Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi smiled at Professor Truebridge as he complimented her work.
Kurumi looked down at her now finished desk. What color? She sure hoped that crimson was appropriate because, well, that is the color she had stained her wood with. Timidly, Kurumi raised her hand. " Professor, would red or crimson be appropriate?" Then again, she supposed the color was more along the lines of maroon or rosewood, but no need to get that specific. "Any shade of red is fine." Truebridge agreed, "In a traditional sense." Quote:
Originally Posted by The1HBIC What, they still had more to do here? Was this class ever going to end? Marie was so ready to go... NOW.
Stain the runes? Crap, that was something her and James never talked about in their study session. Pulling her book back out she quickly thumbed through it.
Really, they had to use their own blood for this? "That would be blood and the color would be red." She said hesitantly putting her hand in the air. "We're not really gonna use our own blood for this are we?" Because she did not feel like bleeding today. "Yes. Blood and red." Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Mia raised her hand in the air. "Er...I believe runes were originally stained by blood." Please let that not be the case now. She did not want to be pricking her finger to stain her runes. "Although there is an alternative to that and that would be red ochre and earth pigment. Symbolically it served as the blood of the earth. So the colour of course is red." "Thats right, blood was the original choice and red ochre is a replacement choice, and very much for the symbolism involved." Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabben "Looking over from his desk he smiled.*
"Great job Mia!"
*Putting up his hand Matty said.*
"Originally runes were stained with blood; either the blood of the person using them, or the blood of a sacrificed human being or animal."
*Matty didn't like the sound of that but he didn't mind blood. He'd seen enough of it by getting so many bloody noses.* "Thats right. Blood." Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. Patroclus was still so pleased with his Desk of Runes, that it was only just that he heard what Professor Truebridge had said, and by some magic stroke of luck Patroclus was quite sure he knew the answer. "Professor, I believe to stain a rune you use Red Ochre," the Lion smiled, "Something earthly just like the runes!"
"Exactly. Earthly magicks deserve the appropriate symbolism." Quote:
Originally Posted by Gabben *Putting his hand up Matty remembered that not only blood could be used.*
"Also saliva, sweat, and tears?"
*Matty had a feeling there were more but he wasn't sure. And those were all used in the old days. Did they use other things now? He kind of hoped so.* "Thats right other bodily fluids are permitted. It's all a matter of uniting the rune with its creator and more firmly bonding it to the intent. However blood, and red ochre which is symbolic of blood, and the colour red in general, are more effective depending on the magic to be cast." Quote:
Originally Posted by Dianna Malfoy As Dianna raised her hand, she hoped what she and her other classmates have said will not be done by them. She didn't want to have and infection on her finger again. *shudders*
"If I am not mistaken, it would be blood as the color will" she said as she lowered her hand. "That's right. Blood red."
He looked around the class.
"You don't have to use blood today. However, you may wish to consider it when you create your own rune sets, and indeed if you are creating a particularly powerful runespell then blood is the best answer. For those of you who have coloured your runes magically, that is fine too. Much of it is a matter of symbolism, and indeed if you prefer not to do things the old ways I am fine with that," Obviously or he wouldn't have taught them the Intaglio method, "But it is still important for you to know the traditional and ancient methods, even if you put your own interpretations on them in the long run. So the last thing we will do before class ends is colour our runes. He set up some red ochre that had previously been mixed from powder with oils in bowls on each table, tiny brushes set for each group and a second bowl with water and a few cloths as well.
"No blood today." He wasn't in the mood to deal with any squeamish children, "But if anyone wishes to use blood for the seal next time, you may whenever you wish, come into the classroom and carve some more runes and use your blood by adding just a few drops into the red ochre mix."
He headed up to the board and gave it a tap. Startled, the blackboard began writing again. It had apparently dozed off.
"The homework will be up shortly. Finish painting the red ochre into the rune carvings you just made, and then you may leave." ooc: Class will close in 24 hours. |