Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 02-21-2011, 01:05 AM   #115 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart Happie Chappie x

Chapter Forty Five

“Are you ready?” Charlie called up the stairs “We should have been there five minutes ago”
“I know, I know, it’s just the dress – Green really isn’t my colour” she laughed,
“You helped pick it” he chuckled as she wandered down, “I think you look stunning”
“You would say that if I was wearing a bin bag” she grinned taking his hand and picking up her purse,
“Too right I would, I love my fiancée no matter what she wears”
Sophia rolled her eyes as they apparated to the decorated front garden of the hotel, “You’re going to look forward to tonight then” she smirked “I’ve got an early birthday present for you under this green thing”
“Hmm, lucky, lucky me” he smirked kissing her cheek and leading them inside,
She wandered up to the desk and they were pointed in the direction of the large room decked out in rows of white chairs, flowers and smiling guests,
“Whoa, Harry did well” she grinned,
“Really did” Charlie said with a matching smile,
“Picture” Colin said with a grin “All the guests are to have one taken, Ginny and Harry’s orders” he smiled raising his camera,
“Alright” Charlie muttered reluctantly,
“You don’t like photos hey” she smiled as he squeezed her to his side,
“Hate them” he smiled and spoke through his teeth, “A lot”
She giggled and he released her to make a move away from Colin, she took his hand and they were led to the front by Ron,
“He’s just out back, dad wanted a word with him” he shrugged when Charlie gave him a ‘what for?’ look,
The room started to fill up.
Harry came out smiling and hugged Sophia before shaking Charlie’s hand, “Not nervous at all before you ask” he smirked watching Soph’s face frown,
“Done this before remember” he grinned,
“I forgot” she smiled and then hugged him again,
“I’m just going to spend today getting squeezed to death aren’t I?”
“Yes brother, yes you are” she laughed releasing him, “Where are the twins?”
“Coming with Molly in a minute, and the bridesmaids and then Gin”
“What did dad want with you, to scare you?” Charlie asked,
Harry laughed “To tell me that I’m pretty much doing everything the wrong way round but I’m doing it right, told me that I just need to keep going and don’t think about anyone else but my family”
“Good advice” Sophia smiled “I think your dad would have said the same don’t you?” she asked him, this time he hugged her,
“Now you’ve made me nervous”
She laughed as he let her go, “Come and stand with me then while we wait”
Charlie smiled and walked to sit with his brothers as Molly came down the side of the room pushing a pram.
Hermione and Ron joined him up there and Sophia hurried down to the back of the room to greet Ginny, the music started.
He took a deep breath and Ron nudged his arm with his elbow reassuringly, “Just look at her and you’ll be fine” he whispered, a smile spread on his face and he turned a little more to face the opening of the room,
Luna came first, then Cara and then Sophia finally Ginny, his breath caught in his throat, he smiled staring into her eyes as she stared back,
She came in smiling holding her dads arm just like the first time only she was even more beautiful.

“I am personally thrilled to have the honour of welcoming you to the marriage of Harry Potter and Ginny Weasley. Marriage is a solemn vow taken by those who wish to show there commitment to each other and their families and friends of whom they have invited on this special occasion”

“Well congratulations, I now pronounce you man and wife, you may now kiss your bride”
He did so softly with a smile, “Love you”
“Love you too” she smiled holding his hand as he led the way down the aisle, Molly hugged them both firmly and tightly,
Harry first and then Ginny “Owww – mum – let go – can’t breathe”
“Shhh” she held on and kissed her cheek,
Ginny struggled with her until she got the idea to let go,
“Finally” she huffed rolling her eyes, taking the chance to accept a hug from Sophia and Luna and Cara and then Hermione came forward, she turned before Hermione could get near her but Harry caught her eye.

