½ EagleBrain ♥ Creeperdoodle ♥ Raven Dor ♥ Berry ♥ ½ Team House Elf Next Post!
Enjoy. * * *
“It wasn’t dangerous mum”, cried Charlie, “I know what I’m doing. I’ve watched those dragons grow up, they’re harmless... if you treat them right”, he added. Molly was not convinced.
“Look I don’t care if your familiar with those dragons, the point is Ellie’s not... and that put her life in danger.” Said Xavier, his voice raised. Remus and Sirius stood at his sides, both of them in agreement. “It was a very reckless thing that you did”, said Remus, his arms crossed in front of him. It was not going to be a good day at the Order.
The room went quiet once more, “I should go check on Elle”, said Remus a moment later, “See how she’s doing.” Xavier made to follow him out of the kitchen but Sirius held him back by the scruff of the neck and pushed him into a seat at the table.
“You can see her later”, he whispered.
Xavier glanced over at Charlie, Molly had started yelling at him again. At least he’s getting what he deserves, thought Xavier.
Remus came hurrying down the stairs to the kitchen again, muttering something under his breath. Xavier looked up curiously.
“Can I see her now?” he asked.
Remus just stared at him, his eyebrows furrowed, his lips pursed.
“She’s gone.” He said simply, observing Xavier’s reaction.
“She’s what?!” he yelled, jumping from his seat.
Remus didn’t say anything for a moment, he looked at Xavier then turned his attention to Charlie and back to Xavier.
“I’m holding you two responsible”, he said pointing his finger at them both.
“Blame Charlie, if he hadn’t had said anything, Ellie and I would have gone and come back by now... Remus, she hates being locked up in here, she needs fresh air.” Said Xavier, Charlie flinched at the mention of his name.
“You were going to go to Switzerland... right?” asked Remus in response. Xavier nodded, though it wasn’t true, it was just the cover story for their real plan. Their plan to visit Godric’s Hollow.
“Right, I’ll be back soon... maybe I should send a patronous,” said Remus as he gathered his coat from his seat.
“A patronous is probably too dangerous,” said Xavier in a concerned voice.
“No... where we were staying in Switzerland was pretty secluded, I wouldn’t risk it otherwise,” he replied quickly as he removed his wand from his pocket.
“DON’T!” yelled Xavier moving towards Remus, his own wand drawn.
Remus eyed him suspiciously, “She’s not in Switzerland is she?... you know where she is”, spat Remus, anger rising in his throat now.
“I’m just saying, maybe she decided to go somewhere else...” replied Xavier, though not with any confidence. Remus’s grey-blue eyes penetrated his, they were usually warm and kind but in that moment Xavier felt as though he was looking at the eyes of a stone-cold killer.
“Where were you two going to go?” asked Remus more forcefully now advancing on him slowly.
Xavier scanned the room, all eyes were on him, Sirius blocked the stairs from the kitchen. He was trapped.
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