissed ‘How can she see us?’
‘I have terrific eye sight’ she stroked the bottle gently with a finger as Harry’s face was pressed up against it in a silent scream, ‘I see things others don’t, or aren’t willing to, I see the dead, the living and those in between – I see those trying to hide’ she waved her wand and they appeared before her, ‘And I see exactly what I need to bring my master back’
Sophia realised she was still under the protection of the cloak and moved away from them to Draco, Jade didn’t seem to notice.

‘Now to bring him back I need three strong souls, which of you would like to volunteer to be one?’
‘Give us back Harry’
‘Now now, that is not negotiable, he is vital, I need him, and mind you I need a strong female too’
‘Why don’t you kill yourself there’s one down’
‘No I was thinking more Miss Black – I’ve sent some nice people to get her, where will she be … the ministry telling them all about me again or back at your love nest?’
‘Leave her alone’
‘How about no’ she grinned ‘You’ll do nicely Charlie, I’ll have you both hey’ she grinned and flicked her wand tying Bill and Ron up, she lassoed Charlie dragging him over about to cast the spell,
‘No – don’t do it’ she pulled off the cloak,
‘Take me instead – leave him out of it just take me’
‘Hmm’ she grinned and handed Draco the bottle, ‘No’
‘Fine’ Sophia had her wand out and sent Jade flying across the room, Draco made the bottle vanish before taking her by the throat, wrist at her neck and wand pointed at her heart,
‘You try one thing and I’ll kill her’
‘Don’t do it’
Jade got up wiping blood from her face with a sleeve, ‘Mmm, it’s nice to feel something even if it is pain’ she sent out a bolt of electricity and Sophia jerked and screamed and twisted in torment,
‘Stop it – stop it Jade, please’
Draco let her go for him to watch her lie on the floor in agony,
‘You try to touch her you’re dead’
‘Just stop the curse ok, you can have me – I’m coming willingly so let her go’
Jade laughed ‘Nope, I’m just going to use you both – pleading won’t work on me Charlie you should know that’
‘Fine, you know what just do it’
His brothers shuffled in protest to stop them trying to get out of there bindings, Malfoy tightened the ropes, but Jade released Soph from the spell to pick her up by her hair,
‘Up now’ she spat ‘How on earth could he love such a pathetic little creature like you?’
‘Cause I’m not like you’ she said just as angrily, she pushed her off and went for the cloak. Jade sent curse after curse but they bounced back around the room, one hitting a guard in the face and leaving him dead on the floor.
‘Draco – Potter’s soul please’ she turned to him ‘Draco’
Soph poked him in the back with her wand and he conjured it up, she stunned Jade and took the bottle from his grasp to curse him. She undid the ropes to release them but went to the cauldron,
‘Unicorn blood, dragon blood, phoenix feathers – Ewww someone’s arm’ it bobbed in the thick brown mixture with marbles of gold and silver ‘And eye’s and oh my god – they sacrificed a person’
‘Course they did they’re bonkers – let’s get out of here’ Charlie said trying to pull her away,
‘We have to take this to the ministry so they can identify him’
The head floated to the surface and Charlie looked away ‘He’s the – the minister for magic – Rufus Scrimgeour’
‘But he’s famous how does know one know?’
‘Polyjuice can make anyone the same’ he pointed to the shaved head ‘They’ll be him for a long time’
‘Not if we can help it’ She replied ‘But Harry first’ they apparated just as the guards became aware of the situation and ran into the room.

She hurried up the staircase ‘Gin – Gin – we’ve got him’ she ran into the bedroom to see her asleep beside the body on the bed and the twins asleep in there pram on the other side
‘Gin honey’ she shuck her gently ‘I’ve got Harry’
She leant in and made to undo the bottle,
‘Let me’ she said reaching out ‘Please – just to be alone with him when he comes back’

She left the room and closed the door.

