Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 01-30-2011, 03:19 AM   #107 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
Location: melbourne
Posts: 887
heart aww thanks Soph x

Chapter Forty

“Charlie – Charlie?” she said wandering in through the front door, “Are you back?”
“Upstairs” he called out, “Come here a minute”
“Oh – erm ok” she took off her jacket and shoes to walk up the spiral staircase to the mezzanine top floor, “Wow”
He was sitting cross legged on the end of the bed smiling, there were candles and rose petals – he must have brought them just for this she smiled to herself -
“I wanted to give you something – figured I’d make it a bit special you know” he opened his hand to show a little black velveteen box,
“Not a big deal ok”
“Ok” she walked to the draw containing some of the little she’d left there each time she’d stayed, she took out the black leather box as he watched and sat on the bed behind him, he turned round still smiling,
She smiled “Will you?”
He added, “Marry me?”
“Yes” They said together, as each opened the box to the other, they looked at the rings for split second and then back to each other, they both grinned, the rings were forgotten as he leaned forward to kiss her, his hands held her strongly but lovingly pulling her into him,
“I love you” he smiled,
“Love you too” she kissed him nearly forgetting, “We can’t do this now though” she sighed as he smothered her neck,
“Can I ask why not?”
“Because we have to go to dinner”
He stopped and shuffled so he was kneeling over her, “We are?”
“Ginny organised it, she invited Lupin since I haven’t met him yet” she replied sitting up to face him, “If I had known…”
“It wouldn’t have been a surprise now would it?”
“Hmm” she mused to herself,
“How long have you had that ring?” he kept kissing her neck as they spoke, distracting her just a little from the meeting ahead of her,
“Erm… a little while – you?”
“A little while” he shrugged, “We’re right though, I mean both at the same time thinking the same thing”
“We’re right” she kissed him before checking her watch, “We’ve got – hmm more time then I thought – we’ve got an hour, I could cancel but – but Ginny’s doing a roast and everything, they were bathing the twins as I left”
He rolled his eyes, “Don’t cancel, this is important, we can celebrate properly after” he moved forward forcing her to lie down holding her cheek with a smile,
“But for now…” she giggled as his other hand whispered along her belly under her t-shirt and round her waist to lift her up to meet him in a kiss,
“I really love you” she said with a sincere smile,
“And I you”
She kissed him lovingly, lingering “So much – so very much” she added against his lips with a smile,
He reached for the box taking out the ring and placing it on her finger, she smiled taking out his simple silver band with a jet black dragon scales inlay, “You like your engagement ring then?” she asked,
“It should be me asking you that” he said with a smile, letting her put it on his finger,
“I love it” she wiggled the fingers of the hand with platinum band and black diamond on it, “We have similar taste’s don’t we?” she grinned,
“The black” he smirked “Like our souls”
She laughed “We’re just different, and our souls are the same” her hand reached, her fingers in his hair, as she sat up on his legs and hugged him snugly, “We’re also pretty crazy too right – I mean four months together and we’re engaged ?”
“I got your ring the first day in Romania, leaving you here even though it wasn’t for long - I knew I didn’t want to be away from you like that again and I didn’t want to let you get away”
“Two days later for me – I saw it and I wanted to see your face”
“I’m surprised – I promise you I am” he grinned “Since when do guys get engagement rings too?”
“We’re equal in this and I don’t want any other girls getting idea’s about you – you are mine” she smirked seductively leaning in closer “- All mine”
“I’m not complaining” he placed a soft kiss on her lips “Not looking for trouble either, I’ve got enough with you”
“Trouble?” she placed her hands on his chest undoing his shirt, “I’m not trouble” she pulled it down his arms kissing his neck and cheek and up to his face and lips,
“Not trouble at all” he smirked pulling her t-shirt up over her head,
“They won’t mind if we’re a little late” She grinned reaching for his belt, “I mean if we tell them why they won’t mind”
“We’ve got to tell our parents first”
Her eyes closed, her head leant to rest on his collarbone, as she spoke “You could have said that afterwards”
He looked down “You what?”
“I’m not in the mood anymore” she shuffled off the bed “I’m gonna get a shower”
“Soph” he got up following her into the bathroom,
“I thought we’d do this following our own rules, not having to have permission, being able to tell who we want when we want” she took off her jeans,
“You don’t think its right to let them know first – them being our parents and all?”
“Not for me it isn’t, my mum isn’t going to have a kind word to say about this at all and neither is yours” she reached in to turn the shower on but he took her arm, to turn her around, “Can’t we just send them an invite and leave it at that?”
“That’s not - I mean - we need to tell them face to face or it will only make it worse”
She sighed, “Make it worse, just run away with me please”
“Sophia, I love you, I want you to be happy – it doesn’t matter what they think, it’s not your mum I want it’s you”
She smiled little fighting tears, “I know it doesn’t matter but I want this to be us not them”
“It will be” he pulled her into a hug “I promise”
“Can we come to compromise?” she mumbled into his chest,
“What do you suggest?”
“Can we have everyone round and tell them all at once –after Harry and Ginny get back from there honeymoon – mum will behave if there are other people here”
“Mine should do to – ok we’ll do that” he kissed the top of her head, “All at once”
“There not going to get on you know, my mum and your mum”
“They don’t have to ever see each other except on rare occasions – this party, the wedding, and the odd birthday”
“Hmm… I guess so” she mentally added on the birth of grandchildren – they both wanted two boys, which they both really found strange when it had popped up in conversation once.
“Don’t worry about it, we can just leave them to attack each other and once they’ve finished each other off we’ll have a nice peaceful wedding – somewhere away – somewhere far away”
“Where is far enough? – ugh they’ll be pushing for a date soon you know”
“We’re in no hurry; we go at our own pace, relaxed but spontaneous right?”
“Right” she nodded and kissed him before he let her go, she took off her watch and undid her hair he turned the water on –
“Care to join” she grinned pulling him in at the waist of his jeans laughing and kissing under the steaming water.

