Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 01-30-2011, 03:23 AM   #108 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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Posts: 887
heart Heres some more Charlie and Soph i love writing them x

Chapter Forty One

She tripped over and ended up lying on the grass; she didn’t move to get up her whole body racked with sobs, the strong arms lifted her up into his embrace,
“It’s alright” he stroked her long brown hair as she cried into his chest, “It’s alright”
“It’s not”
“He would have loved you”
“You don’t know that Charlie”
“I knew him too; he would have loved you, just like everyone does, just like I do – maybe not as much” he lifted up her head at the chin to smile at her and she smiled back weakly, his thumb brushed under her eyes gently wiping the tears away, “But he would have no matter what went on with your mum, you should believe he wasn’t a bad person, he made a choice to stay and fight – he didn’t know and you can’t hold that against him, your mother didn’t tell you but she did it because she thought she was protecting you, she was trying to do right by you”
She hugged him tightly, “It’s strange you’re defending her”
“She’s your mum, she’s going to be my mother in law – I can’t be horrible to you about her, you might not like me so much for it”
“I don’t just like you, I love you”
“Love you too” His hand in her hair the other one rubbed her back comforting her,
“I’m just – I’ve never done that before – not been in control of myself emotionally”
“You’re upset, it’s ok, and it’s normal”
“Not for me it isn’t”
“There are something’s that can do that to a person”
“I don’t want to feel like this, like I don’t know who I am”
“You are Sophia Morgan Black, you are about 6ft tall, your best subject is potions, your mum is Gwendolyn Whyte, your dad is Sirius Black, your brother is Harry Potter, your fiancé is Charles Weasley” he cringed at that bit “And you are special, and beautiful, and loved by so many people that want to see you happy no matter what it takes to get you there”
“You’re too good to me”
“Your just not used to it yet” he smiled “Let’s go back in hey”
He helped her up,
“Do I look ok?” she brushed off her dress,
He gave her a quick kiss “Gorgeous” she smiled but he noticed something “Your arm” he took it concerned at the cut down it covered in gravel,
“Didn’t notice” she shrugged,
“I’ll clean it up once we get inside” he gently persuaded her hair behind her ear with a smile, “Alright?”
“I’m alright”
He led her in; she looked at her shoes bashfully, and sat down at the table, as Charlie wandered over to Ginny and Tonk’s in the kitchen.
“Dinner will be up in a minute” Ginny called,
“Soph” Harry started, “Are you…”
“Don’t worry about me little brother” she looked up and smiled at him as Charlie came back armed with a bowl of watered down antiseptic and cotton wool,
He reached for her arm from her lap and turned it to get to the cut, ‘No dittany this will have to do - do I have to tell you it will sting?” he smirked,
She shook her head with a frown,
“Do I have to remind you to hold still?”
“Get on with it Charlie”
He dabbed at it softly, her nose crinkled up,
“Baby” he grinned, gently kissed the skin beside the cut with a smile and conjured a bandage for it.
“So you guys - ?” Tonks asked “- Together how long?”
“Just a little over four months” Charlie said with a smile,
“A real whirl wind romance” Ginny added with a large grin placing a roast on the table, Harry levitating the side dishes over from behind her.
Sophia’s hand absentmindedly moved to the ring at her neck as she ate, they talked and laughed with the rest of them but she was aching to tell them what had happened just over an hour before they had arrived.
She wandered up to the toilet but after found her self going into the twin’s room and looking in at them sleeping,
“You have it easy you know, with your Mummy and Daddy, they’re here and they’re not going anywhere without you two” she spoke quietly, “They love you so much and I know they feel so glad to have you and so lucky your not giving in no matter what happens – when you get sick they worry so much, you’d better not do it again or your favourite aunties not going to be happy with you. And neither will your uncle Charlie, I want you well enough to come to our wedding you know, so I can help your mummy put you in pretty dresses and have you with us on our big day, cause I love you guys too”
“And they love you”
“Oh – erm – oops” she looked down at the floor,
“You asked him then?” Harry said with a smile “You’re lucky the monitors off you know – that is if you were planning to keep it a secret” gestured his head to the small white device on the table “Ginny thought I’d turned it on, I’d thought she’d turned it on so I came to do it now”
“We kind of asked each other at the same time – I went home and he had a ring and candles and rose petals waiting to ambush me, I got out his ring and we just asked each other” she lifted it out from the front of her dress top to show him “He’s wearing his on his thumb – you can’t tell though, I mean we’ve got to tell everyone at once so our mums don’t misbehave”
“I won’t say a word” he smiled “Are you ready to do it though?”
