thank you! hehe I am very much a Sev Snape fan... he's lovely... just broken.
Next post!
Note: Many quotes from this scene have been taken from/adapted from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, by J.K. Rowling
The attic hadn’t changed much since the last time she saw it. Ellouise entered first, to one side of the attic the rusty suit of armour stood neglected in the far corner of the room the painted target on its chest beginning to peel away. To the other side was a pile of cardboard boxes, a thick coat of dust lay on its surfaces, what looked like rat droppings were scattered along the floor by the walls edges. Severus Snape strolled in after Ellouise, robes billowing in his wake. Pulling out his wand he stood in front of her, a few metres apart.
“Pull out your wand Miss Browne”, he commanded. Ellouise did as Snape instructed, she was beginning to feel butterfly’s thrashing about in her stomach.
It will all be worth it, she said to herself.
“You may use your wand to disarm me or defend yourself from me”, said Snape.
Ellouise nodded her understanding and braced herself, ready to defend. She wasn’t sure what to expect from the experience, she had only begun reading about it. All she knew for certain was that Snape was about to break into her mind, her deepest, darkest most vulnerable experiences would be exposed for him to see.
“Ready, now! Legilimens!” he said pointing his wand at her chest.
Ellouise wanted to react, spells and incantations ran through her head, but she was... stunned. The attic began to shift in front of her eyes, then it vanished. Images flickered before her, as if it was a slide show presentation of her life.
She was five, sitting in her father’s study drawing with crayons.... at eight she was at Snowdonia, flying her new broomstick.... at nine, she was in a tent with her mother, tears streaking down her face........... she was with Remus, in wolf form......... she was in her nightmare again, Balthazar torturing Ellouise- only it wasn’t Ellouise, it was Bellatrix Lestrange..........
No, said a voice in Ellouise’s head, as the nightmare haunted her.
You’re not watching that, you can’t watch that, I won’t let you-
Ellouise felt a sharp pain in her knees, the attic was starting to come back into focus, the low light from the small windows shone through onto the dusty floorboards. Ellouise looked up at Snape who was still standing, he had lowered his wand and was rubbing his wrist, it was mottled and red, almost like scorch marks.
“Did you mean to produce a Stinging Hex?” he asked coolly.
“No I didn’t”, answered Ellouise honestly as she got up from the floor.
“I thought not”, said Snape, “You lost control, let me get in too far...” he said trailing off.
“Professor, did you see everything I saw?” she asked curiously.
“Flashes of it”, he replied. He looked at her, a glint in his eye, he almost looked sympathetic.
“May I ask... How did you escape the death eaters if they had you under the Cruciatus Curse?”
Ellouise was taken aback by this question, but composed herself quickly.
“Um... it wasn’t me Professor. It happened the night my parents were taken, I was safe, hidden by my mothers Disillusionment Charm... but they found traces of my hair in the tent when they searched it. The person you saw being tortured wasn’t me... it was Bellatrix Lestrange. She used Polyjuice potion... they were tormenting my parents. Warning them what would happen to me if they found me.”
Snape nodded, his wand limp by his side. He decided it was best to change the subject.
“Overall not a bad effort for a first try Miss Browne, no doubt in time you will become strong enough to defend yourself efficiently. You may either repel me with your wand or with your mind. Shall we try again?”
Ellouise nodded, she would be ready this time. She knew what to expect and she knew what she would have to do.
“Clear your mind, let go of all emotion...”
Ellouise felt herself relax, eyes closed, her breathing became level, even and deep as if she was resting.
“Focus...”, encouraged Snape.
“Again on the count of three, one... two... three, Legilimens!”
Ellouise braced herself, an image began to stir in front of her... she was outside the cemetery watching Dumbledore and Karkaroff... then... she was back in the attic, facing Snape, a small smile playing on his lips.
“Well done Miss Browne, you’re gaining control.” He said piercing her eyes with his gaze.
Ellouise didn’t understand what had happened, she, vulnerable, he got into her mind but how had it stopped.
“You expelled me with your mind, pushing me out before I saw too much. It’s good progress.”
Ellouise watched as Snape put his wand back in his pocket, she hadn’t realised how quickly time had passed.
“Keep practising clearing your mind of thoughts and emotions. This is the key to being a successful Occlumens”, said Snape as he made his way to the door, “I’ll be in touch.”