Dedicated to Jeyn<33 who wanted Lily and Septimus to get together.
Chapter Twelve: Broken
"Hey Lily." Septimus smiled faintly at the red head when he sat down next to her.
"Hey Septimus." Lily replied, not looking up, her face still buried into her book, she wasn't even bothering to put any breakfast food on her plate. "Ugh, this is impossible." She groaned to herself.
"Nothing is impossible." Septimus said before he could stop himself.
"Huh?" She looked up confused, "what I meant was, oh, I don't know what I meant. Do you have any parchment? Mine seems to have gone missing."
"It's beneath your plate, and Lily, are you okay?" Septimus found himself genuinely worried, and he wasn't even sure why.
"Oh, yea, thanks." She chuckled dryly, and began to write on the parchment she had pulled from beneath her plate. "And I'm perfectly okay, why do you ask?"
"You've been off recently, always been studying in the library, hardly touching your food, I was just wondering if this had something to do with the guy you talked with at the quidditch game." Lily's eyes bulged as Septimus finished.
"What, how, how did you know I talked to someone at the game? I didn't tell anyone." Lily gasped.
"I'm more observant then Mel, Missy and Jacob." Septimus replied offhandedly.
"Fine, you've figured me out, yea, it has to do with me talking to that guy at the game." Lily sighed, giving up. "He told me that my parents were still alive, and that they were at some cave, and the only cave I can think of is the one where my dad went to in his sixth year, but I don't understand why they would be there, and I'm worried that the guy is insane and that my parents are really dead, or they are going to die in that cave, and I'm just so worried, I don't know who to tell, because they wouldn't believe me, and then they'd think I'm insane and-" Lily was suddenly cut off from her rambling, Septimus had leaned over and kissed her. Shocked, she didn't move at all until he pulled back. "Did you just...?" She blinked staring at him surprised.
"I don't like seeing you broken like this Lily, now get up." Septimus didn't even bother to answer her question, and he stood up. Lily, not sure what else to do, stood up as well. Taking her hand, he lead her out of the great hall. As soon as they were out Lily exploded.
"YOU KISSED ME!" She shrieked, then clamped her hands over her own mouth, Septimus just stared at her, looking amused. "I mean, I just, I didn't expect it, why did you kiss me?"
"Lily, why does a guy normally kiss a girl?" Septimus took a long breath, sticking his hands into is pockets.
"Cause they want to shut them up?" Lily replied, and Septimus rolled his eyes. "Or cause they like... You like me?"
"That is understatement of the century Lil." Septimus laughed quietly.
"One second, I need to take this all in." Lily squeezed her eyes shut, and remained that way for about a minute. "I like you too Septimus." She finally spoke up, and kissed his cheek.
"So, how do you plan on getting to this cave?" Septimus asked, and Lily glared at him. "It's a logical question to ask, stop glaring at me."
"I don't have any idea, I'm not even fifteen, I can't apparate. I don't have permission to make a portkey. I can't tell anyone that can apparate me. I'm not going to walk or take a broom, because I don't know where to go. I don't even think the Knight Bus is an option. So, pretty much I have to wait until I'm seventeen." Lily groaned angrily, she and Septimus had been working on this for several months now. And her birthday was in a week, which was very frightening. "I can't wait two more bloody years!"
"Calm down Lils, we'll think of something, I'm sure of it." Septimus said, Lily shot another glare at him and then looked down at her homework. "So, I'm curious, why haven't Albus and James killed me yet?"
"They don't know." Lily answered truthfully, she and Septimus had been dating for three and a half months, and hardly anyone knew. Hardly anyone meant Jacob, Mel and Missy, and maybe a few smart professors, but thankfully they kept their thoughts and opinions to themselves.
"That kind of makes sense then, come on, lets go get some lunch, I'm sick of homework." Septimus stood up, and held his hand out for Lily, who gladly accepted it. They had been sitting on the floor of the Slytherin common room doing homework, until Septimus had brought up the subject of the cave and Lily's parents.
"Sounds like a good idea, I haven't eaten since last night. Last time I'm ever doing homework till three am and then sleeping in." Lily laughed to herself, and the two of them made their way to the great hall, holding hands and smiling at each other. If the students of Hogwarts were more observant, they might have realized that Lily and Septimus were a couple, but then again, the two of them had never acted like this in public together, before.
"WHOA!" Skar Longbottom skidded in front of them. "I knew it!" He jumped in the air happily, and the couple blushed faintly, and dropped hands. "I kneeeeeeeeeeeew it!" He nearly shouted. "You two are so cute together." He then whispered to them, before running off laughing.
"I swear he spends way to much time with his sister." Lily shook her head in mock disbelief.
"That is probably true." Septimus nodded in agreement.
The two continued into the great hall and began to eat, exchanging a few jokes every now and then. Lily had gotten up at one point to go grab her notebook because she needed to write something down, when she arrived, she accidentally slipped, and landed on the floor right next to her seat. Before she knew it, she was laughing to hard to get up. "I swear, I am the clumsiest person around." She managed to say through her laughter. Septimus laughed as well and helped her up onto the bench. After she had calmed down from her fit of laughter, Lily kissed his cheek. And five seconds later, two very furious Potter boys were right behind them. "Oh, hey Al, James."
"What is going on over here?" James demanded, as Albus crossed his arms, standing next to him.
"Um, I was a clumsy person and I slipped?" Lily offered, as Miles showed up behind James. "And then I laughed at my clumsiness."
"I'm talking about what is going on between you and Snape." Albus growled, glaring at Septimus.
"Oh come on guys! You can accept Malfoy, you might as well be able to accept Septimus." Lily groaned in frustration.
"So you mean you guys really are..." James looked sickened.
"Way to go, Lils." Miles grinned at her, and Lily was almost sure he gave her a thumbs up.
"What are you three guys bothering Lily about?" Cue Rose entering, with Dominique right behind her.
"She has a boyfriend!" Albus immediately rapped out.
"Let me guess, you guys don't like her choice?" Rose rolled her eyes at them.
"I think that Septimus is a brilliant choice, he's a great guy." Dominique cut in, and everyone stared at her. "What? I hung out with him for a little bit, there's nothing wrong with him."
"Does the fact that he is the grandson of Sevurus Snape mean anything to you?" James whirled around to face her.
"And Albus is named after Sevurus Snape, why?" Dominique crossed her arms, giving them a look of distaste.
"Guys, can we work on this later, cause I'm really hungry." Rose quickly cut across Albus and James, grabbing them she began to drag them away, with Miles help. Dominique just chuckled and walked away.
"Now they know." Lily and Septimus said together.