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Old 03-14-2011, 06:17 AM   #15 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by Harron Peasley View Post
LULU!BESTIE. I TOLLLLLD you that I'd be first to comment, did I not?

TYLERRRRRRRRRRRR. Yay! Me and Adam are jumping up and down now because TYLER WAY IS AWESOME.

So is this whole story though. Did I mention that I love it? And you too? Well I do, mmmkay?

Update again soooon, please?
YES, you did (:
Well the update is finally here
Originally Posted by _Ginny_ View Post

AND OMG :0 I can't wait to know what his parents are gonna be like...

And WAY to go brining in Tyler haha, Telewubbyyy.

Originally Posted by HG_forever View Post
Love, love, love, LOVE!
You write it all so well and I just loved it
Great job! (: <3
Can't wait for moooore!

Typical Gissel smiley ->
Here's some more for you (:
Originally Posted by Nimmiii View Post


Well, you just had to wait another hour before signing off on me!

Chapter 3: One Side of the Story

“Uhh, yeah…? But I go by Stephen now," Stephen looked at the lady in front of them.

“Oh, of course you do and how rude of me to not introduce myself. I’m Cristina Marino, sister of your birth father,” she said and stuck out her hand. Stephen shook it and gave her a surprised look.

“So you must’ve been there when I was born,” he stated, though it came out more like a question. Feeling a nudge on his side, Stephen’s head turned towards Lexi who was now glaring at him. “This is my best friend Alexis De Luca. Back there is my brother Leonard and our friend Tyler,”

“It’s nice to meet you, Alexis,” Cristina smiled. Turning back to Stephen, Cristina gave him a soft smile. “Please come inside, you may bring your other friends too,” She stepped away from the door and walked inside. Stephen motioned to Tyler and Leonard to join them. They both eyed each other and walked inside with the others.

“I’m not really sure about all this,” Tyler whispered lowly as they walked behind Cristina and into a living room. Lexi put one finger over her lips, signaling that she felt the same way.

“Please, sit down,” Cristina insisted as the group of friends sat round the living room, examining the place. “So I’m guessing you want to know about your parents and why they didn’t raise you,” Cristina spoke up, causing everyone to slightly jump. Stephen just nodded and looked at her. There was suddenly a long pause in which everyone just stared at each other. The gang would’ve thought that Cristina was going to say something but she just stood quiet as well.

“Can you please tell us why your brother didn’t want my brother?!” Leo spoke up, rather loudly. Stephen kicked him in the leg for getting rude. But Leo just ignored it.

“Well, your parents were pretty young when they had you. They couldn’t take the responsibility of taking care of you, so they gave you up for adoption,”

“Gave me up for adoption…? THEY LEFT ME ON A DOORSTEP WHEN I WAS THREE DAYS OLD IN THE WINTER! HOW WAS THAT ‘LEAVING ME UP FOR ADOPTION’!?” Stephen yelled not realizing he was now standing up, hovering over Cristina. Tyler and Leo were both holding onto each of Stephen’s arms as Lexi moved to another seat, slightly scared.

“Wait. My brother left you on a doorstep?!” Cristina asked, shocked at what Stephen had just obviously told her. “That doesn’t sound like him. Are you positive about this?”

“My PARENTS wouldn’t lie to me about something that I’ve always wondered about. Nor would they make it that drastic,”
He said, shaking his arms out of Tyler’s and Leo’s grip. “But do you know where they live now?”

“I’m not sure. But I can get you the last address to where they lived at,” Cristina said and went off in another direction. Stephen just nodded and rubbed his face as she walked away.

“Well, we now know one thing for sure. Your real dad is a very good liar. To make his sister actually fall for that lie, that’s some skill,” Tyler mentioned, sitting back down next to Lexi.

“What if they don’t live in Italy anymore? Like if they moved to Germany or the United Kingdom?” Lexi asked, a bit shaky from Stephen’s last retort.

“Then that’s where we’re heading next,” Stephen smiled, hugging Lexi as in an apology for how he reacted. “But hopefully they’ll be in London or something. That way we can stay at Tyler’s for a bit, visit Glitter and Aimee. Also, we should check how Lucy is doing with being pregnant with another generation of this thing,” he poked Tyler in the temple, only to have him pout.

“Here’s the last address I have of him. I’m not sure if he moved since we haven’t talked much lately,” Cristina said when she came back into the living room with a paper in her hand.

“Thank you, for everything. And I’m sorry about the outburst earlier. I have to control myself sometimes,” Stephen apologized.

“No worries and I completely understand. Good luck on your trip, Stephen,” she smiled and shook his hand. Stephen smiled back and walked out the door with the rest of the gang.

“Guys, we’re going to London,” he smirked, eyeing Tyler.

“Alright, let’s head to the airport and head back to MY house since you people decided to live all the way south of Europe!” Ty retorted and huddled everyone into the car. Driving back to Rome, everyone was just talking about how Tyler’s child was probably going to be better looking than him. Ty just laughed and told them if one more joke slipped out, they’ll have to walk to London. “We’re here. Now please hold hands and don’t let lost. I do NOT want to be blamed for your stupidity,”

“Oh, so rude, Mr. Way!”
Lexi laughed and took Stephen’s hand as they walked behind Tyler to buy their tickets. Once that was done and they passed security, the gang waited for their plane and the two and a half hour journey. But the ride didn’t seem so long, considering they all fell asleep as soon as the plane took off.

“Wake up, munchkins!” Tyler slapped Lexi and Stephen with a pillow. “Hurry up! My wife won’t be too pleased if we’re late. Then again, when is she ever pleased these days,” he sighed, getting off the plane and towards the bag claim. After the long wait for three bags, the gang headed outside and hailed a cab. Again, they began with the jokes about Tyler and his child. He was relieved when they finally arrived to his house, bu of course the jokes didn’t stop there. As soon as Tyler opened the door, he heard his name being yelled. “Here we go,” he huddled the rest of them inside.

“TYLER ALEJANDRO WAY! Why didn’t you tell me you were going to be away this long?!” A pregnant Lucy threw a shoe at him, which Tyler casually dodged.

“I did call, didn’t I?” He asked as she walked over and kissed her. “These munchkins are going to be staying here for a while. We’re still looking for Stephen’s parents,”

“Okay, no problem,” she smiled and hugged each of them. “Make yourselves at home here. Just ask if you need anything,”

“Well I need something!” Someone else had entered their house. “I need a hug from my best friend!” Lori Bristol ran towards Tyler and jumped on him. “Mr. Never Let’s Anyone Know What He’s Up To So They Have To Find Out Through His Wife!” she smacked him on the back of the head and sat her feet back on the floor.

“Why must I tell everyone what I’m doing?” Tyler asked.

“Because Tyler Way is so mysterious,” Stephen laughed.

“Little Stephen is here!” Lori hugged him tight. “Ugh. Why must you be taller than me now?!”

“I was always taller than you,” he laughed and hugged her back.

“Lori, why must you run off like that while the car is still in motion?!” Adam Stemp now walked through the door, casually running his hand through his hair.

“Because I was excited to be here!” she answered.

“Alright everyone, to the living room. The gang has a story to tell us!” Lucy chimed and pushed everyone, besides the Italians towards the living room.

“That awkward moment when everyone is talking and the Italians are just standing here like nothing,” Leo laughed.

“You got that right for once,” Lexi teased and followed behind Lucy, who came back from the living room, with Stephen and Leo. Story time should be fun.
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