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Old 03-05-2011, 06:02 PM   #33 (permalink)

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Amelia Adara

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Emma Montmorency (#301199)
Fifth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kartik Ishaan Joshi (#3112da)
Sixth Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kara Walsh (#aa1506)
First Year

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Tiffany Rose
Third Year

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YesJess! | Captain Goggles | Mama Badger | Eva's Soul Sister | An OG™ | It's all in the Numbers

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post


Jake full on SCOWLED. Was she RUBBING IT IN?!

The young man raised his hand and said in only a sliiiiiiiiiiiiiightly furious manner: "Families are not fixed, and they don't HAVE to influence your views. Also, they suck. Families can go... fly a kite."

Except his dad. His dad was cool. And Jake was not bitter at all. PFFYEARIGHT.
Well she figured she might get some response like this, but Hadley had not expected it to be the first one spoken. "You are correct ... On some level. Families don't have to influence your views. But I think that the idea of family does not suck. It might not be your biological family, but everyone has someone they can count on, rely on, learn from. THAT is family too."

Originally Posted by Lottiepot View Post

Trixie raised her hand at the question, though it was quite a hard one to answer, it was all down to a matter of opinion after all wasn't it? "I think there are two types of family. The first is your blood family, those that are related to you and offer you all the support and kindness and care for you no matter what and you love them with all of your heart. Like my parents, I'd say they were the closest family I have, as well as my cousins" A few of which resided in this school. "I think these are the types of people that are likely to change your opinion at a younger age for they have more influence upon you. For example if your family were say, Vegans, then they'd most likely want you to be a Vegan too and therefore your opinion has been influenced already" she stated.

But the Head Girl also had a differing opinion. "However, I think I also have another family. Although we may not be related in blood, I have people that I am incredibly close to and they treat me like their family. They do all the things your natural family do and sometimes even more. My Hogwarts family as such. I think these type of people are more likely to influence you at an older age. Your best friend could convince you to do things.." Yes Oliver. Managed to convince her to distract the Whomping Willow whilst he attempted to chop a branch off. "...That perhaps your family might not be able to do. They can change who you are likely to become as much as blood family can." And that was what family meant to her.
Or as the Head Girl just said that in a nice mini-novella sized speech. Geez, the girl could talk! It was no wonder Tate selected her for Head Girl... "Precisely. Families come in all kinds of colors and shades. There is the family you are born into, as you mentioned, and the family you grow into."

Originally Posted by Zoerawrr View Post
Jake looked at the head girl, finding himself calming down... slightly. See... that was what HE said.

"You see... what I did there is I encapsulated that answer into a nice bite-sized morsel," he said to the Professor with a firm little nod.

No need for bitter retorts, Jacob.

"Yes, yes, of course, Jake. But the Head Girl here, she elaborated the answer for those who might not be able to pick up on that bite-sized morsel." Nothing wrong with elaboration. When succinct. Oh what an oxymoron.

Originally Posted by Roselyn View Post
Fiddling with the pages of her notebook, she quieted it down some as the professor started speaking, yet still staring at the pages. She really had to stop doodling.

Taking a quick glance at the photographs, her expression turned somewhat bored...before scowling at the mention of changes and views...and family. This didn't have to do with all this statute and muggle stuff did it? Well actually, she'd rather talk about THAT then talk about family. Well, just as long as her main family wasn't brought up, would be allllll good.

...Fly a kite? Huh. Some could go do more then that. Pffft.

"Family are people who are related to you by blood or marriage." she said, lowering her hand before continuing. "But family can also be considered as your close friends. People who you are comfortable around, feel safe with, people who'd you protect and help whenever needed and know that they'll do the same for you. Like...your bothers and sisters outside of your family family."

She was quite picky with her 'family' though. Should she mention something about picky-ness and choosing friends and family wisely?
At least they all were on the right track. No one seemed to be disagreeing on the idea of two families developing in your lives over time.

Nodding at the girl, she smiled. "Yes your close friends. But just as you should be open minded about views presented your way in the media, you need to be open about your friends. Not picky or selective, but well, just open. You never know who you might meet with that openness." Mmmhm. Not that she was picking on Evelyn or anything, but she knew that Slytherins in particular tended to have this superior view of themselves, limiting their sight.

Originally Posted by Hera View Post
Family.... thought Emily. Family was not her favourite subject, particularly lately. What with her parents' high expectations, lack of affection and endless criticism.
Emily raised her hand nonetheless.
"Family... usually refers to a persons biological heritage- so parents and grand parents so to speak. However it is not limited to biology. Close friends and non-blood-related releatives may also be considered family. Families also come in various shapes and sizes and whilst we may not all get along with one another at the best of times, we are... for the most part, a constant presence in each others lives, and we are there to support one another when we are needed most. Unless you are unfortunate enough to have a 'family' biological or other that wish bad things to happen to you... in which case you're better off without them."

Emily often thought she'd be better off without her parents, but when push came to shove she knew deep down her parents cared about her. They cared about her enough to set her up with a handsome, rich, pure-blood wizard whom she wasn't in love with, forcing her into a marriage she didn't belive in... but that was the last thing she wanted to think about.

Looking down at her parchment she wrote a single word:
Hadley nodded at the girl. These kids did seem to have a better idea about family than when she was their age. But there was something that she said that confused her. "I'm not sure you're ever really better off without your biological family. Even if they don't seem right to you, they are your family. And some day, maybe not today or tomorrow ... or next week, but some day, you will appreciate them." Maybe.

Originally Posted by HaRoHeGiNeLu View Post
"Ellie." She liked Hadley when liking a professor seemed rare for her these days... Well... she only disliked one, but whatever. She wanted the professors she liked to call her by the name she liked. Not 'Miss Stone' that was far too formal.

...Changes to the wizarding world? Sure, Ellie'd noticed the changes at Hogwarts but, the whole Wizarding world? She was unaware of this. Is this what you get for being cooped up at school? Geeeez.

Hadley wasn't elaborating...and Ellie was "Professor..." Heh. Hiii. "What changes?" DO tell. Cuz apparently she was sheltered.

Family. "A family is people. And love. And there's all different sizes and kinds." But hers is just right for her. Yeah.
Eh? Ellie? Yes, Hadley knew the girl's name was Ellie. Shrugging it off, she waited to see what she would have to say about the matter.

What changes? "Well nothing drastic except ..." Oh gosh, how was she supposed to word this? Gulp. Swallow. "There are people who want changes in the wizarding world. Some of their changes they want are for the good. They want to help." Yup. Something like that would do... for now.

For now while they worked on something. "If you haven't done so already, I'd like for you to take out your notebooks and a quill. Draw a line down the middle of each side of the paper. On one half write 'pros', the other side of the line write 'cons'. Do the same thing on the reverse side of the paper. On the one side of the paper, make a list of pros and cons of Biological families. On the other side, do the same for your other family, made up of your friends and role models.

Feel free to discuss your lists with your peers and we'll continue shortly."

ooc: I'm off to work now... I'll be back online in about 10 hours to continue the lesson then ... and tomorrow. But feel free to discuss with your classmates and keep your lists organized so I can read them easily and give you proper credit. =)

___________________You should take your little finger and just point it in the mirror.
________________________________________Baby, maybe you're the problem
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