thanks Ava!
I'm glad you're enjoying it! and I'm sure you'll catch up soon enough. I usually like to post everyday, but I don't really have time to do that anymore...
But anyway:
Next Post!... this is from Charlie's p.o.v ... just felt as though he needs to be included a bit more.
Charlie couldn’t hear himself think over the noise that erupted in the kitchen. Everybody was up and out of their seats, stumbling around to embrace each other, clinking glasses and spilling amber liquid on the floor in the process. As tempting as it was to join them, Charlie sat down resigned to his thoughts. His shoulders slumped, and that’s when he realised his wand was drawn and hung limply at his sides. He placed his wand back in his pocket, hoping nobody had noticed. In all honesty he could hardly believe he had withdrawn it at all, especially against Ellouise. No matter what he felt for her, or what she didn’t feel for him, he still couldn’t bring himself to hurt her... could he? He looked over to where she was standing, though he could no longer see her, only the back of her head, she was surrounded by people, and Xavier had his hand resting in the small of her back.
Didn’t take him very long, he thought to himself darkly.
Wish it was you though, came the voice in his head. Charlie rubbed his temple, it annoyed him how his subconscious contradicted his every thought.
No- they’re perfect for each other, arrogant and psychotic. Don’t be silly, replied the silky voice in his head,
you would have gone in his place if she gave you the chance.
Charlie didn’t respond, deep down he knew he was right... or it was right? Who was that in his head? He emitted a low growl, out of annoyance, but nobody heard.
He made to grab the fire whiskey bottle for a refill, only to find it had already been emptied. Deciding he couldn’t be bothered summoning a new bottle he picked himself up and pushed his way through the crowded kitchen. Along the way to the stairs he heard Ellouise’s voice, she sounded happy.
Good, he thought.
Once he was in the drawing room he plopped himself down on one of the armchairs by the fire. A faded black leather bound book lay forgotten on the floor. Charlie bent down and picked it up, that night was still strong in his mind. He could still feel Ellouise’s warmth, her soft lips, and her silky black hair.
Snap out of it, jeered the voice in his head. Charlie ignored it.
“You’re not the only one”, came a voice from behind him. He turned in his seat to see Anton approaching him.
“What are you talking about?” he asked confused. He dropped the book back on the floor.
“Ellouise... you’re not the only one that likes her,” said Anton as he lay down on the couch, kicking his shoes off. Charlie didn’t say anything, he raised an eyebrow, wondering where this conversation was going.
Anton shifted uncomfortably, he could feel the intensity in the air.
“I liked her too, still do.”...”But I messed things up really bad, I was just trying to impress her.”
“I heard”, commented Charlie, through gritted teeth.
Who in the name of Merlin’s saggy underwear does he think he is? Thought Charlie to himself, the voice in his head sniggered in response.
Anton sat up suddenly and looked into Charlies eyes.
“Look, I didn’t want to admit it, but Ellouise and Xavier are meant for each other. They’re happy. So you better not get in the way of that”, he said defensively. Charlie smirked then turned his attention to the roaring fire.
But you could make her just as happy, said the voice in his head.