Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 02-07-2011, 02:07 AM   #111 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart Charlie and Sophie for u lol

Chapter Forty Three

“Because I’m inviting you for dinner mother” she stood at the door refusing to go inside, “I’ve moved in with Charlie and this will be like a housewarming”
“You’ve moved in with him!”
“Mother, my life, my choice”
“You’re too young!”
“I have been living there for about a week and a half” She had nothing to reply with, “Are you coming? His parents are coming too”
“Why is he not here with you?”
“Charlies asking his parents on his way to work – are you coming or not?”
“What time?”
“Seven O’clock”
“I’ll be there”
“Bringing Michael?”
“I suppose”
“Are you ever going to be willing to give me a straight answer again?”
“Possibly, try being more reasonable to me, your springing shock after shock upon me, next you’ll be telling me your pregnant”
Sophia’s expression hardened “I’m informing you of my decisions because no matter what you’ve done to me I still manage to love you and I hate myself for it”
She walked away from the door into the village and down to the café sitting inside and ordering a drink.
“Sophia, it’s been a long time” Maria grinning as she walked over “Months – your mum says you’ve gone to school far away are you visiting?”
“I moved out, she’s been lying to me and everyone else for years” she mumbled sipping on her orange juice,
“What do you mean?”
“Do you remember Harry?”
She raised an eyebrow questioningly “That boy with the fiancée?”
“That’s him – it turned out he knew who my real father was, I moved in with them, things are going well I’m living with my boyfriend now… I’m just back to talk to her and now that’s done, well I don’t think I’ll be back here for a while”
“You’re sure”
“Certain, this isn’t my world anymore, I’m happier away from Godric’s Hollow, I feel lost just being here – apart from you Maria”
“Hmm – Happy…”
“I am, really – my guy’s called Charlie and he’s amazing, I’m learning loads of new stuff tutored by my friends, I’m helping Harry with his twins” she laughed watching her face “They do things quick where he comes from – and I’m not missing out on anything as well as learning about my dad – meeting his old friends”
“What happened to him?”
“He died two years ago, killed by his cousin”
“Hmm, it’s ok though, just wish he’d been told, Mum never got that far with him – she left him at the alter and ignored him for years”
“She had her reasons?”
“Course she did, but I can’t forgive her – I could have had my dad, I could have had a whole different life as good as the one I have now but she took that from me, she didn’t think to tell him I existed for eighteen years and by then it was too late”
She looked at her watch “I’d better go – I’m meeting Charlie for lunch, he wants’ to know how things went with mum”
“Where are you living now?”
“Place just outside London, he’s meeting me in the next village” she lied and paid for the orange juice, before wandering out to the alleyway.
She apparated to the coffee shop to see him already sitting there waiting,
“Hey” he smiled and leaned over to kiss her before she sat down next to him,
“What’s wrong?”
“You’re not going to like me, but I did it for you ok – it was in your defence”
“I – I told mum”
“You did – huh – what happened?”
“She did a lot of shouting, it was abuse on you for being ‘bad blood’ – then it was why are you living with me when we haven’t known each other so long – then it was the whole thing with the love potion and George, then it just came out – I told her I loved you and we were getting married and nothing would stop us then it was ‘Oh my god she’s pregnant’”
“Yeah my mum said the same thing only I didn’t mention the marriage bit and she wanted to know why you weren’t with me to invite her”
“Look it doesn’t matter, I’m not mad I’m actually quite relieved”
“Really Charlie, I’m good” she grinned “I promise”
“So, tonight… what do we do when your mum finds out my mother was told first?”
“Nothing, they can get over themselves, this is our thing, our intended marriage and nothing to do with them”
“You weren’t so – so relaxed about it, what’s changed?”
“I have, I’ve changed my mind because I know they won’t for a while, and because I love you more then any thing and I want to be with you no matter what they say or think – it’s us no one else in this marriage just us”
“But how did you come to this?”
“Seeing my mother was enough”
He looked at her even more concerned about what she was thinking “You alright after it?”
“I stood on the doorstep while she told me what I was doing wrong and I couldn’t care less”
He shuffled closer and undid the chain around her neck taking off the ring; he slid it gently on her finger,
“Hmm…” she smiled “To tell the world I’m yours”
“Yes and no”
“And that means?”
“It’s the world but it’s also our mothers” he grinned and she kissed him happily taking his cheeks in her hands and refusing to let go in the kiss, her arms went round his neck and he persuaded her over to sit on his lap before breaking off the kiss.
