■■ 49. Wingardium Leviosa
Hermione brushed back a lock of frizzy hair from her face as she dipped her quill in her inkwell. A crumbled piece of parchment rolled across the desk and stopped on the very spot she was about to continue her essay on. Looking up, she saw that it was Ron who had thrown it and she rolled her eyes before tossing the parchment into a rubbish bin.
She set back to writing her essay when another piece of parchment rolled across her parchment. Looking up again, she saw that Ron was watching her as she picked up the parchment. He even whimpered a bit as she threw it in the rubbish bin. If he bothered him so much, he should really just throw it away himself.
For the third time, Hermione tried to return to her essay when yet another rolled up piece of parchment appeared in front of her. “For Merlin’s sake, Ron,” she groaned picking up the paper and throwing it back at him. “Throw your own parchment away.”
Frowning, Ron unrolled the paper to see the note he had written to Hermione on it. “You’ve Wingardium Leviosa-ed my heart.” He was rubbish when it came to girls.