Jeanne Morgan// Virgo Wilson // Draco Malfoy fan Chapter 2
I vaguely remember the moment when I started to like Harry but I knew that there was something between us. Time flew by so fast that sometimes I wished it would have stopped in the middle where everything just got perfect for the both of us.
Was it my lack of courage to him? Or was it my lack of choice? I blamed myself most of the time. Let’s go back in time so that I’ll tell you what I mean…
“Anything from the trolley?” Yes, this was where it all began. Like every year, we ride the Hogwarts Express to reach Hogwarts. All the seats were taken. I was running out of choices already. I have to sit somewhere else. Then I came across an empty compartment. Technically, it wasn’t empty since I can see bags stacked above. Nonetheless, I was desperate and needed to sit. While I was fixing myself up someone opened the compartment. I’m not quite sure about their conversation but they were discussing something serious. I looked up to see that the 2 of them, a boy and a girl, was staring at me.
“I’m sorry but all the seats are full. Can I please stay here?” they both nodded to me. They sat down and kept glancing at each other, exchanging looks like they were talking telepathically. Then another person went in the compartment. This time he stared at me with a surprise look on his face. I didn’t know if there was something wrong with my face or if I was a real bother sitting down in the same compartment as them. He nervously sat down next to me. The other two shared a smile.
The girl looked very familiar to me. She’s very school oriented, that’s the most I know. She was wearing a pink and yellow striped sweater and pants. Her expressions were very precise. The guy next to her was a bit aloof. I don’t know, I couldn’t explain his face much further. It was hard reading what he could be thinking.
The silence in the compartment got awkward and awkward. No one was saying anything. There were only stares. It crept me out and I couldn’t bare the awkward silence.
“I’m Cho Chang by the way.” I introduced myself.
“Oh, we know who you are.” Said the red hair boy whose name I always forget. I remember his brother Percy and of course, Fred and George but not him.
“I’m Hermione. This is Ron and Harry.” Hermione introduced all three of them.
At the time I didn’t know about anything. I barely knew these people and I don’t know if they know me that much. That time, I was happy to meet new friends.
Harry was a little bit weirder than Ron and Hermione. He kept staring at me, glancing every minute or two, smiled like there was something funny and I don’t know if “observing” was an appropriate term for what he’s doing.
When we reached the Hogsmeade Station, I decided to just go with them until we all arrive at Hogwarts. Upon arriving the carriages Harry told me something about the moon. I didn’t quite listen to his mumbling so I wasn’t sure about what he said.
Harry shrieked.
“What is it?” I looked at him. He was staring in the air. It’s a little bit peculiar and quite frankly, rude.
“Can you see it?” he asked the three of us.
“No” we answered in chorus and looked around.
“There’s nothing in front of the carriage Harry. You’re just imagining things.” I helped him up and let him sat on the carriage first. He was still looking at the front portion of the carriage. I needed to distract him.
“Harry, are you looking forward for the meal?” wrong question. That was lame. It’s not even worth to distract. But fortunately it worked.
He and I talked about a lot of things in the carriage. We discussed about Quidditch, Professor Snape, and about the upcoming trips to Hogsmeade for the term. As the ride finished Ron and Hermione quickly ran off leaving Harry and I at the entrance. We both stared and giggled at the same time. It was a bit bizarre at the moment.
“Cho! I’ve been looking all around for you.” Someone called me. It was Cedric. I’m so happy to meet Cedric. It’s been awhile since we last saw each other. I missed him so much.
I turned to Harry and bid goodbye.
“Good night, Harry. See you around school.” I hurriedly ran to Cedric and walked hand in hand with him as we went inside the castle. (There you have it. The main character and the story narrator was revealed. LOL! I don’t know how many the chapters are but hopefully I could finish the story in less than a month.) |