“I can’t see myself with anyone else; it’s him I’m made for not George”
“That’s not what I asked – are you ready after four months to marry him?”
“Yes - four months, eighteen years, twenty five years, seven years difference, my mother thinking he was thirty – there just numbers, I love Charlie, I can’t even think of my life now without him in it and time or age can’t change that for me or him”
“Then congrats” he grinned “Maybe you should look at dresses tomorrow as well – are you going to be able to keep it quiet around Molly though, she can sniff these things from a mile off”
“I have to try, Charlie and I came to a compromise for this to work, he wanted to tell them first, I wanted to tell you and Gin, we’ve decided to get it over with and do everyone at once in a few days – maybe weeks – wait until your back from your honeymoon”
“Don’t wait for us, you do it when you want to, you can tell us when we get back – you can tell us whenever you want”
“I can’t – we have to do it together or it will look funny and like you know already - I wanted to tell you first, and I’ve kind of done that by accident, you’re the person I’m going to tell everything to apart from Charlie – you’re the person I want to walk me down the aisle, to give me to Charlie – you’re my brother, and I love you”
“Love you too sis” he put his arm round her shoulder and squeezed gently,
“Harry?” Ginny said walking up the stairs, “Harry?”
“We’re in here Gin”
She appeared at the open door, “I couldn’t hear them on the monitor”
“They’re fine; Soph and I were just talking”
“Are you ok?” She asked looking to her,
“I’m good” she smiled, “Let’s go before they get worried I’m hiding up here crying” she grinned,
Ginny linked arm’s with her as Harry turned on the monitor, and stayed behind in the room,
“None of us think that” she led her to the stairs “They really like you”
“Sure, I ran away in tears, I don’t know what to say and I have loads of questions about dad I don’t know if I can ask”
“Ask away” Ginny laughed “Just go ahead, they won’t mind”
“Yeah I think they might – I wouldn’t mind asking what her mum thinks of the age difference though”
Ginny paused at the bottom of the stairs
“It’s only your mum that’s thinks that right?”
“I don’t know what everybody else thinks but she isn’t happy”
“You know it doesn’t matter right?”
“I – I know – with me and Charlie though – George brought that up as well, your mum did, soon as she found out it was an issue to her”
“You and Charlie are happy, nothing else matters”
“Nothing else matter to us, it’s what everyone else thinks that gets to me”
“Peoples opinions aren’t what actually goes on it’s what they think they see, it’s gets to me and Harry too – you don’t think we get stigmatized as teenage parents – people will pick at anything they can you have to learn to ignore it”
Harry wandered down the stairs as Ginny looked up them, Sophia looked at them both – it was like she was reading his thoughts by looking at his face,
“Harry” she started,
“Yes Honey” Harry smiled putting an arm round her shoulder,
“What are you not telling me?”
“I’m not, not telling you anything Gin” He said with a grin and kissed the side of her forehead “Come on” he led her inside as Ginny reached back for Sophia’s hand, pulling her along gently behind them.

She sat down beside Charlie again,
“I think Soph has some questions for you – the answers you’d know better then I would” Harry said looking to Lupin,
“Ask away” he said turning to Sophia with a friendly smile,
“Erm… well… I mean… what was his favourite colour?”
“He had two, black and the Gryffindor red of course”
“Food?” she asked gaining a little more confidence,
“It was a toss up between the pepper flavoured Bertie Bott’s beans and ham and pickle sandwiches until he tasted Gwen’s roast chicken”
“Her chicken is still good – my favourite food too” she said with a small smile, “What about – what about family – does he have any left that aren’t – well mad?”
