●○11. History of Magic○● { new beginnings } mini challenge
Godric walked up the spiral staircase and knocked on the Headmaster’s door.
“Godric, won’t you please reconsider?”
“I am sorry, Headmaster,” Godric smiled handing him the Sorting Hat. “I know the school will be in capable hands.” His fiery eyes looked out to the Black Lake which he would soon be calling his new home. Godric Gryffindor, the man, may have left the school grounds, but he would still come to the surface every once and again.
“It’s not our history anymore,” he grinned turning his gaze away now. “It is your turn to create a new history of magic.”
author's note: We now find ourselves at the end of the Four Founder's drabbles. And what a journey it was! I have had several people ask me to turn this into a fan fiction, which I think I will do once I move a little further along with my other fics.
So, until then...