thanks for the comment!... although I'm not a mum... not for a couple of years anyway. 
Hehe and indeed Xavier does like watching Ellie and Florence...
Next Post!
Sorry it's been a while since I last posted, havn't had much time to write recently, but hopefully that will change.
After a while Florence became irritable and impatient, Naomi took her from Ellouise’s arms and gave her a feed before heading upstairs to put her to bed for her nap. Florence wasn’t the only one that was getting hungry though. Ellouise went to the pantry in search of something to snack on whilst Kreacher finished making lunch. She returned to the table with a shiny green apple.
“So what were you and Snape doing?” asked Xavier as he made his way around the long table to sit beside her.
Ellouise swallowed her mouthful off apple. For some reason this question seemed to pique the interests of Sirius, James and Lily as well.
“Um... he was teaching me Occlumency”, she said, taking another bite of her apple.
Sirius and James exchanged dark looks.
“You let that slimy git get in your mind?!” said James in something that bordered anger and disbelief.
“Well, I couldn’t help it at first could I,” retorted Ellouise, “And he’s not a slimy git”, she added.
Lily smiled at her, “Don’t worry about James, you’re in good hands,” she said nudging her husband in the ribs.
“At first? So you’re getting better?” asked Sirius, his eye brows raised with respect and curiosity.
“Yes, well... sort of. The first time I accidently lost control and I broke his concentration with a Stinging Hex,” she paused, Sirius and James exchanged another look, this time they were both grinning broadly, they seemed to approve. “Continue”, said James, eager to hear more.
Ellouise wasn’t sure what was going on, but she was beginning to get the impression that they didn’t like Professor Snape, shame, even though he was strange and cold he was still a helpful and talented wizard.
“Then the second time I managed to stop him from seeing too much, I just used my mind to block him out.” She was pretty proud of this accomplishment, it was a good indication that she was learning.
“Aaawww no Hex or Curse?” asked James in a small voice, Sirius laughed. Lily nudged him in the ribs again, only, this time it was a bit harder. “Ouch!” exclaimed James.
“I’m proud of you”, said Xavier in her ear. Ellouise turned to face him, his deep grey eyes penetrated hers with an intense stare. She smiled in reply.
“So what’s the fascination with Occlumency?” asked Lily, this question caught her slightly off guard.
Why was she learning it? Was one question she didn’t particularly want to answer. She knew that the main reason which motivated her to learn the art of Occlumency, was to get her parents back. She was sure the skill would play a key part in her plan and would determine whether or not she would succeed. Not that she had a plan yet... but she was working on it.
Noticing that all eyes were on her Ellouise opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out. She tried again, “Um... well... I just”, she took a deep breath, “...thought it would be a good skill to have.” She said. Nobody seemed particularly at ease with her answer, but left it at that.