“Non that I’m aware of, he broke away from them all at sixteen and from what he said non of them are worth knowing”
“Right – do you think they should know about me?”
“From what Harry’s said they already do, if a Malfoy’s involved the Blacks will already know”
“After the whole love potion mess he was responsible for…” Charlie said with a sigh, “He’s still on the run”
“But you’re all safe; he can’t get to any of you?”
“We hope” Ginny muttered “Harry was supposed to be safe in an undisclosed location with the ministry”
“But the protection has been bumped up since then hasn’t it?”
“Course” Harry said, “Not just going to leave my family unprotected” He added with a grin, “We’re fine, Ginny just doesn’t like to believe it sometimes, a sucker for punishment right?” he said turning to her as she pouted and crossed her arms,
“She’s also annoyed because she’s going dress shopping with her mother tomorrow” he smirked and she punched his arm with her angry fist.
“And she doesn’t have the chance to be a Bridezilla thanks to you”
She punched Charlie’s arm this time,
“Stop being mean to her” Sophia spoke up “Or she’s not going to marry you again”
“Oh I’m going to marry him, I’m just going to make his married life hell” she smirked,
Tonks started to laugh, Soph joining in as Harry looked between Charlie and Lupin, “Why do we need them again?”
Ginny threw teddies and dolls at him from a near by toy box “To push out your babies-” she threw one “- to make roast dinners like our mothers -” she threw another “- to clean up after you -” and another “- To sleep with you when no one else in there right mind will”
“OK – OK” he laughed dodging the toy’s flying at him, he managed to get up and pick her up off the chair,
“Harry – get off – Harry!” she struggled and then gave in with a sigh as he whispered in her ear,
“I need you to survive”
“I hate it when you do that” she rolled her eyes and kissed him as the room smiled,
He put her on her feet to whisper quietly to her, “I’ll make up for it – promise”
She giggled and pushed him away “Harry Potter behave yourself in front of our guests”
“They don’t mind, they’re just as madly in love as I am – right?” he said sitting down and placing her on his lap,
“Just not so – flamboyant though hey” Tonks said grinning and swinging Remus’ hand in her own, she yawned “Ok we’d better take Teddy home”
“Aww stay – Harry hasn’t put you off has he?” Ginny said,
“No – no” Remus replied “We’ve just got a lot to do tomorrow – we’re both at work early and everything else”
“Ok, but you’re coming to the wedding?”
“Course, we wouldn’t miss it for the world” Tonks smiled “Have fun tomorrow” she stood up going to the living room for Teddy sleeping on the couch.
“Alright” Ginny got up and hugged her and Remus – the guys shook hands, the girls hugged and kissed cheeks and Remus, Teddy and Tonks left. Charlie and Sophia leaving soon after to go back to there place.

“How am I going to keep it from your mother when I wanted to tell them, when I wanted to shout it from the rooftops!” she grinned and flopped onto the bed,
“Because you don’t want her to know...”
“Oh yeah – that would be true” she rolled over to her stomach her head on her hands, elbows on the bed looking at him, “Sooo what about… what about we do it in a few days I mean get it over and done with, get them here together and tell them?”
“Just a few hours ago that wouldn’t have been a possibility…”
“I’ve changed my mind, speaking to Harry, to Gin; I figure we do it outright, I won’t listen to what they say if they have issues”
He knelt down in front of the bed head resting on his arms on the quilt “You sure?”
“Sophia Black, are you sure?”
“I’m sure” she turned her head to the side smiling at him and shuffled forward to land a soft kiss on his lips, “So sure… I want to tell everyone” she moved closer arms round his neck to kiss him even more, “I’m so in love with you I want everyone to know”
“I think you just want me to know” he laughed pulling her off the bed to land on the floor with him,
“Hmm but im not going to tell you again for a while, think I might just show you”
RIP JD Salinger
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