Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 03-27-2011, 01:41 AM   #121 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887

Chapter Forty Nine

‘What do you mean she resigned?’
‘She quit, she’s gone’
Harry stared ‘what – why?’
‘She said due to personal circumstances she can’t keep working here’
‘And did she say anything else, like where she’s gone because her house is abandoned’
‘Has Ron been in to look for her or has he quit too?’
‘Nope, he’s still on the records’ the receptionist replied ‘He did change his home address back to the Burrow if that helps’
‘Yeah – thanks’ he replied and went to the fireplaces; he went to the Burrow to confront Ron only not to like what he saw when he stepped out of the fireplace.

‘So you dumped her for someone else then?’
He swore and got up from the couch, she pulled on the t-shirt,
‘No’ he replied ‘I broke it off with her because I realised we weren’t right for each other anymore’
‘And you started this with her when?’
‘None of your business’ he crossed his arms as she hurried up the stairs,
‘It is if you hurt Hermione in the process -’
‘- What would you care about her for anyway, you picked Ginny, you hardly speak to either of us anymore – you see Sophia more then you do your real family’
‘Soph is part of my real family Ron, she’s my sister, just like Hermione is, I used to believe you were my brother now I’m not so sure’ he stepped back to the fireplace,
‘I haven’t been your brother since you impregnated my little sister Potter’
‘As I recall Ronnykins she came to me willingly – probably as a welcome escape from you and your mother’ he stepped over the grate taking a handful of powder ‘but then why do I remember you giving your permission for us to get married?’ he threw the powder in the grate and disappeared before Ron could say anymore. He walked up the stairs,
‘Is he angry Ron?’
‘Don’t worry about it Pavarti’ he leant to kiss her forehead ‘He just doesn’t understand’

‘She didn’t leave a message, she didn’t send a patronus she’s just gone, her parents went to her room and found all her stuff was there in boxes but she didn’t even tell them where she’s gone’
‘Well maybe she’s just gone on holiday’
‘She’s not the kind to do that Gin and you know it’
‘I’m sure she’s fine’ she muttered rubbing Faiths back ‘Come on Princess go to sleep like your sister will you’ she yawned,
‘You want me to -’
‘- I can do it’
‘Get some sleep’
‘When she sleeps I will’ she didn’t let her go,
‘Don’t look at me like that’
‘Like what?’
‘Here then super dad’ she muttered moving to hand her to him ‘See if you can do it’
He took her cradling her form in his arm and rocking gently,
She gurgled and yawned and closed her eyes,
‘That’s not fair’
‘Gin – she was going anyway, she would have gone to sleep for you too’
‘She wouldn’t and you know it Harry, they don’t like me as much as you’
‘Don’t be daft, you’re their mum’
‘And I’m here all day with them and then you come back from work and she falls straight asleep in your arms whereas I’ve been trying for a good half hour’
‘What if she was just waiting to see me the same as you do?’
‘Don’t try to make this sound sweet and cute’
‘What if she is just like you and can only fall asleep in my arms’
She pouted at him; he put Faith in the pram and wrapped her in a hug. ‘Now it’s your turn sweetheart’ he laid her across his lap stroking her hair, ‘You deserve all the naps you can get’
‘Stop trying to ply me up for what ever it is your going to ask for or do to find Hermione, just say that you’re going to look for her’
‘No Harry, you know she never sent a message because it would have annoyed me’
‘But what I saw with Ron and Pavarti might have more to do with her going then you and her’
‘I know, but I still class my brother’s happiness higher then hers’
‘Even when he’s the one at fault’
‘She never does anything to help the situation; she either tries to avoid it or runs away completely’
He sighed ‘I’m going to find her ok?’
He kissed the side of her head ‘I won’t go yet – give her a chance to be alone for a while in case she decides to come back on her own’
‘Although if something’s happened to her the trail might go cold in a few hours’
She pulled herself up from his arms watching him think, his brain was still on the job and until he found Hermione he’d be there not with her.
‘Go on then – get lost’ she gestured to the door with her head and turned to lie against the other side of the couch,
‘Go on – now before I divorce you’
He smiled and went for a kiss ‘Love you Gin’
‘Love you too, just come back when you’ve convinced her to follow you’
‘I don’t want to break the promise’
‘This isn’t work, this is you being Harry – I’m sure she’s fine and you won’t be in danger by going after her’
‘Thank you’ he kissed her again, ‘I’ll send patronus’s if it takes long’ he grabbed his cloak and wand, ‘It shouldn’t be more then a few days at most’
‘Just hurry, the quicker you go the quicker your back’ she yawned and lay back down,
‘Bye’ he kissed her one last time and then went to the twins,
‘You wake them’ she mumbled drifting, ‘and I’ll kill you before you get the chance to find her’
He sighed and then touched there heads with a fingertip, ‘Be back soon girls’ he smiled and then left.

