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Old 03-01-2011, 03:58 AM   #84 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

Cassirin's Avatar
Join Date: Sep 2003
Location: *Nom nom nom*
Posts: 43,197

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Mercer Branxton
Seventh Year

x7 x8
Made of Awesome | Ern-la the Best-wa | TZ's Apogee

Gosh, guys. I'm SO SORRY that I stink. I can't believe it's been so long, but I intend to update again soon. Really. I'm in the zone and making Ally talk to me. Starting. Right. Now

SPOILER!!: Quotes
Originally Posted by Jeyn<33 View Post
She has a point. That should be against the vacation rules or something.

Awe, but what about Al? He'll probably be there! And what if he meets a Cho Chang type??

at this entire bit. Seriously. I was having a bad night and this just put me in a super good mood. Point to you.
Super funny and fantastic chappie! Please PAMS!
A Cho Chang type! Genius. I need to try to find a Cho Chang on this vacation. Hope this NEW update puts you in a good mood too.

Originally Posted by Droo View Post
That was great! If I hadn't met you, I would have thought you were Ally's age. You really get into her head. She's adorable. And her mom feels real too.

Anyway, I can't wait to read your next chapter!
Maybe I really secretly am 14. I'm just tall for my age and... nevermind. That won't pan out.

Originally Posted by Miss Evi3e <3 View Post
haha, brillient!
I feel the same when im arguing with my parents, you never win LOL!
PAMS, i want to read more!
I'm much older than Ally, and even I feel this way about arguing with my parents. They have all the power, right? Haha.

Originally Posted by KatielovesHP View Post
Grounding on holiday is not allowed!!!

Great Post!!

K xx
Thanks, Katie! I hope you like this next post too.


Day 2

As soon as the sun hits the pink and white striped curtains, I am awake. The cottage sits silent, aside from annoying snoring that could be either my dad or my brother. Regardless, it means the same thing – I’m the only one awake for now.

I need a plan for the day. It’s pretty clear to me that, if given the chance, Brad and the parentals will do their worst to keep me from having fun on this vacation. I’ve already been grounded once, and Brad’s skills as a stalker are more than a little alarming. The boy has ‘creeper’ written all over him. But I figure that if I can just get out of the cottage without detection, maybe I can actually spend time on the beach today.

Maybe I can find Al.

In super-stealth-ninja mode, I pack my big beach bag with all the essentials. Sunscreen, bug repellant, extra glossy lipgloss, a towel. I remember my bathing suit this time, and I carry my flip-flops in one hand, held away from my body. They’re still a little slimy from yesterday.

The hardest part of packing my beach bag is that I simply cannot fit all of my Harry Potter books into it. I can fit two of the smaller ones or one big one, regardless of how much I unpack from the bag. I can fit two big ones and the relatively tiny Philosopher’s Stone into the bag without my towel, but even I know that going to the beach without a towel is just stupid. How hot would I look trying to shake dry like a dog?

Because I like to read the books in order, I decide to take Sorcerer’s Stone and Chamber of Secrets. There. Decision made. Only… I change my mind as soon as I reach my bedroom door. If I’m trying to read up on Al, then I need to take Deathly Hallows. He’s only in the Epilogue, but for purposes of research, it’s all I’ve got.

Finally FINALLY, my bag is packed, and I’m ready to hit the beach. The house is still quiet, although I can’t hear any snoring, and I steel myself for the run to the front door. It’s one straight shot, with the hardest part being the first few steps past the other bedrooms. If all goes well, I’ll stop in the kitchen and grab some fruit or whatever is sitting out on the counter, but if my ninja hearing picks up even the slightest squeak of floorboard or bedsprings, then I’m gone.

I open the door and tiptoe into the hall.

“Hey.” Brad sits on the couch with his arms crossed, staring at the blank TV screen. “What are you doing?”

“Eating… breakfast?” With my bulging beach bag slung over one shoulder, I stroll past him into the kitchen and stare dolefully at the only thing sitting out. The towel flavored bread. Yay.

“You packed heavy for breakfast.” He follows me into the kitchen and drapes himself over the counter. I haven’t done a single thing wrong yet, but I can’t meet his eyes. Whatever else is true about Arm Pit, he isn’t as dumb as he looks. I’m pretty sure he knows.

“Just the essentials.” I drape the towel over a chair and seat myself on it, bread and book in hand. Look who’s a good liar NOW.

He peeks into my bag. “Sunscreen for the kitchen?”

“I’m very concerned about skin cancer.”

“Uh huh.”

Somehow, I stomach one whole slice of towel bread with orange jelly, even with Brad staring at me the entire time. He has officially upgraded to ultra-creeptastic in my book, what with watching me eat like I’m trying to smuggle diamonds out of the kitchen disguised as dry bread. As soon as I swallow the last bite, I stick out my crumby tongue at him and shove away from the counter.

The front door is only a few feet away, and I mentally gauge whether I can make it to the door, unlock it, and get outside without Brad getting in my way. He’s fast and bigger than me, but I am really motivated.

“Whatcha thinking about?” Brad casually saunters between me and the front door. He is such a JERKFACE. If I wasn’t particularly attached to my copy of Deathly Hallows, I would check this heavy tome straight at his head. As it stands, though, I just repack my beach bag and head toward my bedroom.

“I’m going to read in my room. Some people have trouble respecting personal space.” He just grunts in response as my bedroom door swings shut. Great. Right back to where I started.

I am the epitome of maturity as I loudly face plant onto the sagging mattress, even as it squeaks in protest. This. Is. Not. Fair. I want to go outside. I want to see the beach. I want to do it as far away from stupid older brothers as possible.

After about fifteen minutes of my head buried in the pillows, I hazard a groundhog-like excursion from my lair. My door swings open silently (miraculously!), and I press one eye to the crack.

“Hey.” Brad is sitting RIGHT. THERE. In the hall. Staring at my door.

If he wasn’t my brother, I could get a restraining order out against him. As it stands, though, all I can do is press my mouth to crack in the door and say loudly, “You need a HOBBY, loser.”

“It’s called sister-watching, Ug. There’s a handbook and merit badges and stuff.” If that’s true, there is a whole subculture of weird out there that I would rather not know about. I slam the door.


Brad has totally forced my hand, leaving me with only one option. It isn’t pretty, and I might get in even more trouble, but above all other things, he must not win.

As quietly as possible, I shove my window open as far up as it will go and climb through it. Watch the bedroom door all you want, big brother. I’m totally gone.
★ Dawn ★

Awakening ★ Spiritual ★ Hopeful ★ Honest
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