SPOILER!!: outfits
For the end of the chapter when J.C shows up
For the end of the chapter when J.C shows up
Chapter Twenty
“Jasmine, what the heck are you doing here? You should know better then to come here of all places, if I yelled loud enough, people could hear me.” Calypso spat angrily, her wand at the ready, prepared for defensive manoeuvres. She glanced at Michael, who was still unconscious on the ground not far from where she was standing, and hoped with all her might that he wasn't injured.
“You destroyed Michael's and mine relationship, you took away the only person who actually liked me, Calypso, you took him away from me. That's why I wanted you to stay away, I wanted someone to appreciate me, for who I was, and you destroyed that!” Jasmine shrieked her wand hand shaking, and tears began to pour out of her eyes, Calypso knew there was no possible way that the other girl was faking it.
Immediately, Calypso lowered her wand as a look of realization hit her. “You noticed that Michael was beginning to like me, so you did what ever you could to keep me away from him, you did what you had to keep us apart. And before he did, you didn't like the fact that I was his best friend and he spent so much time with me, so you decided to make my life a living hell.” Jasmine half nodded not able to speak, but her wand still remained pointed at Calypso. “Jasmine, even if you were losing Michael by doing that, if things happened between you two, you might have been able to still be friends with him, you might have been able to make friends with his friends, you might have had a chance.”
“No, you would never accept, not for who I was. You are nothing like me, you and your little group of friends wouldn't, no, you guys couldn't accept me for what I am, for what I've done.” Jasmine sniffled slightly, and positioned her wand back onto Calypso, since it had fallen a few inches towards the ground. Calypso didn't even flinch, she merely pocketed her wand and took a step closer to Jasmine, confusion barely etching her face. “Don't! Get away! Step back, don't come near me!” Jasmine cried, stepping backwards as she saw Calypso advance slightly.
“What was it that you have done? Because it's not being cruel to me is it.” The last part wasn't a question, and both of the girls knew that. Despite Jasmine's reaction, Calypso continued on her way towards the elder one. “Jasmine, despite our differences, our hate towards each other, you seem to be in trouble, and if you really have no one else to go to, I can help, even if you don't want me to, even if I don't want me to.” The words came out of Calypso's mouth almost unwillingly, she could hardly believe that she was standing in front of her enemy and offering her help.
“Thanks for the offer mud - Granger-Malfoy, but I'm fine.” Jasmine shuddered slightly, gave one look at Michael and then dashed off in the opposite direction at top speed, not looking behind herself even once. Calypso stared after Jasmine in shock and confusion, but didn't say anything, instead she also turned towards Michael and went to help him, with a quick ennervarte he was woken up.
“What the heck happened?” Michael asked, as he sat up rubbing his head, he looked at me befuddled, and I wasn't sure if I should tell him the truth or not, whatever, here it goes.
“Jasmine showed up, stunned you and was about to attack me but I somehow talked my way out of it and apparently the only reason she was being mean to me was because she didn't want you to leave her, she didn't want to lose you because she believed that you were the only person to like her for who she was. I guess she wasn't as bad as we thought she was, she was just lost and confused and went the wrong way in trying to fix things, so I offered her my help and she left.” Calypso felt as if she said it all in one quick breath.
***That summer
“Honey, someone's knocking on the door, can you go get it please?” Hermione said to Calypso as she looked up from her book, she, Calypso and baby Natalie were all lying in the master bedroom, supposedly napping, but Natalie didn't really feel like it.
“Sure,” Calypso responded cheerfully despite the pouring rain outside, pushing herself off the bed she ran down the stairs and skipped to the stairway, flinging open the door she greeted the person. “Hello and – oh, um, hi.” She half trailed off seeing who it was. “Want to come in and dry off?” She offered lamely.
“Thanks.” Jasmine Moore mumbled under her breath, sopping wet she stepped inside the house and looked around in surprise, it was a huge magnificent house, lavishly decorated but still had the simple homely feel to it. Blankets and books were spread all over the floors and comfortable looking couches, the ivory rug stretched out across the living was a bit muddy, and there were a few cups and bowls lying on the coffee table, a roaring fire was directly behind the coffee table, and there was also a large chandelier hanging from the ceiling that completed the scene perfectly.
“One second, let me grab you a towel real quick.” Calypso muttered, and disappeared in a second, she reappeared quickly with a big fluffy green towel. “Um, want to sit down?” She gestured to one of the many couches, it was Hermione's idea to get plenty of couches and her supposed lame excuse, in Draco's opinion that is, that it was for family reunions.
“I – uh, sure.” Jasmine nodded and took a seat tentatively across from Calypso who was fiddling with the end of her tank top that read 'brunettes are the best' on the front. “Sorry if this is awkward for you, it's just as awkward for me.” Jasmine said in a soft tone and Calypso half nodded in response. Now beginning to toy with one of the necklaces she was wearing, it was one she had received from Jacob on her birthday reading 'GRR!' something he claimed that she said quite a bit.
“So, do you need to talk about something, er, or someone, or, yea?” Calpyso asked hoping the situation would suddenly unawkwardify itself. Jasmine was silent for a bit, her hands laying calmly in her lap, making Calypso slightly jealous that J.C didn't have any bad habits of playing with things when she was nervous, or feeling awkward, or just bored.
“I needed to confess to you something I did.” Jasmine finally broke the uncomfortable silence, and Calypso looked up slightly surprised, but said nothing. “Lucius Malfoy isn't in Azkaban anymore, I was so mad at you I helped him escape so that I could get revenge on you, I had no idea what I was doing or why when I was, I never meant to do anything that would actually, harm someone badly.” Her tone was more pleading then Calypso had ever heard it before, but that hardly mattered to her now.
“You, what?” Calypso seethed, her hands clenched into small fists, she barely had enough self-will to stop herself from standing up and strangling the girl sitting across from her.
“Please, I didn't, please forgive me!” Jasmine was now on the verge of tears, she looked so scared, so innocent, beyond sorry. All of her emotions were pure and true, it was impossible for anyone to be as good of an actress as to fake these emotions.
“HE KILLED MY PARENTS! HE KILLED MY GRANDPARENTS!” Calypso shrieked. “And you helped him out, you sick, evil, sadistic woman! How could you do this, why would you do something like this?” She advanced upon the other girl, who hadn't moved an inch. “You are so STUPID, do you have any idea what he is capable of doing? Did you really love Michael so much that you would KILL me to get me out of the way? You don't deserve Michael, neither of us do, but you even less then me, you idiotic witch!”
“I never meant to, I didn't understand,” Jasmine murmured to herself as she began to rock back and forwards, tears pouring forth from her eyes. “Please, please don't kill me, I'm to young to die, I don't want to die!” Calypso was stopped dead in her tracks, she had never seen someone so scared of her, it was scarring to see Jasmine like this, taking a few deep breaths Calypso sat back down.
“I'm not going to kill you J.C,” she paused momentarily. “But Lucius still might.”