Thread: Harry Potter: Silver Dawn - Sa13+
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Old 03-25-2011, 04:09 PM   #75 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Default I am so evil
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Nineteen

It was the second to last day at school year, the past few months had passed quicker for some and slower for others, for Calypso they were some of the worst months of her whole entire life, she kept running off every full moon to enter the Forbidden Forest, since she had taken the wolfsbane potion (since their potions teacher was kind enough to make it for her) she could remember everything that happened, and was able to keep a level head. Often she spent the time lying next to unicorns and bored out of her mind, but she didn't dare set foot in the castle, just incase.

“Hey Calypso.” A young girl, maybe eleven, sat down next the the girl who was doing her simmer homework by the lake, all alone.

The addressed looked up surprised, the girl was definitely a first year, and a Slytherin. Which Calypso found strange, the only Slytherin who didn't hate her was Jacob. “Um, do I know you?”

“Probably not, but I know you.” Calypso just stared at the girl. “My name is Bella, Bella Maddox.” She thrust her hand out towards the elder girl, who stared at it for a good minute before taking it and shaking it. “It's a pleasure to finally meet you in real life.”

“Real, what?” Calypso continued to gaze at the girl confused.

“I've had dreams, and your in them, your going to stop Lucius Malfoy.” Bella Maddox stated bluntly.

“He's in Azkaban, my parents already stopped him.” Calypso's jaw tightened at the horrendously familiar name.

“He's going to escape, I can feel it.” Bella continued blandly, almost as if Calypso hadn't even said anything. “And your going to stop him, someday.”

“Bella, that's your name right?” Calypso waited for the girl to nod before she said anymore. “Lucius Malfoy will not escape Azkaban, he will stay there until he rots. And I have no need to stop him.”

“On the third month of the future year, he will escape not wanting for it to continue, he will try and stop the life growing, he will wish to unleash the beast. You may have to shed a tear, for he may succeed but not kill you, he will be going, but do not forget the least.” Bella chanted and Calypso's jaw dropped. “Ugh, I'm tired.” She shook herself slightly. “Anyway, keep that in mind.” Standing up the Slytherin walked away leaving Calypso standing there, incredibly stunned.

After a few minutes she packed up her bag and went to join the majority of the school for lunch, which she was trying to avoid, she saw Jacob and sat down next to him. “Do you know anything about a Slytherin first year named Bella Maddox?” She asked quickly.

“Huh, yea, she's crazy in my opinion. Why, was she bad mouthing someone?” Jacob looked up from his plate where he was carefully dissecting his salad.

“Yea, Lucius, well kind of.” Calypso rolled her eyes at her bizarre friend. “Anyway, that's not the point, I think she just made a prophecy about me and Lucius, and it made no freaking sense!”

“I knew that girl was insane!” Jacob cried triumphantly, drawing Simon's attention.

“Who is he talking about, his girlfriend?” The Gryffindor asked, raising his eyebrows.

“Nope, Bella Maddox.” Jacob said, not explaining anything.

“Wait, that girl that is kind of strange and reminds me a bit of Luna Lovegood mixed with Bellatrix Lestrange, bad combination if you ask me, and maybe even a little bit of Trelawney tossed in there.” Simon muttered, and the other two stared at him.

“Interesting combination, extremely interesting, I don't want to know what goes on in your head Simon.” Calypso sighed, resigning herself to the belief that all of her friends were completely bonkers. “But yea, I was sitting outside by the lake, Bella came and sat down next to me and started talking.” Calypso paused for a little bit. “And then she was all like 'On the third month of the future year, he will escape not wanting for it to continue, he will try and stop the life growing, he will wish to unleash the beast. You may have to shed a tear, for he may succeed but not kill you, he will be going, but do not forget the least.' Isn't that weird?”

“Huh?” Jacob was staring at her through his plastic spoon (which he had pulled out of his pocket when she began to recite to supposed prophecy). “At least you know you won't die, and what life growing, and what beast, and what tear and what least?” He put the spoon down and had a face of pure confusion on his face, it was so amusing that Simon had to burst into laughter, despite the seriousness of the whole issue. Calypso couldn't help herself and she joined in, and then Jacob did. It took a little bit for them to calm down and stop laughing and when it did, Jacob was confused again. “Why were we laughing?”

“We were laughing at your face Jacob, it was hysterical.” Calypso sniggered, and then signalled to Michael to come over when she noticed him enter the Great Hall. “Hey Mickey, what's up, how are you doing?” She smiled widely at him as he sat next to her.

“Not much, I was looking for you.” He smiled back at her.

“Oh, what for?” Calypso cocked her head to the side slightly, as she often did when she was curious, though she managed to resist from crossing her arms and having an expression of displeasure, just to kid around with Michael.

“I wanted to say happy birthday silly.” Michael was now smirking instead of smiling.

In response to his words, Calypso fell off the bench and onto the floor, and right after this happened she heard the shouts of happy birthday from Valentine, Gabrielle, Zoe, Simon and Jacob all together.

“Ugh, what did I ever do to deserve this cruel and unusual punishment?” Calypso sighed dramatically and found herself pulled back up by Gabrielle before she was quickly pulled into a bone crushing hug.

“Mon petite loup-garou, you look magnifique today mon amour.” Gabrielle said in a perfect French accent as she finally let go of Calypso. Simon blinked and stared at the part veela in confusion. “I said, my small werewolf, you look magnificent today my love.”

“Will you please not speak French, I don't understand it.” Simon glowered at Gabrielle who just laughed her soft, beautiful, silvery laugh.

“Oh be quiet, it's nice of her to say that, thanks Gabrielle you look magnifique as well.” Calypso poked Simon and gave Gabrielle another hug.

“Come on, let's go pack together, I'm so excited, besides classes are over.” Zoe said clapping excitedly. “Come on, Caaaaallie, Valllieee, Gabbyyyy!”

“Yea, that will be so much fun.” Valentine clapped joyfully and jumped up, even though she had just sat down.

***The next day, at platform 9 3/4

“I'm going to miss you so much Michael.” Calypso mumbled as she hugged Michael tightly, not wanting to ever let go.

“I'm going to miss you just as much Calypso.” Michael murmured back, he pulled back slightly and then kissed Calypso.

Next thing they knew, they were shoved apart and a furious looking witch was standing there. “Stupefy!” With a flick of her wand, Michael crumpled to the ground, and then the girl turned to face Calypso. “So, werewolf, are you ready, your going to get what you deserve for destroying Michael's and mines perfect relationship...”

Floating, in the distance.
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