SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Text Cut: Evelyn, K-Lee and Emily Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn Her gaze lingered on the professor as he disillusioned himself. Well tried to anyway. Now it was on the box of chocolates which should be thrown into the fire. MEH! "So you're saying...wizards and witches like to mess around with the muggles?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordanyes "Wizards and witches freak out muggles on purpose, to which they think it is a ghost or something?" K-Lee suggested. She was unsure exactly. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Emily smiled as the handsome Professor became invisible and then started shifting boxes around. It did look a bit strange and she could understand why muggles would freak out so much. "Professor are you suggesting that some witches and wizards like to mess around with the muggles and make them believe that something paranormal is happening, try to scare them off or something?" "Only the mean or mischievous," Jared said. Not magical folk in general, thank God for that.
Point each. Quote:
Originally Posted by Miss Lissy Lou "I think that means that some wizards like to be mean to the muggles and scare them. Cause why would someone go invisible and move something around in front of a muggle if they didn't want to scare them?" he answered. "Some do like to be mean," Jared agreed. "Even so, scaring muggles on purpose isn't something the average witch or wizard is likely to do." He paused for a moment, before answering the Hufflepuff's question. "There could be a lot of reasons, some of them quite justified."
He could think of at least a couple that might be potentially life-saving, even now as he awarded Hufflepuff a point. Quote:
Originally Posted by SnitCHchASER "Are you suggesting that witches and wizards are being creepazoids?" Really, any wizarding person who's sneaking around invisible where he has no business just to fool around with someone is just plain creepazoid-ish. "what the muggles presume is 'paranormal' is generally just because of something we do on purpose, or something stupid we flub up with. That stuff is what the ministry is trying to prevent, right?" "No," Jared smiled faintly, as Hufflepuff received another point. "I'm definitely not suggesting that." Especially because creepazoid sounded like the name of some kind of lizard. He nodded as the boy continued to speak, however. "Some things that are presumed 'paranormal' can be something that a witch or wizard did, on purpose or out of necessity." "It's up to the Ministry to look into that, yes." His tones had a tad of the 'Let's not go into that' touch to them - as far as Jared was concerned, abolishing the Statue had more cons than pros. Quote:
Originally Posted by Lockhartian "What? Playing with people's minds?" Treyen was on the right track. "Unintentionally playing with people's mind," Jared said. "Take a point for Hufflepuff." Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu The third year pursed her lips together. "No, well, I kind of know what it means. I just can't explain it. It's like the sky...you know that it's the thing up there that goes blue in the daytime and black at night, but you don't really know what it is."
Ellie easily became distracted when Little Professor went invisible and was insanely jealous. Ellie wanted to go invisible tooo!
Blink. "But they weren't moving on their own. You moved them. I saw you...ish." Because she saw him go invisible, then the chocolates moved, so she kinda saw him move them, yeah? Oh? "So what does that phrase kind of mean?"
Do tell us.
Jared resisted the urge to grin, at her remark. "No, you didn't... ish," he said. Him moving the chocolates? "Of course I moved them. But that's not what a muggle would have thought." See, Little Human? Quote:
Originally Posted by ArianaBlack Nika watched as her professor became invisible. If she hadn't seen him earlier she might have shouted 'ghost!' like muggles would. Being a muggle born she didn't know any better."That sometimes people are to ignorant to find the real cause of things?" Nika tried answering. "That's a very good point, Nika," Jared said. "Often, things that can be explained if people make the effort, are left otherwise because they don't. Take two points for your house." Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty "Well, do you mean that you could use the disillusionment charm and - say move something as a way to scare off muggles from finding out the truth that magic and the wizarding world was actually real." Kyle asked. Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Emily continued thinking along this line for a few seconds, then added, "Or, did it to scare them away from frinding out about our secrets? about our world?" she asked. "There are far more effective spells and methods to ensure muggles don't stumble on that," Jared smiled.
Still. Two points for Ravenclaw. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "N-N-N-No mean ghosts?" she repeated in a soft whimper. Well, that was a relief. She wouldn't mind seeing Sir Nicholas again. They had had a rather pleasant conversation at the Opening Feast. Jared nodded, glad to see that Kurumi had begun to calm down. He hadn't thought the lesson might scare some of the students but, now that he considered it, it seemed natural that the setting, outside the Forbidden Forest at night and shadows playing everywhere, had. Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict "Sir, are you saying that even though we know that you are not going to harm us we still could be afraid? People's minds are a terrible thing. Fear is just a symptom of lack of control. When someone cannot control their lives or what they are going through they react in a way that is manipulated by fear. Although most of the time it is not cause for alarm the human mind does not like to be out of control.