He lay there cold and dead, she uncorked the bottle and the mist knew its rightful place. It was sucked back into his lifeless corpse and he breathed in deeply.
‘Gin – my Gin’ he grabbed her in his arms ‘I thought I’d never see you again’ he kissed where ever he could,
‘You – you died’
He stopped just to hold her tightly, ‘I don’t know what happened, I just passed out when I reached Mungo’s’
‘I love you so, so much please don’t ever leave me like that again, please’
‘I’ll try’ he kissed her lovingly ‘I promise I’ll try’ and again and again,
‘Harry’ she mumbled as he continued his attentions to her,
‘This is celebrating not being dead’
‘As much as I want to right now, we can’t – not with the twins in here, not with Sophia waiting outside the door’
‘Oh’ he frowned and then went for another last lingering kiss ‘Ok, but as soon as this is over I’m ravishing you’
‘I’m in sheer delight at the very thought of it honey’ she hugged him once more ‘Go make sure your babies and your sister can see you’re ok’
‘Ok’ he went to the crib, ‘Hello my girls’ he grinned ‘Hmm they smell so nice and so warm’ he hugged them ‘I’m sorry daddy left you for a little bit – how long was it?’
‘A day, a whole day – you were in the hospital passed out for a good while before Jade decided to steal your soul’
‘Steal my – but that means – surely she’s not that stupid’
‘Bill, Charlie, Soph and Ron got you from her at Malfoy Manor’
He replaced them in the crib, ‘Right – but what about Hermione?’
She stiffened at his words and tried to contain herself remembering what Ron had said’
‘Gin – what’s wrong?’
‘This is because I went after Hermione and I got hurt’
‘Not hurt – killed – soul sucked right out as you slept like a dementors kiss – worse then death’
‘But a dementor – your soul doesn’t go back in’
‘Jade was keeping you in a jar; your body would have lasted three days under the spell’
‘Right- ok – and now Hermione has anyone found her?’
‘Don’t know or care’
‘Don’t talk to me about her’
‘We sorted this out didn’t we?’
‘Go say hi to your sister’ she muttered ‘Before I decide I like you better screaming at me from inside a bottle’
He closed his eyes in annoyance, took a deep breath and then left the room.

‘Harry!’ she grinned and jumped on him in a hug,
‘Hey sis – I do have one question though, erm why does Gin hate Hermione again – apart from me going after her and the soul sucking – which was not Hermione’s fault’
‘Ron – you’d better ask Ron’
‘RONALD!’ He shouted,
‘Mate’ he grinned coming up the stairs ‘-You’re alive’
‘You’re dead’ he pushed him up against the wall arm against his throat ‘What did you tell my wife?’
‘The truth’
‘Which you think is what?’
‘That you would have gone after Hermione if Gin hadn’t gotten pregnant’
‘I love Ginny, I can’t leave Ginny, she’s my wife – Hermione is my best friend and that’s all she is, she’s a sister not – not anything else, I don’t see her as anything else I never have!’
‘Yeah right – because you haven’t noticed she’s madly in love with you’
‘She’s my friend! She was your girlfriend until you dumped her – what was it for hey? Because you couldn’t take that she wouldn’t sleep with you – because she wasn’t ready to but you were so you jump on Pavarti after you dumped her’
‘That’s not it’
‘You’re not a very good liar Ron’
‘What would you know?’
‘I’ve known you years, I know you were just more concerned to catch up with me in that department rather then be the best friend who’s in love with his other best friend and wants to wait and be sensible’
‘My little sister Harry – my little sister, how as a best friend is it ok to sleep with her – ever – to be with her, to have kids with her – you nearly killed her, then you keep leaving her and let her hang on to whatever’s left before waiting for her to come back because she can’t do anything else with her life now you’ve ruined it – now you’ve landed her with kids and she hasn’t even finished school yet!’
Harry punched him in the face and it turned into a brawl until Charlie and Bill jumped in to grab one each.

‘There are bigger things then you two going on right now’ Soph said standing in the middle of the fray ‘The minister for magic is dead and floating in Malfoy’s cauldron, he has the ashes of Voldemort and is trying to raise him from the dead and to do that he needs Harry and a strong magical couple – Jade having me and Charlie set in her sights – and she tried to take Ginny before, so for now put your differences aside, fight with us to stop him and then I give you free reign to tear each other to shreds’
‘Fine’ Harry muttered wiping a cut lip,
‘Fine’ Ron replied glaring at his adversary and wiping a bloody nose on his sleeve.
RIP JD Salinger
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