Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 03-07-2011, 02:11 AM   #118 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Chapter Forty Seven
“You’re still thinking about them, Gin they’re fine I promise”
“I can’t help it”
“We’re here to relax and you’re just worrying”
“They’re my babies”
“They’re mine too; I know they’re safe, you know they’re safe”
“We know what made them sick what if she does it again”
“It was nothing to worry about” – now he was thinking about if Molly de-gnomed the garden again and Patience got sick again and they didn’t take her to Mungo’s and – and then…“I’ll send a patronus to check alright”
“Please” she snuggled up closer to him on the bench,
“We’ve just got tomorrow and then we’ll be home alright”
“Uh huh”
He waved his wand sending the patronus and hugged her to him, “I miss them too, but honey we needed a break”
“And it is nice and quiet and it doesn’t smell like baby poo”
“A few bonuses”
“But there are good things”
“I promise you all the holiday’s after this one we’ll take them – and any other children you might be willing to have”
“How many are you planning there Harry?”
“Is five too many for you?”
“A big family, ok we’ll see, see if my body can take it after the trouble of these two – you are aware that I’m going to get fat and ugly and you won’t love me as much after three more”
“I’ll just have to take that risk” he chuckled leaning to kiss her,
“Yeah well we’re not starting on number three just yet” but she kissed him back anyway, “And you better be at the hospital at least an hour before they’re born this time”
“I didn’t mean to get kidnapped” he grinned,
“Well unless you promise there aren’t going to be anymore birth’s for you to be late for”
“I promise I won’t be late ever again for the birth of any of my future children”
“Good” she said satisfied “Now you can kiss me”

“I’m so glad you’re alright but why didn’t you tell us sooner, we would have come back”
“Don’t be silly Harry, it was your honeymoon, and there was nothing you could or can do”
“I could have helped”
“You were gone for two days; you needed that break it wouldn’t have made a difference for you to come back”
“Surely there was something -”
“- Harry’ she cut in “There was nothing, we’re fine there just still looking for them”
“They should have found them by now, she doesn’t sound conspicuous’
“She can hide when she wants”
“So you’ve been here since the attack?”
“Bill was the only one remotely fine about this all and Fleur’s been so nice – I do think it’s because she’s pregnant and broody though” she whispered with a smile
“Yeah that probably helped” he grinned “though Ginny was the opposite”
‘I heard that’ she muttered waking up from sleeping against his arm on the couch,
‘Ah so your back with us then?’
‘You tired me out in those two days more then the twins have in three months’
‘Excuse me but you were the one who spent the first half a day in bed sleeping and missed the road trip I had planned’
‘The first morning was because of the first night’ she smirked yawning and stretching ‘I’m sorry Soph, we’ll stop talking about it now’
‘That’s ok’
‘What have I missed?’
‘Harry’s feeling guilty that he didn’t come back and help even though there’s nothing he could have possibly have done’
‘That hero complex of his, it always kicks in and one day he’s not going to come back from saving the world’
‘Gin’ he started looking at her,
‘What – you know you do the most dangerous things you possibly can when the circumstances call for it, your brave and courageous but there’s going to be a time when it beats you’
‘Is that what you’re scared of – that one day I won’t come back from work?’
‘Course it is’ she held onto his arm a little tighter ‘I can’t ask you to give it up, that would be horrible, you’d hate me for it and plus I get to be so proud of you now, you’re my hero too’ she smiled a little,
‘I didn’t know you were that worried about it’
‘Maybe it’s just cause you guys have had a rough start’ Sophia put in ‘I mean him not being there for the twins until the last minute because of Malfoy hasn’t helped, and then with George and plus it’s not like the whole Voldemort thing helped in the slightest – I mean you gave her up and died and she was left wondering if you were going to make it for a week’
‘Mmm’ he mumbled and kissed her forehead,
‘Don’t think like that Harry and don’t you dare consider quitting the traineeship’
‘What – but’
‘No’ she said looking up at him ‘I might not like that you throw yourself into dangerous situations or that you risk your life to save everyone else – even when its their own fault – but it’s what makes you, you and I can’t make you give that up – I’m your wife, I’ll support you in what ever you want to do unless its something stupid like giving up your job that you’ve been destined to do since birth’
‘Alright then’ he sighed,
‘Just don’t take unnecessary risks please – like throwing yourself in front of people when there are curses flying about’
‘I promise’ he smiled a little ‘Promise that no matter what I’ll always be home to kiss you goodnight and good morning ok?’
‘Aww’ Sophia grinned ‘You make me miss Charlie this sucks’ she stuck her tongue out at them,
‘He’s at work?’
‘Till tonight’ she pouted ‘Oh but I never showed you my ring did I’ she held out her hand,
‘Oh my god it’s huge’ Ginny grinned ‘And Black… is this some kind of symbolism I’m missing here?’
‘We both somehow picked out black rings for each other’ she shrugged
‘You got him a ring?’
‘Harry didn’t tell you?’
‘You did tell me not to’
‘I thought you would anyway’ she shrugged ‘Well we asked each other and we both got black rings and well it was – it was perfect’ she grinned remembering ‘Candles and rose petals and we said it together at the same time’
‘I knew he was a sap but that is just – I’m now officially satisfied he’s mad about you’ Ginny said with a grin ‘you are ok with the Jade stuff though, I mean it can’t have been easy for you to find it out like that’
‘We’re ok, once he’d explained it, once we’d talked about it we moved on from it – I could forgive him anything as long as he doesn’t keep it a secret’
‘I don’t think there are any more secret wives – you’ll be ok’
‘She better be Gin’ he said looking to Sophia ‘Or I’m going to be one peed off little brother, who might curse the living daylights out of your big brother’
‘Don’t be so protective of me Harry, I’m a big girl’ she grinned ‘I trust him, there aren’t going to be anymore surprises’
‘Good’ he frowned,
‘Harry’ she said crossing her arms,
‘What – you’re my sister; I’m looking out for you’
‘You know I’m happy and you know there’s nothing for you to worry about or to do so go take the twins for a walk or something and give me and Gin a chance to gossip about you and him’
‘Urgh – I’m going now I know what the next topic of conversation is – it better be over by the time I get back’
‘It might not – I mean I could just talk about you forever and she could be describing to me in every detail about Charlie - ’
He put his hands over his ears ‘La, la, la, la, la, la, la’
‘Just go honey’ Ginny said grinning and pushing him towards the pram as he stood up.
RIP JD Salinger
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