SS Featured AuthorTürk Bilgini Bugbear
Join Date: Apr 2006 Location: {in a leap of faith}
Posts: 31,791
Hogwarts RPG Name: Sarani Glass Graduated x12
| ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Quote:
Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu Ellie shrugged, "It's a phrase. My mum uses it." She said that bit as if it explained everything. "So you're saying you don't know what it means?"
Yes? Yes. Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Mia looked at Professor Descoteux and smiled slightly. "Do you have any chocolate to give me?" It might make her feel better. And then again it might not. She would actually prefer to talk to someone. "Lots, it seems," Jared said as one of the baskets returned to him, a faint smile playing around his mouth at her question. "Help yourself." Text Cut: Responses <33 Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty "A ghost is something that once was." She sighed, "but I know growing up with a muggle dad I was raised being told they didn't exist." She bit her lip. "I really think a ghost is the energy of something that once was - and as a kid I thought even teapots had ghosts...but now I don't know." Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi didn't exactly fear ghosts...the Hogwarts ones had always been very kind to her, but she did fear ghosts in gereral due to her upbringing. Raising her hand timidly, Kurumi spoke. "I know ghosts by a different name, yurei," she said nervously glancing around the area wondering if the Professor was going to ask them to summon the spirit of someone. If so, she might faint. "It means fait soul. I was grown up told that when we die, our spirit enters a sort of middle world until it is time for us to move on to the afterlife. However, if we die in a sudden or violent manner, such as murder or suicide, or if the proper burial rites have not been performed, or if we are influenced by powerful emotions such as a desire for revenge, love, jealousy, hatred or sorrow...then our spirit transforms into a yurei, or ghost. We remain that way until whatever it is holding us to this world is reconciled."
Kurumi swallowed and looked around the area once more. Now she really wished that Walnut had come down with her. Maybe he was around? Or, perhaps she could snuggle with the Professor's kitty? Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou ... Ghosts?
Helena raised her hand. "Misty figures?" The girl suggested. Well, he didn't want textbook definitions. "And really creepy. They usually 'haunt' the place of their death. Or... don't they?" Quote:
Originally Posted by Hera Emily gazed into the fire. Ghosts.... why were they discussing gohsts?
Raising her hand Emily offered her definition of a ghost. "Isn't a ghost the spirit or soul of a deceased person? But only the spirits/souls of people who suffered unexpected or particularly violent deaths are able to become ghosts?.. something about their spirit or soul was unable to move forth onto the afterlife, which is why they still manifest in ghost form?" Quote: "Ghosts are witches and wizards who died and elected to stay in this world." As opposed to the Ghost world. Which Ellie imagined to be very dull. Just a bunch of translucent everythings. Translucent trees, translucent animals, translucent people. No color. How BORING. She'd SO stay in this world.
Originally Posted by Roselyn He just passed around CHOCOLATE! You Mr. French Man...are on the bottom of her awesome teachers list. PFFFT. "Annoying things that don't want to die." she muttered, staring at the disguuuuusting chocolate before turning her attention back to the Professor. "Mostly a greyish see-through form that is in the shape of their former selves." Quote:
Originally Posted by McFeisty "Ghosts can be petrified by Basilisks if they see them - since they are already dead - its safe for them to look it straight in the eyes. Since how can something that's dead die again." She remarked sighing slightly, taking a sip of her water. Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. Ohhhhh spooky lesson!
Patroclus raised his hand to answer the wickedly cool Professor's question, "A ghost is the residual imprint of a soul. A wizard or witch can chose to remain as a spirit particularly if they feel they have something left undone, however it means that they will never be at peace, as the decision means that they will not pass on, they will not travel beyond the veil....I thinks its rather sad" Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl But it looked ad though that would have to wait as well because the class had just started and Mia shook her head a little at some of the answers. Didn't the Professor just say, NO textbook answers? She raised her hand in the air. "They're apparitions that are left behind when someone dies." Quote:
Originally Posted by Mordanyes "A ghost? They are transparent, not solid and really awkward to walk through. They are 'an imprint of a departed soul' or something. They look like themselves before dying." K-Lee answered in a smart tone, though her answer was entirely the opposite
It was the beautiful yummy chocolates fault. Chocolate made her dumb sounding. "You all bring up good points," Jared said. "Take two points each. In our terminology, ghosts are disembodied spirits of once-living wizards or witches that do not have physical influence. That is, they cannot move objects. The important thing, here, is 'our' terminology. Wizarding terminology. All witches and wizards believe in the existence of ghosts and, to take that further, 'peaceful' ghosts. You'll have seen them floating around Hogwarts, for one." "If you ask muggles, though, the answers are going to be far more varied. Kyle just mentioned that, being raised by a muggle father, she was told ghosts don't exist. That's one example of how the average muggle's knowledge and views about ghosts differ from ours. Muggles incorporate the 'thought' of ghosts into their lives quite differently. So what are some ways the muggle view of ghosts differ from ours?"
Back to muggles. But at least he had done the little he could to make sure all the muggle-centered lessons didn't have to be that repetitive. He removed the marshmallow from the fire, as the sky darkened and night fell. |