Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 04-04-2011, 10:12 PM   #123 (permalink)
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Chapter Fifty

She walked in head held high, tears falling but concentrating on putting one foot in front of the other to get to him lying in the bed.

‘Mrs Potter’
‘Leave us alone’
‘Take as long as you need’

She heard the door close and then opened the curtain to his bed.
‘You promised me you wouldn’t go’ she took his hand, he was still warm, ‘Harry you promised me’
She sunk to her knees holding on to his hand and his arm, ‘We’ve been married officially days – just over a week and – and now you’re – you – I didn’t leave you when I thought I was going to die and now you’ve gone – I hate you – I hate you so much’ she hung on pulling herself up in tears to lie next to him, ‘You’re not supposed to leave me until we’re old’ she kissed his cheek, his lips, ‘You’re Harry Potter your not supposed to die now after everything, after facing death so many times this is not how you leave me’
‘Oh he’s not dead’ she smirked walking from a swirl of grey smoke ‘I’ve just got his soul’ she waved a glass bottle in her hand and through tear stained eyes she could she Harry’s face in white mist screaming at her, ‘I’m surprised it was so easy’
‘Give me him back’ she took out her wand, ‘Now’
‘Ginny, Ginny, Ginny don’t be so silly’ she held her own wand pointing it at the bottle ‘You try anything and well this bottle gets smashed and Harry’s gone for ever’ she feigned dropping the bottle with a giggle, ‘Oops nearly’ she smiled,
‘You’re Jade then’
‘That’s me’ she bit her lip ‘Now lets see’ she flicked her wand and Ginny fell to the floor screaming as her soul was dragged from her body by an invisible rope at its white misty waist,
It was clawing the floor trying to make its way back to her body when Charlie, Bill and Mr Weasley came in,
Jade looked up, released Ginny from the spell and disappeared still holding onto Harry in the bottle.
The screaming form was sucked, as if via vacuum, between Ginny’s lips and back into her body ‘What the hell’ Charlie said lifting the unconscious Ginny up onto the bed beside Harry,
‘She’s taken his soul’ Ginny said croaking as she woke, ‘He’s not dead’
‘What do they need his soul for Gin?’
‘It could only be for one thing’ she mumbled,

‘Voldemort’ the three men said together,
Ginny closed her eyes rolling to hold his body to her, ‘I’m going to get him back’
RIP JD Salinger
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