a bit of madness is key | miss chanandler bong | those cunning folks use any means 44. Ford Anglia Big brother This one is dedicated to his beloved sister next Hogwarts character *whistles*
Alex was freaking out. With his jaw dropped onto his knees he sat with wide eyes and pressed himself up against the car window. He’d known these… Things existed but he had never been in one. “It’s a metal murder machine and it’s going faast!” he screamed.
Alex stopped his flailing when he felt a small hand on his shoulder. He turned around and saw his sister sitting with teary eyes. Feeling quite ashamed of his behavior he lifted the little girl up in his lap and hushed. “We’ll be home soon.” He murmured to her while she curled up.
Last edited by potterobsessionist; 03-07-2011 at 12:34 PM.