Chapter Eight: Fading Thoughts
How did we get here,
Well, I think I know,*
Never thought we'd have a last kiss,
Never imagined we'd end like this,**
“Hermione, did you ever think that we were going to let you go that easily? Did you ever think that we were going to forget what you did to us?” The voices snarled at her.
“What, what have I done to you?” She called at them, scared as they surrounded her, the tall faceless creatures.
“You know what you've done! Murderer, thief, liar, betrayer, back-stabber...” The list seemed to be going on forever and Hermione began to shriek in fear, next thing she knew, she was lying on her own bed, drenched in sweat. Shaking herself, she pulled herself out of bed and went in to the kitchen that Ron and her shared, to make herself a mug of tea.
“Drat it all, I have none.” She muttered to herself, and since it was two in the morning, it wasn't the most opportune moment to go and buy some more. The words were still swirling around in her head repeating themselves over and over again, Hermione felt as if they were going to drive her completely insane. There was a knock at her door that made her jump she had been half asleep on the kitchen counter, it was also incredibly surprising because hardly anyone should be knocking at doors at two am. Heading over to the door and pulling her sweatshirt closer around herself, she opened it, to reveal a young man.
Hermione gasped, and hugged him tightly. “I've missed you so much Ron.” She whispered into his ear before she let go, rather reluctantly. “Hey, you seem to be doing okay, especially after everything that happened, are you feeling all right?” She asked in a soft tone, all thoughts of the nightmare had been vanished from her mind immediately upon seeing him. Ron just smiled widely and hugged her again, before he responded, that is.
“I'm feeling tons better, but there is something I want- I need to talk to you about.” Ron's smile faded a little bit as he led Hermione into the living room, he sat down on the couch across from her, where she was sitting on her favourite plush chair. “It's about someone that I met while I was away in Germany.” Hermione's ears perked up at this and she gave Ron a confused smile. “Her name is Aimee O'Donnell, she's a muggle and she is also from Britain.” Hermione remained rather confused even though something was beginning to dawn onto her.
“She is two years my senior, but, she is the sweetest girl I've ever met, she has nice hazel coloured eyes and her hair is a nice dark blonde and has a little strawberry red tint to it, she is a little short, falling around five foot one, she has the cutest little laugh, and I think I'm falling in love with her.” Ron said, half mumbling as he spoke at top speed. Hermione waited for him to finish, and then she chuckled to herself. “It isn't funny Herm, I really, truly think I am.”
“No, I'm not laughing at you, I would never laugh at you, I just think it's cute that you are falling in love Ron.” Hermione finally spoke up, and it was Ron's turn to be confused. “I think I realized that I may really like you, things may not work out between us, I was half afraid that things would end up like this. And I perfectly understand your reasoning's Ron.” Standing up, she crossed the distance between them in a few short strides, and then Hermione kissed Ron, softly and quickly.
“If you understand my reasoning's, then what in the name of Merlin was that for?” Ron blubbered in surprise, and Hermione laughed, this was more of a sad laugh, then her earlier chuckle. “I mean, it doesn't really make sense Hermione, at least, not for you.” It was as if he was drenched in confusion, and the whole thing would have been rather amusing if it had been a different circumstance.
“Ron, I just wanted one last kiss.” Hermione smiled, and it was just as depressed as her laughter not a minute before. He nodded in understanding, and tried to smile to cheer her up, but he didn't really succeed, on either part. “It's good that you were the one to do this, and you had a reason.” Hermione couldn't help but add. And Ron's head jerked up suddenly as a first response. “Oh, yea, I've been feeling like, like that our love just hasn't been enough, that it isn't enough to keep it going, I guess it was a tiny crush for both of us, a nice one, but it's been a little awkward thinking about it recently.”
