Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer OOC: I am truly sorry for my delay in posting. There was a death in my family and I had to help arrange a funeral as well as other family matters. But I'm here now and will close the class in 24 hours... theres one last task. SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie "Thank you, Professor Truebridge," she smiled picking up her piece of wood to examine her work.
Carving against the wood is easier than carving with it? Hm, that was a new way of thinking for sure. Kurumi had always been told that going against the grain made things harder, and not just in terms of carving runes into wood. Kurumi was beginning to like the wizarding world more and more. Going against the so called status quo was a good thing. Being different was equally as important.
Smiling to herself, Kurumi set her piece of wood to the side and decided to recarve the three runes she had practiced into her desk. Having carved them once with little trouble, there shouldn't be anything disastrous a second time around, right? Just had to remember to keep her voice calm and in a flowing rhythm. Since she had grown rather fond of the Burin tool and a galdr, Kurumi decided to use that one.
"kenaz kenaz kenaz
ku ka ki ke ko
kun kan kin ken kon
ok ek ik ak uk
Kurumi sang as her tool danced across the surface of her desk as if she were painting on a canvas instead of carving. When the sawdust settled, Kurumi brushed over the area to check out her handy work. No lost fingers. No giant holes in the desk. Kenaz was looking rather pretty in the desk.
"Professor Truebridge," Kurumi asked looking over her shoulder when she saw him passing by again. "Is it alright if we use Pingo to add some color to the carving?"
"Ah and you have discovered the final step. Adding colour needs to be done by hand and in quite a specific way. We'll get to it in a moment. That Kenaz looks very good, Kurumi, well done." SPOILER!!: top94a Quote:
Originally Posted by top94a "Yes, sir, I'll love to" Raven response. Now Raven think, what method, he will be used this time, he have difficulty using the first method, but he easily finish the second method, but, wait the professor say three runes will be finish by the end of the classes, Raven personally choose the Isa rune because it easy, what he will be chooses from the rune list, Raven revisit the book. "Algiz -A shield, protection, guardian, a ward against evil, channeling energies" Raven read. "it's okay to be added to be my second rune, what next" he murmur. "Wunjo --completion of tasks, motivation, success in any in any endeavour, joy, success, harmony, prosperity, ecstasy, going over the top ", Raven read. "Maybe this is my third", Raven said.
now, now, Isa is for Reflection and reinforcement of magic, Algiz is for protection and Guardian, and the Wunjo is for motivation and completion of task. What next Raven, how do you carving it, what is the sequence, he think.
It may be Isa-Wunjo-Algiz or Algiz-Isa-Wunjo, Raven decided it will be the later
yes, it must be Algiz-Isa-Wunjo sequence, but before that, there is one things to be clarify first. "Professor, is it okay to use both method, isn't it?, I mean I used the wand method in one rune and using the burins method in the other two" Raven ask. It good to be sure before proceeding in the desk carving.
"Yes you can use whichever method you like, or both, as you please." Truebridge answered. SPOILER!!: nogoodforyou Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Finally! thought Helena. She could finally carve on the table. Of course, after a lot of practice, the runes looked really good.
She took out her wand and started muttering "Intaglio Ansuz" and the rune slowly appeared on the table. Ansuz meant an authority figure, a leader. Well, she always wanted to be the best.
Next. "Intaglio Kenaz." Kenaz was for wisdom, creativity - even though she could be extremely creative sometimes - and understanding. Okay, let's try a galdr as well, she thought, taking a burin. She started muttering the galdr for Wunjo, which meant success, achievement of goals and reward.
"wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n"
It worked! She raised her hand. "Professor? Can I remove the goggles and the gloves if I'm ready?" It's not the way she looked that bothered her, she just didn't feel comfortable wearing them. But anyway, they had to be protected somehow, especially someone clumsy like her.
"Yes you can, if you have finished carving. But if you intend to do more you'll need to put them back on." Truebridge agreed. SPOILER!!: xMagicalMuggle Quote:
Originally Posted by xMagicalMuggle Katelynn was a bit nervous, but she though she'd have a go.
She picked up her wand again, and took a deep breath.
"Intaglio Dagaz... Dagaz... Dagaz... Dagaz... Dagaz... Dagaz..."
And - there it was!
Katelynn felt very exited; she did it!
She slowly raised her hand into the air. "Uhm - professor? Is - is it OK that I carved Dagaz into my table?" It properbly would have been better to ask him before.. oh well!
"It-it's for happiness, success and positive outcome. Is that correct?" She asked with a faint smile. What was she gonna do if he thought the rune was completely wrong!? oh no, oh no.....
Ethan went over to have a look.
"Yes thats a good reason to choose Dagaz. And nicely carved too. Good job." SPOILER!!: Tazenhani Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani Sabel's expression knotted into a mixture of interest and confusion as Truebridge answered his question. There were further questions that came to mind with the answer, but he decided it was perhaps best if he mulled it over before rushing headlong into an answer he might decipher with a bit of thought.
So, after a bit of practice with galdr, and a bit of a better result due to his concentration and attention in having to recite the lines of the chant, he slipped his practice board away and ran his hand over his desk. While the Incantation from his wand seemed to be a bit easier, at least in the form of physical work, the muggle side of him could not help but want to use the burin. He turned the tool around in his fingers a few times as he considered which spot to place his runes. A triangle seemed like the best idea, with one at the top center of the desk and the other two at the bottom corners. That way one could put their work in the middle and, at least in his mind, receive a combination of the magic of all the runes; in the similar way a spider web conveyed vibrations to the center from each of it's extending strands.
