Join Date: Jun 2008 Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
| xxx sorry its been so long xxx Chapter Forty Eight ‘When will you be ready then Hermione, I love you it’s just – you’re going to take this the wrong way no matter how I put it but I want you properly, like Harry and Ginny, like Sophie and Charlie, Bill and Fleur and even Luna and Dean’
‘Luna and Dean…’
‘They’re together – didn’t you see them at Harry and Gin’s wedding?’
‘No, I didn’t’
‘And you’re avoiding it again’
‘Don’t be so angry with me about it’ she mumbled hands at his chest ‘I want it to be perfect, special’
‘Then tell me what you want’
‘It has to feel right’
‘Maybe it won’t ever be for me and you, maybe you won’t ever be happy enough with me’
‘I am happy with you’
‘Well maybe I’m just not happy with you’ he muttered and went to the fireplace,
He threw in the powder,
‘Bye Hermione – the burrow’
She sat on the couch and but didn’t cry, she looked into the flames and didn’t seem to feel anything. He’s left her, he’d walked out on her and she was – she was ok about it. She looked at it logically; if he wouldn’t wait for her then he obviously wasn’t right for her, and him going, him making the choice to leave proved that. If he was willing to just walk away after so long then maybe they weren’t right.
Ron stepped out of the fireplace,
‘Ronald! Oh my baby it’s so good to see you’ she embraced him in a bone crushing hug,
‘Mum it’s only been a few days’
‘But it feels like so much longer’
‘Mum can I – can I move back home?’
‘Of course you can sweetheart, is Hermione coming too?’
‘Now what’s happened?’
‘I – I think I just broke up with her’
‘You did what – you silly boy – why on earth would you do that!’
‘I don’t – I can’t see us working, she’s so – I love her but – its not right for us to be together when she doesn’t trust me’
‘Alright’ she got up and went to the fridge ‘Now you just sit here and tell me all about it and I’ll make you something to eat – bacon sandwiches ok?’
‘My favourite’ he mumbled,
‘And some treacle tart – I made it this morning’
‘I think I might go for a fly instead’ he got up,
‘Ah no you don’t – sit down have something to eat and then you can go, you’re much to thin, and you’ll just get blown right off that broom without something in your stomach’
‘No Ronald, you sit down’ she pointed her wand frowning at him,
‘Alright’ he smiled half-heartedly and munched on a sandwich.
She made to send a patronus to Ginny and then thought better of it, she thought about one to Harry but then where ever he was she would be and she wouldn’t like the fact she was sending him messages. She was alone in the house and went to the bank instead; she sorted out her money arranged the selling of her half of the house to the bank, went back to Grimmald place and packed up everything into boxes before sending them to her old room at her parent’s house. She packed a suitcase, apparated to the ministry and resigned her post. She apparated to the airport and looked down the list before buying a single one way ticket to India.
‘You know when we get back we’ll need a home’
‘Hmm’ she snuggled in his arms ‘but we can think about it then – it’s a long, long time’
‘You don’t want to go back to the Burrow as a married couple Soph and there probably won’t be anywhere else – Bill and Fleur will be surrounded by kids here by the time we come back, Harry and Gin will probably be a crazy baby making machine, Ron and Hermione – well I’m guessing they’ll be together in there tiny flat, Fred and George are – well there just not an option, and Percy lives so far away in a house that’s basically built of books and probably won’t enjoy the company’
‘We could stay at the Leaky Cauldron until we find somewhere’
‘Or we could buy Grimmald place from Hermione’
‘It’s the Blacks house’
‘You’re a Black, I’m going to be a Black – it’s a family home, it’s your family home like the Burrow is to the Weasley’s’
‘Without the crazy overbearing mother, home cooked meals and comfy furniture along with decent decoration and comes complete with a demented House elf and a screeching portrait of Granny Black on the wall that can’t ever be removed’
‘Mum and Dad have a ghoul in the attic’
‘They do – right’
‘It was just an idea’
‘How will we afford it?’
‘I’ve got some money put by apart from what I’ll have to go travelling with you – it seems Fred and George were a solid investment, I could sell them my part of the business’
‘You invested in them’
‘As did Hermione they couldn’t start it up on there own – they own half thanks to money Harry donated to them, and me and Hermione have a quarter each’
‘If I sell it would be more then enough to buy the house for us, and while we travel I could do some freelance Dragon work if need be to get by’
‘You’re sure?’
He chuckled, ‘The Burrow, The leaky Cauldron or Grimmald place babe?’
‘Let’s talk to Hermione’
He looked down her ‘Now?’
‘No in the morning, let me sleep on it’
‘Hermione, Ron?’ she called ‘It’s Soph’ she wandered up and then saw the empty room before Charlie called her downstairs.
‘Ron – where is Hermione?’ he was in the living room
‘I don’t know’ he was packing boxes,
‘Where are you going?’
‘You’re going back to the Burrow?’ Charlie asked ‘What about the house?’
‘It’s Hermione’s half, she’s done what ever with it before she went where ever she’s gone’
‘You broke up with her then’ Sophie asked ‘or you would at least be a little worried for her wellbeing if it was another way round’
‘I don’t like you, you don’t know me; don’t make any judgements about me and her because you made a lucky guess that I had dumped her and not the other way round’
‘Don’t talk to her like that’
‘Why not – it’s not like she’s blood’
Charlie grabbed his collar and pushed him against the wall, ‘She’s going to be my wife, you don’t talk to her like that or you deal with me’
‘I’m so scared big brother’ he muttered ‘Are you going to set your crazy ex wife on me?’
‘No but I could just tell Harry what’s going on and I’m sure he’ll be angry about his best friend being rude to his sister – I wonder who he’ll choose to defend?’
‘I’ve known him seven years, she’s known him five minutes, she’s not his sister, she’s just someone he’s picked up to be a hero for’
‘You really are a horrible creature Ronald’ Sophia said walking out wiping her eyes, Charlie let him go
‘This is still half her house, hurry up and get out’ he left the room and went out to her in the hall way,
‘Are you ok?’
‘Your family really don’t like me do they?’
‘Ron is like my mother, everyone that matters loves you’
‘What do you mean?’
‘I love you and that’s the most important thing, it doesn’t matter about those two’
‘But your mother – she raised you; she’s the head of your family, without her approval – without her blessing how can you feel that this is right?’
‘Because I know it’s right, in here’ he touched his heart ‘It feels right that I want to be with you all the time, that I want to protect you, that I want to marry you – you don’t think just because your mother doesn’t approve of me you’d think of calling off the wedding, of changing your mind, do you?’
‘I – I don’t know, I mean maybe it would be better to wait until they’re more comfortable about the idea’
‘I really hate Ron right now you know’
‘Don’t – look it’s not his fault I’m thinking this’
‘But he’s helping you to decide’
‘We’ve set a date, I’m going to marry you then no matter what happens, I just think I’ve changed my mind about not having my mum there or your mum’
‘They’d come just to see we went through with it, they may threaten not to come but they’d want to witness what they believe we’d never go through with’
‘God’ she mumbled and let him envelop her in a hug. ‘Just marry me and take me far, far away will you please’
‘It’s a deal’ he kissed her forehead.
__________________ RIP JD Salinger |