“Yea, it's kind of like, your my little sister.” Ron sighed in slight relief, and Hermione raised her eyebrows. “A bit like Ginny, but I think I might ease up on you when you decide to date some other guys. But then again, you are my best friend, so I'll still hate him, because then he'll be your best friend and replace both Harry and I, in a way.” Hermione finally laughed, and Ron joined in a little bit. “But he won't be able to make you smile and laugh like I can.” Ron continued and Hermione laughed even harder. “You are Harry's and mine best friend, without you we couldn't have destroyed Moldywart.”
“Thanks Ron, I really needed all of that.” Hermione hugged him tightly and he grinned. “So, do you want to move out, or do you want me to move out?” She then asked, and Ron chuckled nervously, and mumbled something. “It's okay, seriously, I've got other friends, not that they are better then you, but some of them have been asking if I'll share a flat with one of them.” Ron had a brief look of relief. “But imagine if we were trying to do this without any maturity, we'd be like, hitting each other.” Hermione burst into laughter at the thought.
“You and Ferret would be killing each other and spewing insults if it was you two.” Ron laughed along with her. “I'll help you move your stuff, it's the least I can do.” Hermione nodded and the two of them sobered up a little bit. “Hey, can you make it to the Weasley dinner on Sunday? Because I'll be bringing Aimee then, plus I might need some backup so that Harry doesn't murder, or Ginny, or George, or someone else.” He then spoke up, and Hermione shook her head and smiled.
“You will always be the same inside Ron, but for my sake at least, don't ever change, ever.” She said to him, and he gave her a faint smile. “Of course I'll come, as long as I can bring Draco.” Ron choked on thin air and his eyes bulged, then his ears turned the familiar Weasley bright red. “Ron, relax, I was just teasing you!” Hermione did her best to not burst into laughter, but she didn't quite succeed. Ron groaned and glared jokingly at her. “He and I haven't talked recently, so, that isn't happening, and I don't think I could persuade him to come.”
“I think you might be able to do that Hermione.” Ron said, dead seriously, and Hermione gave him a befuddled look. “As much as I hate to admit it, Ferret-face seems quite infatuated with you.” It was Hermione's turn to look shocked. “And I'm not teasing you, cause this is actually somewhat serious, and rather frightening.” Hermione's features finally settled and she said nothing, which Ron took as a hint to change the subject, as fast as possible. “Well, it's getting late, we should get some sleep. My room still there?”
“Yea, all I did was clean it up a bit when I was bored, and change the sheets, nothing else has changed in it, all your Chuddley Cannons posters are still up, as well as Viktor Krum's autograph.” Hermione grinned at the last part, and Ron glowered at her a little bit.
“So, are we just waiting on Ron and Hermione then?” Molly asked as George arrived, a few seconds late. “It's not like them to be late, are you sure they are all right Arthur?” She was worried about them, as usual. “They could have been mugged on the way here, or kidnapped, do you think they forgot it was happening, should I owl them, or even floo them to make sure everything is all right and that they know we are having dinner tonight?”
“Relax Molly, I'm sure they just got a little sidetracked, they'll be here soon enough.” Arthur placed his hands on his wife's shoulders to help calm her down. But she still seemed incredibly anxious, and not sure that the two of them were going to make it. “Ah, see look.” There were some figures on their way to the Burrow in the distance. “I believe that is them right there.” It didn't take long for the Weasley clan and Harry to make it out that there were three people on their way there, and not long after that to realize that two of them were women.
“That is hysterical, despite the fact that he wasn't who he claimed to be, so that is why when I took Ron to a pet store that he laughed at the white ferrets.” The female who they didn't know was saying and laughing, she looked incredibly tiny around Ron, about a foot shorter maybe. “Oh, look, we are here, oh, your family is so nice looking!” She exclaimed looking around at them all. “I'm Aimee O'Donnell.” She stuck her hand out to Ginny, who took it as if she was in some sort of daze. “You must be Ron's sister Ginny, he and Hermione speak very highly of you.”
