Originally Posted by
A-mazing! lol I really can't wait to read the rest

I wanna know what happens already!

Great job, hun <3
Why thank you, Gissel <3 You'll find out soon lol.
Originally Posted by
Harron Peasley
Lulu! This is soooo exciting! I loveeee it<33
Awwhs, thanks ^____^
Originally Posted by
Omigooooshhhh. I think you're portraying Lexi better than me. I'm a failure *_*

You will have more, Blondie.
Sorry for the long wait, but school started and I've been tired lately. But here it is (:
Chapter 2: Unwanted Company "Now that we're all clean, let start heading out," Stephen mentioned. It was about 10am and the two of them were still tired from all the running the other day. Especially Stephen since he was running with Lexi on his back through a crowd of people. But he had a feeling something completely unexpected when going to happen today.
“I know that look on your face,” Lexi mentioned as she prepared more polyjuice potion for the trip.
“That’s the face you make when you’re thinking too much. So what’s going on?” “Nothing. I just have this feeling that something might happen today. So we have to be extra careful,” Stephen answered. Lexi nodded and handed over a vial and drank hers. Stephen drank his without hesitation and prepared a few more things before leaving.
“Alright, let’s go!” Lexi chanted and pulled Stephen towards the door. Quickly grabbing the luggage, Stephen made them smaller and stuffed them into Lexi’s bag. Heading to the front desk, Lexi handed over the room key, signed a paper and walked out with her green-eyed monster. Her green summer dress swayed as the wind blew through her short blonde hair and around her. Stephen put sunglasses on, knowing that if the potion wore off; his eyes would be recognized from miles away. Feeling a bit uneasy, Lexi took out her compact and pretended to put makeup on.
“Stephy, I think we’re being followed,” Stephen stood in front of Lexi, trying not to seem obvious.
“By whom?” he asked, looking around at the sites as if he were a tourist. But everyone seemed pretty normal looking here.
“Someone with black hair, sunglasses, tall, a plain white shirt and jeans. It’s kind of freaking me out,” she said and put her compact away.
“I’m sure you’re just feeling like that because the police is looking for us anyway,” Stephen said, taking Lexi’ hand in his and walking towards an alley way to look like themselves again. Before leaving, he caught a good glimpse at the person Lexi had described. The uneasy feeling had now taken a toll on him and Stephen kept turning around, seeing the man following them. Seeing an alley up ahead, Stephen bent a bit towards Lexi and said,
“When we reach that alley, I’ll push you in and we start running, okay?” Lexi just nodded and Stephen could tell that she was nervous by the sweat coming from her hands. Speeding up the pace, Stephen kept looking back and seeing the person was getting closer to them.
“Run!” Stephen pushed Lexi into the alley and ran behind her.
“Expelliarmus!” Stephen yelled as he took out his wand and aimed towards the man that was following them. The man went flying back a few feet and landed on his back, moaning in pain. Hovering over the person, annoyance now grew in Stephen and he kicked the person on the floor.
“Ow! Why would you do that after you hit me with a spell?!” The person complained and sighed.
“Kids are so rude these days,” “Why are you here?” Stephen asked.
“Your mom called and told me you ran away. I’m thinking you wouldn’t actually runaway so I came out here to help,” Tyler Way mentioned and sat up.
“Plus, it was pretty easy to know it was you two who we found. Considering I just came from your house and your parents weren’t wearing that,” he chuckled.
“STEPHEN!” Lexi screamed from behind him. A tall, skinny man was holding onto her with his wand to her throat. Rolling his eyes, Stephen walked over and looked up.
“Let go of her,” he said, but the man did nothing.
“Let go,” he repeated again, growing impatient to this little game. And when the man didn’t let go of Lexi, Stephen stomped on his foot and grabbed her.
“Out of all people to bring with you, you brought HIM!?” he asked, taking his brother’s mask off.
“Why are you here, you abnormal giraffe?” “I was bored at home and decided I needed to go out and see the world a bit more,” Leonard Fanelli laughed and stood back up.
“Plus, I think you should call mom and tell her you’re alright and so is Lexi. Maybe that way she’ll finally be able to sleep one night,” Leo handed his phone to Stephen and picked up his things. Taking the phone, Stephen dialed his house number and waited for someone to answer.
“Hello? Mom?” Stephen asked.
“Stephen?! My baby! Are you eating?! Are you safe?! Are you hurt?! Where are you?!” Adriana’s frantic voice was yelling on the other side of the line.
“It’s okay, mom. Lexi and I are safe, well fed, aren’t hurt and we’re in Rome right now,” “Alright. I’m not going to force you to come back home. I know you want to find your parents and ask why they left you with us. So your dad and I are letting you do that, just stay with Tyler and Leonard. I can’t take any chances here,” “I promise we’ll be safe and bring you back something,” Stephen chuckled at the last part.
“You better!” Adriana laughed.
“Call me soon. I love you,” “I will and I love you too,” Stephen ended the call and sighed. Walking back to the others, he handed Leonard his phone back and leaned on the wall.
“Mom said she’ll let us find my parents, as long as Leonard and Tyler are with us,” “That can be a good thing. Maybe we’ll get around faster and save money if Tyler brought his car with him,” Lexi mentioned and turned towards Tyler.
“You wouldn’t mind, right?” “Nah, gives me something to do besides being home too much,” Tyler answer with a small smile.
“So if you’ll please follow me, the car is this way. And walk fast, the potion might wear off soon,” Stephen and Lexi had completely forgotten about the polyjuice they drank this morning to walk out of the hotel. Hurrying to Tyler’s black car, Stephen and Lexi hopped in the back seats, just in time to change back into themselves. Leonard and Tyler next got in and closed to the doors and windows were rolled down.
“Okay, so where are we going first?” “The lady at the hospital gave us this address of where Stephen’s parents used to live, maybe we can start there,” Lexi spoke up as she dug through her blue tote and looked for the paper.
“Okay, since I don’t know my way around Italy, someone’s going to have to tell me how to get there,” Ty looked at the three Italians in his car, feeling like the odd one out since he was half Mexican and Spanish.
“Well, lucky for you, I brought a GPS with me,” Leonard grinned and took it out his backpack.
“It’ll make things a lot easier for you,” “Seems like you’re finally using your head,” Lexi laughed and handed Tyler the address to type in.
“Stephy, why are you so quiet?” “I was just wondering what it’ll be like when I do find my parents. Are they going to be upset that I looked for them? Or are they going to somewhat glad that I found them?” “Well, we’ll find out once we get there,” Tyler nodded and started his car. Driving out onto the street, the car ride had become quiet until they reached their destination.
“You have reached your destination,” The GPS’ voice went off.
“Do you really think this is it?” Leonard asked, looking at the house in the suburban area of Rome. Taking the paper from Lexi, Leonard looked at the address and the houses’ numbers.
“I think it’s that one right there,” he pointed to a red-brown 2 story house directly across the street from where the car was parked.
“Alright, I’ll be back,” Stephen said and get out of the car, closing the door behind him. But not before Lexi stopped it.
“I’m coming with you,” she said and jumped out. Stephen just nodded and crossed the street with her. Approaching the door, Stephen was hesitant to ring the doorbell.
“Do you want me to do it?” Lexi asked but he just shook his head. Sighing, Stephen rang the doorbell and waited for an answer. About thirty seconds passed until the door opened and revealed a lady with green eyes, black hair and a slim figure.
“Hello, how can--?” she stopped in mid-sentence once she laid eyes on Stephen.