She ignored his look and smiled talking to the guests before going to the babies in the pram.
“Gin” she heard in her ear “You promised” he was behind her and she smiled in pretence and whispered back,
“I lied”
He took a breath,
“I lied about that too” she kissed his cheek handed him the baby in her arms, and walked over to Hermione,
“Congratulations” Hermione smiled meekly,
“I’d wish you luck but you guys don’t need it”
“Hmm – you missed the big argument over you then”
“I heard about it”
“The joys of baby monitors, nothing stay’s secret”
“They kind of heard you without them” her hand went to her neck nervously “I don’t mean to get in the way of you two”
“Your not in the way, you’re a dent in the road, I want to keep going but he’s stuck in the hole”
“I’ll stay away if you want me too”
“He’ll hate me for it”
“Then what then – what do you want me to do?”
“Be his friend, just leave me out of it, this is me being civil to you as a wedding present to him”
“Alright – can I hug you just so we look good then?”
“Hmm – alright”
Hermione wrapped her arms round her, Ginny held her back stiffly “Ok that’s enough” she stepped back, she pasted on the smile before walking back to Harry.
“-What’s next for the wedding of the century?”
She spoke cutting in so she didn’t feel as guilty and then staff arrived at the door inviting them to stand to the side of the room, they raised there wands and the chairs transformed to fit around two tables, one long front one for the main family and several circle shaped ones for everyone else.
“Yeah, yeah” he grinned
“No really you pulled it off Harry” she jiggled the baby in her arms as he pushed the pram back and forth, he took Faith and placed her beside her sister,
“First dance Mrs Potter?” he asked as Sophia volunteered her services to take the pram with Charlie,
“Why not” she looked up at him, with a grin and he took her into the middle of the floor as the music started.

She stared, she giggled hearing the song that was playing, the same when they danced and kissed the night after the Gryffindor game when everyone else had gone to bed and they had the common room to their selves. – The same that they hummed during their dance under the oak tree, by the lake when he held her in his arms and she didn’t want him ever to let her go, “You – you big softy”
“You know that already” he smiled lifting her up and twirling her around before setting her on her feet again,
She held on dancing with him, “I love you so much”
“I know you do and you know I love you more right” he smirked, she laughed resting her head against his shoulder,
“You couldn’t possibly” she smiled, her hand at his neck playing with his hair at her fingertips, “I love you so much – that if you ever left me – if something happened to you – if he – if he came back – if he found a way to come back and take you – or if Malfoy came for you” she was suddenly serious as she thought more about it and they stopped dancing, he looked at her,
“Gin your worrying about something that’s not going to happen” he wiped a tear from her cheek, “You’ll mess your makeup up” he kissed her and she smiled a little, “I’m not going anywhere, ever again, you’re my everything Gin, I love you and you and Faith and Patience are my whole world”
“I’m being over emotional and messed up on our wedding day this isn’t right”
He hugged her “Don’t worry about a thing” they danced the last minute of the song in silence.

