Thread: Harry Potter: The Way the Wind Blows - Sa13+
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Old 03-15-2011, 06:00 PM   #95 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Enya Mayberry
Fourth Year
Workaholic || HOGwart | iloveyou. || SnowQueenEviee.

I'm am SO SORRY! for not posting a chapter till now. I've been really busy so took me about a week to write the parts i wanted and then to get them checked. But it's done (: And on the same day i nailed my assessment day at college!

Thank You Maura.

This is suppose to be a three part chapter but the last chapter i'm going to save for a later time. Enjoy.

The stone wall felt cold against my hand as I leaned across it, peeking around the corner slightly to watch the couple that stood there. He held her in his arms while she had her arms wrapped around his neck. They were in a passionate embrace totally oblivious to someone watching them. I felt anger boil up from my stomach. She was totally stealing my man! He was mine and that...girl was stealing him. My hands curled up into fists as I continued to watch and just as I had the mind to storm in and make a scene I heard someone say my name behind me.

"Lavender?" I whipped around to find Neville behind me, nervous. I sighed.

"What do you want, Neville?" I asked him, peeking back over my shoulder at the kissing couple. I didn't notice Neville look as well.

"You should leave them alone, you know," He responded. Oh, sure, trust him to be the responsible one.

"What do you really want?" I asked, getting a bit annoyed. He looked more nervous than before.

"They love each other you know, maybe you should leave them be," he continued looking down at his hands. I knew now why he had come to me, and frankly I didn’t want to hear it.

"Just leave me alone" I turned away from him to find that Ron and Hermione had left while I had been talking to Neville. I turned my frustration towards him

"Why couldn’t you have left me alone?" I demanded, "I will get what's mine sooner or later and I don't care what anybody says!" I cried before pushing past him and running down the hall. I whipped tears from my eyes as I ran, not really caring who saw me, as the halls were more packed these days due to the coming cold weather. I knew I pushed past a few people and heard yells as I ran. Some were full of concern, some anger.

Within minutes I was outside in the cold weather, I pulled my not so warm jumper towards me as I ran a good distance away from the castle. I threw myself down to the ground and burst into more tears. I really don't know how long I was on the cold grass before I felt someone sit next to me. I peeked though my fingers and wiped my eyes to find Ron sitting next to me.

"Neville told me he saw you," He said after I had sat up fully, my face quickly re-buried In my hands. He continued, "You need to stop this, Lavender. I love Hermione and that's that." I let my hands drop to look at him.

"But what about us?" I said.

"There is no us, and there never will be!" I heard him say. Tears started falling from my eyes again. "You need to understand that." He added last before standing.

"You'll regret it...choosing her over me," I threatened.

"No I won’t, she's the most beautiful women I’ve ever met," he said, standing up and walking swiftly away. A thought came to my mind as he went: It must have hurt him a lot to say what he said, because he had never been an emotional person. Maybe he was changing, I thought.

I wiped the rest of my tears away before standing up, brushing any grass from my clothes. I wouldn't stop loving him, I knew, but I also knew he was right: I needed to stop loving him. Find someone else. With a sigh I began to walk back to the castle.

I felt Ron sit down next to me at the breakfast table, Ginny sat on the other side of me while Hermione sat opposite with Neville. It felt like the old gang, plus extras were all together again. I smiled to myself at the thought, but Hermione broke my thoughts.

"What’s the matter with you Ronald?" I looked at my best friend; I had to admit he seemed annoyed. The famous red ears were showing.

"Nothing." He mumbled, pulling a plate of food towards him to stuff into his mouth. I left it at that: I didn't need to know any more. Let’s say it's a guy thing. Hermione, however, didn't; I groaned as she carried on and looked at Ginny. She smiled at me. She too knew where this would end.

"There's most certainly something wrong with you Ronald....and you would mind not stuffing your face?" Hermione asked, clearly annoyed. Ron threw his cutlery down on his plate and looked up at Hermione, swallowing the rest of his food.

"I told you I was fine," I heard him say as he glared at his girlfriend. Oh dear this was going bad. I tried to break in…maybe keep a little peace…?

"Guys, maybe now's not the right time?" I asked politely.

"Stay out of this, Harry!" they both said in unison. I sighed and went back to my food.

"Well, you don't look fine. I only wanted to know what's wrong," Hermione shot at him.

"Why can't you ever believe my answer? You’ll always question me!" Ron also cried, as their voices began to get louder.

"Well maybe if you didn't lie to me all the time, then I wouldn’t need to question you!" People were beginning to turn and stare, though most of them were already used to the couple’s arguments. It was always fun to watch.

"Lie to you? Whenever have I lied to you?" Ron demanded. Hermione put her knife and fork down onto her plate as she answered.

"All the time! I can never trust you, Ron!" she yelled at him. I looked up at her surprised - I had so far been trying to ignore the latest argument -she had never said anything like this before. I looked at Ginny and Neville in turn - they too were shocked and looking at Hermione. Lastly I looked at Ron. His face was bright red, though his ears were redder. He was glaring at Hermione.

"Fine!" He cried after a moment throwing his arms in the air, "We're through," He added more quietly, pushing away from the table and storming out of the Great Hall. Everyone stayed quiet; everyone in the hall was staring at either Hermione or Ron. I looked at Hermione; she had tears in her eyes.

"I didn't mean..." she whispered.

"It sure sounded like you did…” I said before someone sat down next to me. It was Lavender, I groaned. I really didn't like the girl and neither did Hermione, who was now glaring again.

"What do you want?"

"You’re wrong you know," Lavender started, her voice quiet so only Hermione and I could hear her. Everyone else in the hall began to slowly go back to their own things, clearly thinking the scene was old news. "He told me earlier that he thought you were the most beautiful woman in the world." I heard Lavender continue and was stunned. Ron never said anything like that, even if he thought of it. Hermione was clearly thinking the same thing, as she covered her mouth with her hands and tears fell from her eyes.

"I...I…" I heard her say. Standing up, she ran from the room without finishing her sentence.

"Did he...really...say that?" I heard Ginny ask, clearly more stunned, and she was after all his sister. I turned towards her smiling.

"He sure did." I replied.

"That’s...that’s so sweet." She replied, and turned her eyes to look into mine. I felt my insides melt when looking at her; she was the most beautiful women I have even met. I told her as much as I kissed her on the lips.
__________Chapter 17 of "A Broken Wing" Is up now!___________

___________________Look Who's Back.

Last edited by Ladybug; 03-15-2011 at 09:19 PM.
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