They walked through the garden hand in hand, “You nervous about meeting him, you’re fidgeting?”
She managed a “Hmm”, her hand fiddling with the chain holding the new ring around her neck,
“Are you thinking how much of a wolf he looks like?” the thumb with his ring was stroking the top of her hand reassuringly as they stopped halfway down the path to the front door,
She frowned and nodded in embarrassment, he chuckled,
“He looks like a normal guy, he is a normal guy – the werewolf is only the full moon and he takes a potion to suppress it – he’s not scary, he’s nice and you’ll get on with him and Tonk’s I guarantee it”
“Harry said that to me and my mum when she was complaining about the age gap”
“They’re happy, we’re happy, age has nothing to do with it” He said looking down to her “We’re two halves of a whole”
She nodded and hugged him, he squeezed her gently, “Come on they’re waiting for us”
“Uh huh” she let go and held his hand again as they knocked on the door,
“Door’s open” Harry called out, there was crying filling the room but when they walked in it wasn’t what they had thought –
Each had a twin walking up and down the length of the room trying to stop there crying as Tonks was sitting at the table rocking a cry turquoise haired, year old Teddy as he bawled,
“Hi Charlie – erm”
“Sophia” Ginny reminded her,
“Charlie and Sophia – Remus will be back in a minute, he’s trying to find Teddy’s favourite toy” she grinned rolling her eyes,
“Oh – ok” Sophia said smiling,
Faith gave in to sleep first, then Patience after another minute as Teddy settled down and stopped crying,
“I’m sorry guys, should have known I couldn’t trust him to sleep in there with them”
“Its fine” Ginny smiled “He was just curious”
Sophia and Charlie had sat down and watched them control the babies,
“What happened?” she asked as Remus stepped out of the fireplace successful in his quest in finding the small green dragon,
“He woke up and poked them” she handed over Teddy to Remus and stretched in her seat, “He’s figured out he can levitate out of the cot, crawl to them and annoy them”
“Little mischief-maker” Lupin said watching him fall back to sleep, worn out,
“More like marauder in the making” Harry grinned,
“I think your right” Remus grinned “How are you Charlie, and your friend?”
“Sophia” Tonks put in,
“Erm Sophia Black or Whyte depending on my mother” She put in with a smile, “Nice to meet you”
“Black” Remus said looking closely “- Gwen Whyte?”
“How – I mean – when – they broke up, she left, she didn’t make contact we couldn’t find her – Sirius thought she’d been killed!”
“She was hiding me”
“That’s an understatement, she wanted to leave, he refused thought they were going to be ok and she left him at the alter – he didn’t hear from her for months until she appeared at James’ visiting them for a few weeks and then disappeared – she wouldn’t talk to him, she wouldn’t meet him and then he went to her house and it was leased to someone else – her family wouldn’t say anything to him”
“She – she only told me this year who he was – Harry met me by accident, she told him he told me, she recognised Harry”
“This is wrong, so – so wrong, he should have been told”
“She tried to explain, but she’s done to much to ruin things between us for good, I can’t forgive her of robbing me of a father when she could have told him – she knew before they were getting married, she had chances to tell him but she said she left because he would never change his mind and go with her – she didn’t give him a reason to”
Remus shook his head, “You would have been reason enough”
“My mother didn’t seem to think so”
Charlies arm reached round her waist and she rested her head on his shoulder wiping her eyes “Sorry” she mumbled
“Its fine” Remus replied looking at her, “You can see the resemblance can’t you Harry?”
“Yeah” he smiled “A lot about them is the same – the most obvious thing is the eyes”
She looked up to him “Really?”
“They’re his alright” Remus smiled and pulled out his wallet taking out a picture – it was the three of them, arms over each others shoulders laughing at the camera – captured on muggle colour film “This is before Peter” he handed it over
“So young” she stared, his eyes were big, brown and happy and he was grinning,
“Fourteen – beginning of fourth year”
“So happy”
“We were, always – even through the bad times we could count on each other to put a smile on our faces no matter what”
“How – how – I mean how would he have felt about me?”
“I’m sure he would have loved you, he just would have wanted to have been told – even when things didn’t work out he loved Gwen”
“She goes by Wendy now, Wendy Davis living the muggle life - she said she didn’t tell him because he wouldn’t have listened, him knowing wouldn’t have made a difference and I don’t know who to believe – I don’t trust her because she lied, she bound my powers and kept me away from a life I could have – I wanted to have, but she’s my mother and - and he’s not here – he’s not here” she got up and ran out the front door in tears.
RIP JD Salinger
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