“You could consider controlling yourselves in public” a disdainful voice said from a table near them,
“We’ll consider it” Sophia muttered turning to the cloaked woman “Might not follow it though”
“It’s to be expected with his sister that the Weasley boy’s are just as bad”
Charlie lifted Sophia up to stand angrily at the table “You don’t know what you are talking about”
“Oh I’d say I do” She took down her hood, “You don’t think I’ve haven’t been keeping tab’s on you Charlie”
“Charlie – Charlie who is she?”
“Yeah Charlie, who am I?”
He didn’t say anything but grabbed Sophia’s arm left a galleon on the table and apparated them to the apartment,
“Who is she?” she pulled her arm away from his grip at the same time he released it, he was still finding it difficult to speak and started to pace twisting his ring round his finger.
“My – my ex wife”
Her heart stopped in her chest, she gripped the chair as her knees buckled and everything went dark.

“Soph – Sophia – look at me - Soph, please listen to me – I love you – I’ve only ever loved you”
She opened her eyes blinded by tears and tried to crawl away from him,
“Listen to me please”
“No – let go of me please – let go” she pulled away and tugged off the ring “You lied to me” she huddled into the corner “Just like her you lied to me”
“Jade tricked me – me when I’ve had a few drinks – you know that me doesn’t know what is going on, I’ve been trying to get a divorce but she’s had everyone tricked, she ran – I thought she was long gone, run away and it’s being annulled she just wants to torment us”
“You kept it from me, I can’t marry you if your going to keep stuff like that from me” she pushed the ring towards him and curled up into a ball,
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to it just happened, it was over with before I met you but the love potion – it wasn’t Malfoy it was her”
“It was her that nearly killed me” she cried into her knees, “Her that’s ruining this”
“Please Sophia, forgive me, please” he stroked her head trying to move her hair away to see her face, “I never loved her, I couldn’t ever love her, what I said about you being the only person I’ve told I loved them was true, there is only you – for me there is only you”
“I wish I could believe you” she sobbed,
“You can” he tried to hold her, to attempt a hug. It felt so good to be comforted by him but she pushed him away,
“Don’t – please – just leave me be”
“Not like this, let me explain – she tricked me with a potion, they’re her specialty and I should have seen the signs before I left but I was so into you and not wanting to leave you there wasn’t much else in my brain until I left the country and it just got worse – worse is the wrong word – I mean, I mean it was you in my thoughts but in a good way, how much I missed you, missed your laugh, your smile, your eyes, the smell of your hair, the way we’d just talk for hours and hours and then you would fall asleep in my arms and I’d never want to let you go – all the good things, not that there was anything bad or wrong until now, until the fact I messed up and I’m so sorry Sophia, I’m so, so sorry”
“How can I trust you?”
“Because I love you”
“How did you meet her?”
“Dragons” he sat down besides her giving up on trying to sooth her, her head was still on her knees that were banked up firmly to her chest. “In one of the programs in Denmark five years ago, we dated for a few weeks but there was something strange I couldn’t peg with her, I broke it off but she said to go out for a drink with some friends – we’d just be friends it was fine she was fine with being friends”
“Did you – did you sleep with her?”
“Once – only once long before she poisoned me, which was why I could get it annulled”
“Just because the piece of paper says it never happened…”
“Jade is mad at me because as soon as I knew what she’d done I went and tried to get it cancelled, only she ran off – one of the many reasons I had , had enough of girls until I met you”
“Then what” she mumbled,
“She’d left a note, her broom and back pack were left on a cliff top there was no body, no nothing and so I tried to forget about the crazy girl and tried to get it annulled it’s going through now they’ve found her”
“So how did you find out the potion was her?”
“I got a hint in the post”
“What?” she looked up at him this time,
“She sent me a label for fire whiskey and a girls engagement ring – I threw them away before you ask, but I knew it was her – back again, she wasn’t dead just like all those other times she’d send me things on my birthday, Christmas and Valentines day, then it stopped for two years it stopped and then I met you”
“Has there been anything else?”
“No – I promise nothing while I’ve been with you until that label and ring came about a week ago”
“You had a week to tell me”
“I thought she was gone for good, I’m not linked to her anymore”
“You’ve been married to her for nearly five years, you asked me to marry you while you still have a wife!”
“Not a wife a stalker, not someone I love someone mad who would not give up”
“Why didn’t you say something before, why don’t your parents know, why doesn’t anyone know?!”
