Thread: Harry Potter: Silver Dawn - Sa13+
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Old 02-03-2011, 02:30 PM   #66 (permalink)
Cassiopia Malfoy
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Join Date: Dec 2009
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Kaylee Strap
First Year
Default Gah, I added more drama!
Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black

Chapter Seventeen

“OHMYWORD YOU TWO!” I awoke to a nice scent and a big headache, someone was shouting at me, and I wasn't in the girls dormitories. “You two are so cute, and hysterical, and I love you both!”

“Me two what?” I mumbled sleepily, and then remembered all that had happened last night. “Oh, yea, I love you too Zoe, but some guy I know loves you more.”

“Really? REALLY TRULY?” That girl was unbelievably loud in the morning.

“Yes, really truly Z, now, I'm tired.” I curled up closer to Michael even more, and he began to stir, most likely because our insane friend was shrieking her head off.

“But, but, how do you know?” Zoe asked, looking ready to pounce on me. “I didn't think it was really obvious.”

“Yes, I'm his best friend and it is that obvious, now go ask him out and leave us alone.” Michael ordered, also half awake.

“Whoa, guys!” I heard someone yell.

“Leave them alone Jeremiah head off that a-way.” Simon told the person, and headed off towards us. “Wow, you guys know you'll probably be talked about for the rest of the school year.”

“Jealous that we're the topic of everyone.” I hazily managed to say.

“Nope, not in the slightest.” Simon smirked at us, taking the love-seat across from us. “Wait till your parent's hear about it, that will be a sight.”

“My parent's wouldn't care.” Michael said truthfully.

“And mine won't know.” I grinned, and both the boys gave me looks of 'you said what?'. “Okay, I guess I should tell them something about it, but not now, I'm tired now.” I rolled my eyes at them, and turned over to face Michael. That's when I heard a voice I'd rather not hear.

“CALYPSO!” What in the name of Merlin was my dad doing here?

“Daddy!” Ignore the fact that you saw me lying on top of a guy, I said to myself before continuing. “What are you doing here?”

“Teddy told me that you were snogging some dude at the hospital, and now, I see, that you...” He trailed off looking absolutely scarred.

“Teddy is such a tattle-tail.” Michael muttered, and I couldn't help but giggle a bit.

“Mickey and I are going out.” I finally told Draco since he looked ready to faint.

“Wait, you mean that monster guy that that dude was trying to save you from?” Leave it my dad to think of the strangest explanations. “I thought maybe you and Simon, but.”

“Ew, dad stop!” Simon and I both shuddered at the thought. “He's like my little big brother!”

“And he's in the room!” Simon exclaimed, and Michael burst into laughter.

“What about that Slytherin guy?” I was rather curious as to why my dad didn't approve of Michael, but he did for these other guys.

“He likes some other girl, and he's a... Big git.” I finished lamely, I wasn't about to start swearing in front of my dad. “Besides, what's wrong with Michael?”

“I, my best friend at school's, little sister's, boyfriend is Michael's older brother.” Cue me, Michael and Simon bursting into laughter.

“So, that's what's wrong with me.” Michael managed to get through his laughter.

“Okay, well, I know it's a lame excuse.” Draco groaned at us. “And Callie, please for the sake of what sanity I have left, can you get off the boy!”

I laughed harder as I pushed myself up and joined Simon on the love-seat, and please don't get any idea's.

“You just don't want me to have a boyfriend.” I said seriously facing my Draco.

“I don't want you to grow up.” That line brought me a sudden, painful memory.

“Daddy, why can't I go to Hogwarts, I'll be going to a magical place!” A little girl of just eleven turned tearfully her father, who's expression softened immediately.

“I'm so sorry Candy-cane, I didn't mean it that way, I just, I don't want you to grow up.” He looked at her and knew he was wrapped around her little finger all over again.

“It'll be okay daddy, it's just a magical school, it isn't like I'm getting a boyfriend.” The little girl giggled, her mood changing in less then a snap of someone's fingers.

“Candy-cane, I'd rather die first before seeing that day.” Her father laughed with her.

“Callie, what's wrong?” I glanced up and Michael's face was in front of my own.

“What, what do you mean?” I said alarmed, what had happened, I thought I only dazed off for a second or so.

“Your eyes went all glazed and then you burst into tears and you started to mutter something about daddy.” Simon responded, and I blanched.

“I... I, flashback.” I finally spoke and they still all looked at me quizzically.

“Do you, just randomly have flashbacks?” Simon couldn't help but ask sceptically.

“No, it's just that. My dad once told me didn't want me to grow up.” Thank goodness they all understood what I said there and didn't pressure me for more information.

“I'm sorry Calypso, I had no idea.” Draco said honestly, and I smiled weakly at him.

“What were we talking about again?” I did my best to quickly change the subject.

“You dating me.” Michael seemed reluctant to move away from me, but he eventually did, seeing the looks Draco was giving him.

“Oh yea, dad, if you got problems with it you should first talk with mum and then you can come to me.” I finalized it with that, whether the boys liked it or not. After that I stood up and walked out of the Gryffindor common room leaving them there to work out what ever they wanted to between themselves. What was it with me and boy drama, or drama in general actually.

“Hey, look, it's the werewolf girl, why is she still here?” I heard someone shout and I wanted to go and punch the daylights out of them, way to draw attention to me.

“Why haven't you been expelled yet, your dangerous to us all!” Someone else shouted at me and I inwardly sighed at them.

When I sat down at the Gryffindor table, everyone moved away from me. Zoe was sitting with Jacob I guessed, and I did not want to look over there, Gabrielle was still sleeping, Valentine was most likely doing her make up, Michael and Simon were still with my daddy.

“Sitting by yourself again Calypso?” Aaron said smoothly, sliding in next to me.

“Get lost Thayne.” I muttered dangerously, and he raised an eyebrow.

“And what have I ever done to you Callie?” He asked with a completely level voice, as if he was totally oblivious.

“Thayne, you know what you've done, I spoke to Jacob about-” I was cut off by him rudely putting his hand over his mouth. “Hm numph wazt blue thid!” So much for my attempt to say 'I know what you did'.

“So, you'd rather listen to your Slytherin boyfriend then me, your best friend, who's been there for you ever since I've met you.” Aaron glared at me.

That was the final mile, I ripped his hand off of my mouth angrily. “I'm dating Michael, and Michael only, I'm a faithful girlfriend, and friend, unlike you.” Oh how I wanted to grab his head and rip it off of his neck at that moment. “Don't you even dare accuse me of anything like that.” With that I stood up and stormed off, heading over to the Slytherin table and sat down next to Zoe who was next to Jacob. They both looked up at me surprised, and Jacob glanced over where I had come from and noticed Aaron.

“What did the sick, twisted, prat do now?” He seethed and Zoe looked at us both confused.

“He, acted like he did nothing and then accused me of cheating on Michael w-with you.” I stumbled over the words in my fury and Zoe narrowed her eyes at Aaron.

“Can I go slap him, pretty please with a cube of sugar on top of the cherry?” Zoe asked with false sweetness, she was a pretty protective girl.

“Go slap who?” Michael asked, he also looked curious as to why I was sitting with the Slytherins...

Floating, in the distance.

Last edited by Cassiopia Malfoy; 02-03-2011 at 02:59 PM.
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