■■ 36. Reducto
{ all kinds of hearts } mini challenge
Dear Diary,
It’s now been, well, I have begun to lose count now as to how many days we have been out here. I feel like I need to record the events that took place at Godric’s Hollow not but a few days ago, but my heart is just not in it right now. I suppose a summary will have to suffice. We went, I told Harry not to follow a woman who appeared out of nowhere, he didn’t listen, almost got swallowed by Voldemort’s snake, I used the Blasting Curse to allow us to escape, and ended up breaking Harry’s wand.
I believe that now has us up to date on events.
There is still no news from Ron. He might just as well have used Reducto on my heart seeing as it is still in pieces since he left. Harry tries to make me feel better, but the feeling of abandonment is just too strong.
If only he would have taken off that ruddy locket…
I still look to the horizon every day hoping to see him come back.
Still, if he did come back, he better prepare himself because I am going to beat him senseless.