“I thought she would go away, I didn’t know she was going to just turn up, I didn’t want to ruin what we’ve got”
“What we had”
“What we’ve got, you can’t just stop loving me Sophia”
She went quiet looking at him; his face was pleading with her, looking into her brown eyes and begging to be forgiven,
“I can’t” she said and shuffled over to him “I can’t stop” she cried into his chest,
“I never wanted to hurt you”
“I know”
“I’m sorry”
“So am I” She wiped her eyes, “What do we do now?” she tried again as the tears kept falling,
“Will you – will you put your ring on first?”
He opened his hand to show her it in his palm,
She nodded “She’s not going to stop me loving you she tries again and I’ll make sure she regrets it”
He put it on her finger breathing a sigh of relief, “She won’t come near us again; I’ll make sure”
“What are you going to do?”
“The ministry already know about her, it’s just a waiting game until they catch up with her”
“Then how was she so close?”
“She can easily read what will happen next with people, she’ll know I’ve told she’ll be on the run as she has been for years – I know her better, she took the Galleon off the table so I’ll pay Fortescue again but the galleon is a tracking node”
“How’d you know?”
“I thought she’d try and get me alone at some point not with you, I didn’t even notice anyone else in the café”
“You’re not going to be ok for when our parents come round, I’ll cancel it”
“No don’t – I’ll be fine” she got up shakily,
“You should lie down, you don’t look well”
“I’m – I’m ok-”she touched her head “Ouch”
“You must have hit it”
“What - you didn’t catch me?” she smiled weakly,
“You went down like a sack of potatoes, I wasn’t expecting that” he brushed her hair behind her ear “Where does it hurt?”
“Here” she touched the area to the side and back of her head,
He kissed it gently, and then her cheek, she pulled him into a hug “Don’t leave me out in the dark again Charlie or I’ll walk away from this”
“Never again” he squeezed her to him “Never ever again, I promise – I don’t want to lose you”
“I think I will lie down” she wobbled a little and he steadied her,
“Come here” he lead her to the couch and sat down placing her down beside him, he plopped a cushion on his lap and gently lay her across the couch, her head on the cushion as he ran a hand through her hair.
“Feeling any better?”
“I guess” she mumbled rolling to her side, so she could look up at him, “It’s funny how both our mothers thought I was pregnant isn’t it” she smirked “I mean if I was they’d have gone bonkers”
“I know – but your not – are you?”
She chuckled “I’m not, don’t worry” she moved her hair from her eyes, “I’m not ready for that kind of responsibility so soon after finding you – I love you but kids so soon would just be nuts”
“You still want boys?”
“Hmm – I don’t know, I just could never see myself with little girls, Harry and Gins’ are gorgeous and I love them but for me it was boys – I think its so they look like their dad, I mean so I could see that in them where I couldn’t see my dad in me – you can see Arthur in you and Harry and James are exactly alike from what everyone says”
“If we get boys, when we decide the time is right for kids I bet they’ll look like you”
“I want them to look like you”
“You can’t always get what you want”
“Don’t I know it” she sighed
“Please don’t think so negatively you’re making me nervous”
“Charlie… Are you ready to settle down or to keep living your life in the same way?”
“Settle down – me – I’ve asked you to marry me, I love you, you’ve moved in with me, is that settled to you?”
“I think so, but it’s not the same to what my mother was saying”
“She’s thinking pipe, slippers and kids – I’m thinking you with me doing what we both love and when we’re ready having a family life as well, marriage doesn’t have to mean we’re tied up and living under a rock for the next sixty years, you know I want to travel still and I know you do so we’ll just go adventuring together”
“And giving up the dragons?”
“My choice to change my prospects, yeah I love Dragons, I’ll miss working with them but it was time to move on from that part of my life and you gave me the kick up the backside to do it”
“I would have moved to Romania with you if you’d asked”
“I wouldn’t have asked, being with you is about staying with you where it’s reasonable to do so – Romania is not reasonable and it’s freezing there in the winter”
“I’d have had you to keep me warm”
“Romania was never a long term option it was a short term escape from life here – away from my mother – until I met you, and it was then a means to an end, it gave me the money I needed to stay here with you for the long term and find a better option”
“You think your making the right choice with me?”
“Of course I do Soph, I love you, I can’t see myself with anyone else, I can’t think about my life now without you in it”
“And Jade?”
“History, we’re not telling about that are we?”
“Easier not to drag up the past when our mothers are involved, lets not and save the hassle, you’re marrying me now that’s what matters”
RIP JD Salinger
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