◇◇ 92 Chocolate ◇◇ Hogwarts
This drabble is dedicated to Kurumi's Charm's professor, Mr. Chocholate Frog Professor Descoteaux(Maxilocks)
Kurumi never EVER wanted to see a chocolate frog again. The Charms lesson a week ago had nearly put her off sugar entirely. Sitting in the Charms practice room looking over her assignment, Kurumi sighed heavily.
“What’s the matter, Ms Hollingberry?” Profesor Descoteaux asked.
“I think…I have been practicing charms too much,” she shrugged. “I feel exhausted.”
“I know just the thing,” he smiled calmly vanishing behind a desk for a few moments. When he reappeared, he was holding a large box that he set down on the desk in front of her. “There are still plently left from class.”