That is similar to the Muggles creation of ghosts and their negative perspective on them. They are not in control of the Magical World so they create it to be this terrible place that is hateful. Hence all of the negative publicity about ghosts and witches and such. They are not afraid of us, but more that they cannot control us." "That's a unique line of thought, Selina." Jared turned an interested pair of green eyes on the young Gryffindor. "Lack of control can lead to fear, but it is less the fear of certain elements, and more the fear of not being able to control those elements. Take two points for your house." Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty "Are muggles afraid of the things that they cannot see - for example would they think you disappearing was an illusion and try and rationalize it. Even though it is pure magic." She exclaimed - but what exactly was magic - she thought for a moment. Magic was beautiful, perfect, serendipitous, deadly, fun...the list went on and on. "That's not just muggles though, is it?" Jared asked. "The unknown can scare us, too. It's true that we are less likely to try to 'rationalize' things, but that isn't necessarily a plus point." Text Cut: Viola! Quote:
Originally Posted by Destiny "Ugh..you're saying that things are not always what they seem to be?" Quote:
Originally Posted by dragon_star Nevermind about that. Savannah's thinking about the answer to Professor-What-So-Ever's question. Uhhh....Savannah's mind went blank. *POOF*
The light flickered back in as she choked back a laugh. Silly muggles! "Sometimes the muggles claim they see ghosts, but it's actually us-wizards and witches in invisibility cloaks or Disillusionment Charm!" She said in one breath. Quote:
Originally Posted by BluePhyre Raising her hand again, she answered with more resonance, "People are prone to making assumptions, whether they are muggle or not... If we see something we cannot explain, we try to give reason to it anyway. A muggle would see nothing and say it was a ghost, while it might be the effect of a charm, a hidden magical being, or even a magical creature, since some of them are not visible to muggles. Sometimes it can even be the wind, as silly as it sounds, or invisible strings that muggle magicians use to fool people. Something does not have to be visible to exist, so there are infinite ways to explain a simple illusion such as this." Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. "I think what you are getting at is the possibility that the ghost Muggles refer to, are either careless wizards or witches that have allowed themselves to have their there actions seen by muggles whilst disillusioned, or on the flipside Wizards doing it deliberately" Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "Perhaps, Professor, non-magical people saw a witch or wizard performing some sort of magic, perhaps even the magic you did just now, and they came to the conclusion that that person must be a ghost. We have talked about how non-magical people deny the existence of magic, but they are willing to accept that idea of ghosts." She sniffled a little and thought about the story she had told. "Also, ghosts seemed to serve the purpose of explaining something or putting a label on who did it when there is no obvious answer." Perfect. "That's it, exactly," Jared said. "Take two points each. There are things that muggles label as 'paranormal' or the actions of spirits, that are actually us. It could be us under Disillusionment Charms or Invisibility Cloaks, us having to perform magic in front of a muggle for some reason, us being accidentally seen practising magic or - regrettably, even though most witches and wizards have more sense than to do this - us attempting to scare muggles." "But it isn't just muggles. Like Destiny just said, things aren't always what they seem, and it's important that we remember that, too." He stuck another marshmallow on a stick. "We'll come back to this topic in a moment as it's central to today's class but, before that, there's a charm all of you need to learn. It's a magnification charm, and it magnifies the effect of both light and shadow. Like this." He cast the charm at the fire, and the light seemed to spread out in all directions, glowing brighter, its range expanding. Returning the fire to its normal state, Jared cast it on a shadow that lurked between the trees. The shadow seemed to grow, dimming the light of the fire. "The incantation is luxra magnifica. Luz-ra mag-ni-fi-ka," he repeated, more slowly. "The wand movement is a circle and an X. So." Using his wand, Jared traced a circle in the air, then brought it down twice to make a quick X in the air. "Give it a try." Little lanterns, all lit, appeared in front of each student so that they could practice the charm. "You'll need the magnified light, when we go into the Forest." OOC: The lanterns are charmed. They cannot burn anyone/ anything. Just saying. 
Last edited by Maxilocks; 03-16-2011 at 06:21 AM.
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