Dude. The Pensevies aint got nothing on you. Aslan is the God Time Turner In the future. Sixth year to be precise "Whyyyyyy can’t I?" Amy whined to her head of year, "I’m 16 Professor and you know how responsible I am" she said innocently "What? So reponsible you blew up the potions classroom" he said doubtfully "I was PROVOKED!" She cried miserably, "besides you gave one to Sammy and she set the whomping Willow alight just last week!" "Yes, but she didn’t blow up the potions classroom then proceed to dance around joyously and don’t tell me it was the tarantagula charm-" "But"... "No. Miss Samson. No you can’t have a time turner" "URRRGGGH" she cried stomping off to Potions
Last edited by city_girl_95; 04-02-2011 at 04:30 PM.