There was cheering and clapping, but they went to the pram. Sophia and Charlie were sitting with them at a table each holding one “How are they – you don’t think it’s too noisy for them Harry?”
“The prams got a noise proof shield round it so they can sleep but if they cry we can hear them”
“They’re fine” Sophia smiled
“Happy as clams, you worry about them to much sis” Charlie said grinning as he stroked Patience’s cheek, “They’re going to be fine when you go tonight you know that don’t you”
“Hmm” Ginny was looking nervously at Charlie – or more Patience then Charlie,
“Charlie, give her Patience will you” Harry said his hands on Ginny’s shoulders to make her sit down,
“Huh” Charlie glanced at Ginny and then smiled placing the baby in her arms, “There you go silly” she smiled looking down at her,
“Can I steal you for a dance brother” Sophia said looking at him and then the guests filling the dance floor,
“Sure” He smiled,
Sophia gave Faith to Charlie and took his hand leading him to the dance floor,
“Congrats brother”
“Congrats sister – you’ll be here soon enough”
He raised an eyebrow “Hmm?”
“It will be a while before me and Charlie decide on anything” she added “I think we’ll travel first – or do it quickly somewhere quiet only it would be just before we go or something” she shrugged “Not a big fuss, but a way you know a way to just let people know…”
“Just to let your mother know you actually went through with it” he grinned spinning her round,
“Yeah – that would be the main reason” she smirked, “I’ll marry him even if she get’s up and does the whole I object thing”
“Good, because if you changed your mind now you’d make her really happy and we can’t have that happening” he joked,
“Ugh – I’m marrying him no matter what, I’m thinking of just sending her an invite with the wrong date”
“You’ll make things worse – Do it before you go, travel the world for a while, use it as your honeymoon”
She grinned “It would be a long time Harry, you might miss me”
“As long as you’re happy” he smiled “Where’s your first stop?”
“India – the Taj mahal”
“Going for romance spots, you going to Paris too?”
“Maybe” she shrugged “Definitely Italy, Spain, Brazil and Japan”
“Exciting, so how long you reckon?”
“About – about a year and a half maybe – not sure maybe longer, maybe less”
“That is a long time – longer then you’ve been together”
“You’re not saying we should wait - are you?”
“No – I - I mean four months and marriage is on the cards as well as a year long trip when you haven’t known him – his character long at all”
“I know I love him and he loves me Harry” She said firmly “Your not going to tell me this is a bad idea are you cause I’d have to disown you like mummy dearest”
“Course not; I’m happy you’ve found each other, that you’re so certain you can plan things like this with him I’m just saying it hasn’t been that long” he shrugged,
“Watch yourself Harry”
“Really Soph, I think you two getting married is a brilliant idea if it’s what you both want; since it clearly is…”
She laughed “Ok, ok, stop trying to dig your self out of the hole little brother”
He spun her round again, “I’m going to stop talking now”
“Good – save your energy for your honeymoon”
“Is there nothing sacred when it comes to our sex life and you and Gin discussing it?”
“Nope” she smirked “She tells me everything – we’re friends as well as sisters”
“Ugh – how can she not find it weird – I mean you must – you and Charlie – you talk about that?”
She blushed, “Hmm – not so weird with her, she understands – I mean we’re in love and other people that are, well there the easiest to talk to” she shrugged,
“She said something similar yesterday, talking about Hermione and Ron with it… I saw the way she is with her, what does she tell you about me and Hermione?”
“What does she say Soph, she’s too worried for her own good and her worrying means problems for me”
“She’s with you isn’t she, talk to her”
“It never works like that with her”
“Oh Harry”
“Seriously Soph – I either give in or we have a fight and almost always it’s over nothing – I love her to bits but if she won’t tell me what’s wrong there’s nothing I can do to help”
“She’s – she” the song ended and dinner was announced, he stopped and looked at her as if telling her to continue, “She still thinks that you will – that something will happen because everything is going right now”
“But nothing will - right -”
“Harry?” Ginny called walking towards them, “Something wrong?”
“Huh – no” he smiled,
“Come on” she smiled back a little gesturing her head to the main table as the dance floor cleared,
“Imma coming” he took her hand, and let her lead him away, he turned back as Sophia followed them, she smiled reassuringly before taking her place beside him. Molly, Arthur and the rest of the Weasley’s sat around them smiling but Sophia moved to sit on Charlie’s lap as soon as dinner was over. Molly gave her a look and Charlie asked her to dance before she could get a word in.
“I take it we’re not allowed displays of affection around her?”
“That might be a good idea”
“Screw that” she held on tighter and closer, he did the same with a smile,
They danced for a while happily and then he spoke “You’re going to make a beautiful bride you know that don’t you” he moved the fringe from her eye as she blushed, “Really Soph, I think your hot now in that hideous green dress, thinking about you in a white one…”
“You’re not thinking that, your thinking about what’s underneath - aren’t you?” she tugged the bottom of his ponytail gently and playfully with a smirk,
He moved his head so his lips were level with her ear as he whispered “So jinx me”
“Hmm” she brushed her cheek against his, moving to kiss him, “Love you” she lingered on his lips “Lots and lots and lots”
He kissed her again and lifted her up to spin her round before setting her on her feet and starting to dance again.
“See she didn’t curse you honey” Charlie said with a grin “Your safe”
“For now…”
“Until we set a date – she’s not talking to me or you, don’t tell me you haven’t noticed that”
“I noticed – I don’t particularly care but I noticed, it may have something to do with the ‘Get out of my house’ routine you did on her and my mother – which I am grateful for, I just don’t think it helped”
“Oh I know it didn’t help, it was fun though and they know – really know that I’m madly love with you and have no intention of letting you go”
She giggled “Alright, but Harry had an idea I want to talk to you about later”
“Sure” the song merged into a different one as dessert was announced, they sat down again but Ginny pulled Sophia to sit beside her and inturn Charlie as well. The speeches came and went then it was time to party for a while up until Harry whispered to his wife “It’s time to go Mrs Potter”
She looked up “Really?”
“Yes, you wanna know where?”
“Hmm – ok”
“We are going to the…”
“The little cottage in the south of France I organised”
“That sounds wonderful”
“Better then Blackpool hey” he grinned,
She kissed him happily, “A lot better, is this to take my mind from them?”
“Yes, I promise they’ll be fine”
She held his arms round her waist from behind her walking them to the pram where they slept peacefully,
“I can’t hug them it will wake them” she mumbled,
He reached in –
“Harry!” she said but sighed when he gave Faith to her,
“Hmm” she kissed the baby’s forehead held her for a moment and gave her to Harry before reaching for Patience, “I’ll miss the way they smell and how soft there skin is…”
“Just two days honey” he kissed Faith and put her sleeping body back into the pram, she opened her eyes and yawned but fell back to sleep. Molly appeared,
“We’ll look after them, don’t worry and enjoy your selves”
“Hmm” she mumbled “I’ll try”
RIP JD Salinger
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