Join Date: Feb 2011 Location: Orlando, FL
Posts: 666
Hogwarts RPG Name: Melina Morninglory- "Glory" Second Year | WizWorld Universal / Tom Felton for President Chapter 2: Plans For the Night
When he flew he felt free, free of anything holding him down. Draco whizzed over a nearby grove of trees which melted together in a blur of dark green. The night was freezing but Draco inhaled deeply, the cold air burning his lungs and clearing his head. He shot straight up toward the stars and wished he could reach far enough to fly among them. For a while he just soared around the countryside; the bright moon cast a silvery glow onto the grassy hills and it made him smile.
After a while, though, he began to feel the loneliness that always enveloped him when his guard was down. There was no point in going back home until it was absolutely necessary, so he sped over to The Cauldron. The Cauldron was an elite club where an eclectic mix of wizards and witches met to dance to the live music, kick back with friends at the bar, or find secluded spots to fool around. Draco was a year too young to be admitted, but the manager and the bouncers knew better than to refuse Lucius Malfoy’s son. Not that Lucius would have ever allowed Draco to go there in the first place, but Draco figured that what his dad didn’t know wouldn’t hurt him. Draco ignored the bouncers and sauntered into the club, effortlessly shifting his personality over to his characteristic arrogance.
The club had already kicked into high gear; the band was rocking loudly and the drinks were flowing. The dance floor was crowded with partiers, their bodies glistening with sweat as they raved under the pulsating black lights. Draco made his way through them and headed over to the bar. The bartender, Cadmus, greeted him. “Good evening, Master Malfoy. I trust things are well with you?” “Of course,” Draco replied smoothly. “Will it be your usual tonight?” Draco nodded; Cadmus poured him a double shot of firewhiskey and slid a small brass key across the bar. Draco pocketed the key and picked up his drink. He gave a courteous nod of the head, laid down 10 Galleons (8 of which were a generous tip for Cadmus) and turned toward the lounge.
He heard a familiar voice call “Oi! Malfoy!” and looked toward the back corner of the lounge. His friends were there, the other underage wizards who could party at the club thanks to their association with Draco. Blaise Zabini, Duncan Burke, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle were relaxing on the plush green and silver chairs, empty glasses strewn about the table. This was the official Slytherin table, and any non-Slytherin who made the mistake of sitting there ended up with a nasty case of bleeding blisters.
“How’s the rest of your holiday going?” Blaise asked Draco. “Perfect,” he lied and then turned the conversation in a more pleasant direction. “Got some new Quidditch gear for Christmas: dragon-hide leather gloves from Romania and- he paused for effect- the new Firebolt 370.” Goyle gasped. “That’s not even on the market yet!” “It is for my dad,” Draco smirked. “And I’m probably gonna go over to France for a day or two. Got a Beauxbaton that’s hot for me and wants to have some ‘quality time’ together.” “In your dreams, Malfoy,” Blaise replied with a snort. “You’ll see when I bring back her sexy French panties as a souvenir,” countered Draco, a cocky grin spreading across his face. Blaise looked skeptical but kept his mouth shut. Goyle, Crabbe and Burke just started laughing.
There were always plenty of single girls milling about The Cauldron. Duncan noticed a group of 7th-years giggling and staring at them. “Look sharp, lads. We’ve got prospects at 9 o-clock!” The five Slytherins turned around and gave the girls a quick once-over. “N-i-i-ice,” drawled Blaise. “The evening’s looking up.” Draco was already on his feet, walking over to Cadmus. “Bring those girls a refill of whatever they’re drinking, complements of Slytherin House.” Cadmus got right to work and walked the drinks over to the girls. They giggled some more, looking over at the boys and smiling excitedly. Draco offered his most charming smile and beckoned them over to the table. The girls seemed quite eager to oblige. “Hell, even Crabbe might get laid tonight!” cracked Draco, and the boys erupted into laughter again. All except Crabbe.
None of the girls were from Hogwarts; they attended The Mystic Academy about 40 miles away. That made them ideal candidates, as the boys could hopefully get some action for the evening and then never have to see them again. Draco stood up and began the introductions. He zeroed in on the beautiful raven-haired girl, kissed her hand and gave her the smile he’d perfected for such occasions. “Draco Malfoy”, he said, “And you are?” “Sara Greenleaf”, she responded, blushing from the feel of his lips on the back of her hand. He offered her his seat- part of his strategy- and she replied just as he’d planned. “But then where will you sit?” she asked. “Well,” he drawled, fixing his magnetic grey eyes on hers, “You could always sit on my lap; I guarantee you’ll have the best seat in the house”. She blushed again and, with a nervous giggle, sat down on his lap. He wrapped an arm around her waist and picked up his drink, silently congratulating himself for being so slick.
The group drank and danced for about an hour; then Draco put his lips to Sara’s ear and whispered, “Let’s go for a walk outside.” She agreed, and they stepped out into the frigid night air. Sara shivered half-innocently, her breath making warm puffs of mist in the air as she complained how cold she was. That was the cue Draco was waiting for. He took off his cloak, chivalrously wrapping it around her. He gently backed her up against the side of the building and, pressing his body close to hers, whispered, “I can keep you very warm, if you like.” He put his fingers under her chin and tilted her face up to his; slowly he let his lips touch hers. She gave a slight gasp when their lips met but quickly abandoned herself to his kiss. He teased her lips with his tongue, smiling when he heard her breathing quicken. He kissed her more intensely, letting his tongue explore her mouth as she responded with her own. He pressed himself against her harder, his kisses trailing down her neck. “Let me warm you up, darling,” he purred and felt her arms wrap tightly around him.
Keeping to the usual routine, he led her to the back door of the club. He held her hand and guided her up the stairs to a quiet hallway lined with several doors. He stopped at the last one, pulled the brass key from his pocket, and unlocked the door. Inside was a stylish mini-suite with chic furnishings. Draco was about to invite her to sit with him on the sofa, but she paused at the bedroom door. She put her hand on the doorframe and gave him a sweet, tempting smile. He looked at her with mild surprise. It was almost too easy- he liked having to work a little to get them to give in. She was ready, though.
He moved toward her and, for a moment, wondered if she just might be playing him as much as he was playing her. A second later, he stopped caring about the reason as she began unbuttoning his shirt. She leaned into him and kissed the base of his neck; her lips felt almost uncomfortably hot against his cool skin. He pulled her close and felt for the zipper in the back of her dress, drawing it down to the small of her back. He guided it over her shoulders and let it fall at her feet. She embraced him and he backed her into the room, kissing her fiercely. He never broke the kiss as he pulled her toward the bed. Sara slipped his shirt down his arms and threw it on the floor. He leaned back and moaned with pleasure as her hand slid across the front of his trousers and unbuttoned them. I can forget about everything else now; she’ll keep me warm tonight. Then he stopped thinking altogether.
Last edited by steflegan; 04-04-2011 at 01:17 PM.
Reason: re-wrote it much better!