He went to Grimmald place, got a trace to the airport and then something happened there wasn’t anything. He paid no mind to them staring at his cloak; this wasn’t his world anymore, so there was no reason for him to fit in. He stopped and stared - the Dursley’s.

‘Aunt Petunia’
She could hear her name from a mile away even with the sounds of planes taking off from regular intervals.
‘You’ she muttered looking him up and down,
Then it was Vernon’s turn, ‘Boy what are you doing here?’
‘I’m here for work, I’m tracking someone’
‘Dudley laughed ‘Work – you’
‘I’m an Auror’ he rolled his eyes ‘It’s the police for the Wizarding community, I have to do something to look after our world and my family’
‘I’m married with kids – I did send you the birth announcement and the wedding invite but maybe you misplaced them’ he smirked,
‘No I saw dad throwing them in the fireplace’ he earned himself a kick from his father, but Petunia looked at him as if she’d had no idea about the letters.
Harry watched her ‘I’ve got two little girls in case you’re interested’
She spoke before Vernon could ‘How old?’
‘Few months, born the end of August’
She gulped ‘and your wife?’
‘You’ve met her father and brothers before – her name was Ginny Weasley’
‘One of those red heads?’ Vernon smirked,
‘So like you father, a fool for the red hair and a nice smile’ she clasped her hand over her mouth,
‘What – what do you mean?’
‘We’re going to be late’ she said sharply and walked off the men following with the luggage,
‘Petunia what do you mean?!’ he shouted,
She stopped and came to meet him alone in the crowd,
‘Aunt Petunia to you Harry’
‘She was my sister after all Harry’
‘Yes but -’
‘I knew your father until I married Vernon’
‘You did?’
‘I was quite a good sister to her, sister in law to him; we would speak often until I was shown how to think differently of your kind’
‘He made you hate her’
‘I chose that my self, she made it easy with her perfect little life’
‘It wasn’t so perfect she was murdered!’ he shouted and walked away. He went out side for fresh air, his head was spinning, then it was his stomach, it had been weeks, and it wasn’t gone and now it was on fire. He collapsed on hands and knees in the crowed drop off zone.
‘Sir – sir are you ok?’
He heaved and pulled out his wand, there was no other choice, he had to expose himself, he might get fired but this was his life, his and Ginny’s life together, it couldn’t end so soon.
He gathered up all the energy he hand left to apparate to the floor of Mungo’s and blacked out when he landed.