“Hey guys, sorry we are late, as she said, she's Aimee, she and Ron met in Germany.” Hermione said, grinning at them all. The rest of them seemed to relax a lot, seeing that Hermione was okay with her, they all introduced themselves to her and got along pretty well. Dinner seemed to be going along extremely smoothly without any interruptions until Ginny asked Hermione how things between her and Ron had been going. “Well um,” Hermione trailed off, glancing nervously at Ron. “He and I broke up, we both agreed mutually that it would be best for us. And we really should just remain friends.”
“Oh, well, can I exchange a few words with you in private then, Hermione?” Ginny's tone was more strained and her smile more forced as she glanced between Aimee, Ron and Hermione. As soon as the two of them entered the kitchen of the Burrow, Ginny whirled around to face the other girl. “What in the world did Ron do, did he ditch you for that muggle bimbo?” She gestured outside, meaning Aimee, who had been completely ecstatic about meeting a wizarding family.
“Ginny, you don't understand. We don't love each other, not that way at least. We realized that it was actually kind of awkward between us when we were dating, and he met Aimee when he was in Germany, and now he kind of, fell in love with her.” Hermione quickly said, she had been almost sure Ginny was going to react this way, it was her nature. “Seriously, he got back at two am and then we talked about it, joked around and went to get some sleep.”
“All right, and does this Aimee girl lo-like Ron?” Ginny asked as they began to head back to the table set up in the backyard of the Burrow, Hermione didn't have time to respond because as soon as they left the house, all eyes were on them and several of the boys were glaring at Ron. “It's okay guys, you don't have to murder him yet.” Ginny chuckled at the sight before her eyes, she loved it when the boys all tried to gang up on each other, as long as no one got seriously injured.
“So, I begin work tomorrow, I got a job at St. Mungo's.” Hermione spoke up after a few moments of awkward silence. Quite a few of 'congratulations' and 'good luck, not that you'll need it though' went around the table. But Harry remained silent, his face slightly stoney. “Hey, Harry, something wrong?” Hermione queried quietly of him, not wanting to draw any attention to him, knowing that he would hate that.
“It's just that Zabini works there, at St. Mungo's, and I heard he's been taking on a few healers beneath him, and I don't like the idea of you working under, or with, Slytherins.” Harry let out a long breath, Hermione nodded slightly, knowing that he wasn't very prejudiced, as far as she could tell the only thing he was prejudiced against were Slytherins. “Hermione, look, I don't trust him, or Malfoy. No matter how much you believe they have changed, I still feel as if they are up to something, so don't get to friendly with them, especially now.”
“I can't believe it!” Hermione hissed angrily. “You think just because Ron and I settled things, that I'll go crying off to Ferret-face of all people. Harry, how could you think that of me?” Tears began to arise, unwanted, to her eyes, she still kept whispering. Knowing that she would feel bad for years if she messed up the weekly Weasley supper just because she and Harry were having a little argument over Draco Malfoy, and who she should trust, or not trust.
“Hermione, I don't want you getting hurt, that's all. And if there is anything between you and Ron that you didn't tell me, you can talk to me about it, I'm your best friend.” Hermione nearly laughed, even after all of these years, Harry never really did grasp what girls were like, in the slightest. Sighing, she nodded, deciding that if she spoke, she would most likely lash out at him and mess things up even more, this was all Draco's fault. There she was being mature, pushing all of the blame onto some guy that didn't even know what was happening here, or maybe he did, and this is what he planned all along.
Fighting the desire to bash her head onto the table in front of her, Hermione gave George a smile, as he had been staring at her, looking extremely concerned. She didn't even want to think about anything right now, all she wanted to do was have some dreamless sleep-that, that was it! She needed some dreamless sleep potion, making a mental note to buy some after the dinner, Hermione calmed down quite a bit and found herself actually able to enjoy the food in front of her.
[*Decode, written and owned by Paramore]
[**Last Kiss, written and owned by Taylor Swift]