Fortress of Brilliance ღ Mommy Quad September 4th 2073Dear Interesting Strange Boy ELI,
Oh yes, it was loads of fun. After meeting you I chilled with the dragons in the mountains of China. Or maybe that's not really chilling.. those suckers could roast me like a burnt mashmellow at a bonefire! HA, can you imagine? Anywhooo, moving on! What a coincidence I'm getting funny looks too! Apparently, it's not 'normal' to burst out laughing at 'random'. To answer your question - Yes, Cordell Kozlov Interesting Strange Boy Silly Eli, I remember you. Why would I write back 'leave me alone weirdo'? Who says I DON'T respond to random owls with random letters that I don't recognize the hand-writing on, huh? Okay, soooo.. no, I don't really. My older brother wouldn't be pleased!
I'm just dandy. Like .. dandy lions, you know? YEAH. Like those. The Prophet? There Back in London? How evil are we talking? The French school (Beauxbatons Academy) is NOT as dandy lion as me! Can you believe classes started already? Four days in! Nah, it's cool. Things here are quiet so far, but we'll see as term progresses. Speaking of classes, I'm about to be late for one of mine. Write back when you can, I'll be waiting impatiently and unnormally.
P.S., I said my Great-Gran's ancestor's old smelly cloak! I never met the woman, by the way. She died before I was born.
P.S.S., Eli. When people give you funny looks (especially the Headmaster's snitch!), you give them right back. Or smile. At the very least, it confuses them.
P.S.S.S., Did I mention yet that I'm glad you sent me a letter? Because I am. Hope you're well, Cordeli. Staying unnormal!
- Lissy L. Mae
__________________ Dream. Try. Do Good.
I love you all,
Class dismissed.
Last edited by D.A Forever; 03-10-2011 at 02:27 AM.