‘He’s my husband you can’t keep me out here, you’ve told me he’s unconscious and that’s it!’
Bill started, ‘Gin calm down’
‘Don’t tell me to calm down; I want to know what’s going on!’
A baby started to cry and she went to the pram, Molly got there first,
‘Give her to me’
‘Maybe I should take them to the Burrow, and then you don’t have to worry about them too’
‘Give her to me now’
She frowned and handed her over,
‘There now’ she eased off crying ‘Good girl’ she kissed her forehead ‘Daddy’s going to be ok’ she cradled her ‘They’re staying with me’
‘You don’t think they’d be better off away from all this’
‘I want them with me, they’re not staying out of my reach until I know he’s ok, whoever’s done this to him will be after them and me next so we’re all going to stay together’
‘Gin’ Soph apparated, ‘Is he ok?’
‘Don’t know, they won’t tell me’
‘I’ll go and see Cara, see if she knows anything’
‘Thanks – I’ve been so mad I completely forgot she’s here’
‘It’s ok’ she kissed her sister in laws cheek ‘He’ll be ok – he’s Harry, we know he’ll be ok’
Ginny nodded and sat down with the smiling Faith giving her a teddy from the pram.
‘See Aunty Soph says Daddy’s going to be ok too’
‘Where was he before he got here Gin?’
‘Looking for Hermione, she left after Ron dumped her for Pavarti’
‘I did not’ he started walking down the corridor with his new girlfriend, ‘I didn’t start seeing Pavarti until after’
‘I didn’t, Hermione leaving is cause she wanted to run away for a bit, to see if anyone noticed she was gone, she’ll be back’
‘Harry didn’t seem to think so and he went after her and now he’s in there unconscious and barely alive!’
‘Don’t get angry with me, I didn’t tell him to go after her, he did that by himself, you know he likes her more then he lets on or he wouldn’t have gone, don’t you see it little sister – if you hadn’t gotten knocked up he would have gone after her instead’
She handed Faith to Molly, Bill tried to stop her, and Charlie tried to calm her down standing in front of Ron as she took out her wand.
‘Get out of the way so I can kill him’
She raised it higher, ‘NOW!’
‘No, just calm down, we’ll get rid of him for you’ Bill attempted to take his brothers arm but Ron pulled away,
‘She needed to hear it’
‘Not now she flaming well didn’t’
‘Is that what you all think?’ she stepped back taking in the faces of her three brothers and her parents ‘Tell me is that what you all believe?’
‘No Ginerva’ Arthur lowered her wand wielding arm with a hand ‘He’s just angry’
‘Gin’ Cara said rushing towards them ‘Gin – it’s the bruise, the one Malfoy left, he’s invoked the curse on it’
‘Why couldn’t they tell me that?’
‘You didn’t hear it from me ok’ she hugged her tightly ‘There keeping people away because there trying to establish what it does, they can’t do the tests while he’s surrounded by you guys’
‘Why couldn’t they just tell me?’
‘There not supposed to until it’s completely clear what it is, all bureaucratic nonsense’
‘Merlin – do they know anything about it?’
‘No – he can’t exactly tell them can he’
‘I can’ Soph said,
‘You never asked him about it erm but I did, I was curious about curses and he told me what happened that time’
‘You know what colour the light was?’
‘Does he remember the incantation?’
‘No – he only remember that it began with T’
‘Anything else’
‘Erm he thought it could only be used with violence that would leave a lasting mark – like if he was stabbed or bruised not just poked with a wand or something’
‘Makes sense’
‘He’s also in a lot of pain with it when he’s angry, only he doesn’t tell Ginny because he doesn’t want her to worry about it’
‘So he tells you, I’m the only one left out of the loop for everything in this marriage when it’s only supposed to be him and me not her and you and my family and all the other random strays he’s picked up along the way! Why don’t I know these things, why won’t he tell me what’s important?’
‘Ginny he just didn’t want you to worry’
‘I’m supposed to worry I’m his wife, I’m meant to worry about him when there’s something wrong with him – I’m the one that’s supposed to know what’s the matter with him because he’s confided in me and not some stranger he’s decided to call sister!’
‘I know you only said that because you’re upset and angry’
‘Ginny’ Molly said, but noted her lack of interest as she continued on her tirade,
‘GINNY!’ Charlie said angrily ‘I don’t care if it was you in that hospital bed, your not allowed to get away with abusing people just because your suffering from a lot of paranoia’
‘I’m not apologising’
‘Let’s go Soph’
‘He’s my brother’ she said calmly, ‘Ginny is allowed to get mad at me, its fine, its Harry that I’m worried about, not some things she’s saying in the heat of the moment because she’s worried for him too, more worried then I am and she’s supposed to be, she’s his wife and she loves him’ she reached for Ginny’s hand and she let her take it, ‘I understand why she’s upset, I’ve kept something from her and so has Harry, she has every right to be so’ she pulled Ginny into a hug and she gave in to it willingly,
‘I’m sorry’
‘Ginny really, it’s fine’
‘No it’s not’
‘I promise you it is, forget about it, I have already’
‘But I was so mean’
‘Gin, right now you’re allowed to be’

‘Mrs Potter’
‘Yes’ she let go and looked around for the source of the voice urgently,
The little man shuffled towards her weeping slightly,
‘Mrs Potter – we regret to inform you that Harry Potter has just passed away’
‘What?’ she said looking at him ‘Say that again please’
‘Mrs Potter’
‘Harry’s dead mam’
‘No – that’s impossible – you’re lying to me!’
‘I’m so very sorry’
She held onto Sophie ‘If anything happens to me I want you and Charlie to have the girls’
‘Ginny’ she was crying into her arms just as much, ‘nothing will’
‘If it does’
‘We promise to’,
She let go ‘I want to see him – alone’ she added when her mother stepped forward,
‘I’ll take you in’
RIP JD Salinger
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