Placing his burin to the wood at the top of his desk, he began carving, taking note of the progression of the chant in his textbook. "thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th"
One time around didn't seem to extend long enough for him to finish the carving, so he repeated, hoping that it wouldn't be too much of a tongue twister that all that came out would be a mixture of attempted sounds. It reminded him a great deal of when he was a child and his friends and him would attempt to say a certain word several times fast. At least he had had practice? "thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th"
Removing the burin, he blew gently on the desk to clear the shavings from within the grooves of the rune and about it. A small smile touched his lips. It was rough, but a great deal more discernible than his practice runes had been. Tracing his fingers along it, he considered once again what Truebridge had said, and found that his question had not become any more enlightened with the few minutes of carving.
Shifting a little in his seat, he tilted his head a little in question. "So, Professor Truebridge, the runes that muggles use...because they do not have the incantation or galdr, they are not magically endowed?" Which seemed a little strange. "They are used a great deal in divination, or is that just a basis of perception?"
"They can and do use the galdr." Truebridge corrected, "However, with little to no magical ability within themselves, the magical effect of the rune is certainly not as powerful, if it has any sort of magic to it at all. The nature of the rune allows them to be used for divinatory purposes by muggles and wizards alike, however, as with any magic, and with many forms of divination for example, full understanding is much harder for a muggle to reach." Sabel. Questioner.
But at least the boy's questions were good ones, and Truebridge was always willing to answer questions directed at him by students. SPOILER!!: Zoerawrr Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr "What, like... you put it in an ice box or something before you use it?" Jake asked, feeling his burin properly. He couldn't remember if it was particularly cold earlier, but his hands had definitely warmed it up. Yet... it was still working. "What does 'Cold Chisel' mean?"
Hmmm... the fact that Truebridge used his wand made Jake a leeeeeeeeettle wary. He liked the idea that they'd been done manually... it kind of enhanced the magic in a way. Ah well... maybe he'd try and carve some in his dormitory. Heh.
Taking note of what Truebs said (even though he recalled the bit about the grain anyway from their meeting in Diagon Alley), Jake took his burin and ran his fingertips over the table. Hmmm... the place up the right hand side near the edge was good enough for him.
Standing up and kneeling on his chair, Jake poked his tongue out of the corner of his mouth and frowned in concentration as he begain painstakingly carving his rune and chanting the galdr thingy.
"dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z"
When he had a messy-ISH looking bow-tie kind of shape on his table, Jake smiled proudly. He had no lines going WITH the grain of the wood, so it hadn't been too tricky. As he sat back taking a little break, Jake raised his hand.
"Can we carved them underneath the table, like on the underside, or on the legs or something?"
He had his reasons.
"Cold chisel," Is a rock band, "Refers to tempered steel used to cut metals that are 'cold'. So not to be used in conjunction with heating tools or spells or in a forge." He offered in brief. It made sense that it'd be Jake asking that one.
"And yes. You can if you wish." Truebridge agreed. Anywhere on the table was fine by him. SPOILER!!: vijaya Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Lucy looked at Professor as he approached to her and acknowledge her rune and said "Thank you Professor " and gave a smile.
The she stared with her work on rune on the table. Lucy was all very set to curve her runes on the table she was very excited too. As to start she decided on which method would she be using, she was very confused then finally she decided to go with the one she felt was easy for her and decided to curve it using her wand. So she took her wand in her hand and took a deep breath "Hmm so let's start" she said looking at the table and her wand.
She pointed her wand on the table and said "Intaglio Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu Fehu" saying that she also concentrated on the result. As this was said, she had completed doing on of her rune. "Ok, so one is done maybe I should go on with the other."
So she took her wand and pointed it to the table again and concentrated on the result of the rune and said "Intaglio Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo Gebo" saying this she stopped when she saw it was completed. "Hmm, this is done too, maybe now I should call the Professor to show my work." She thought and looked for Professor; she saw professor looking at everyone's work and said "Professor, I've completed it." Saying this she smiled.
"Alright." Truebridge strode over and had a good look. "Very nicely done." SPOILER!!: top94a Quote:
Originally Posted by top94a the professor seem busy in other, Raven decided to make a move, and because Raven found out, its more easy to used the galdr method than intaglio method, Raven choose it.
Now for the Algiz -- A shield, for protection, channeling energies. what to do next. try it first in the wood, Raven readied the burins, place it in the wood, and the chant begin. algiz algiz algiz
z z z z z z z z z
uz az iz ez uz
oz ez iz az uz
z z z z z z z z z
after completing the chant Raven remove the burins and found out the carving is nice. now for the desk carving. algiz algiz algiz
z z z z z z z z z
uz az iz ez uz
oz ez iz az uz
z z z z z z z z z
after the chant is finish, "Nice, beautiful one, haha" he said.
what next, the rune Isa --for reflection and reinforcement of magic , the rune he practice more, Raven think no need to produce another in the wood.
Raven placed the burins, to the right of rune Algiz, and the chant begin isa isa isa
i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i s s s s s s
(s s s s s s i i i i i i)
i i i i i i i i i
"this is easy, just a line" Raven said
now for the last rune Wunjo --completion of tasks, motivation, success in any in any endeavour.
Raven try it, first in the wood. he found it okay, proceed to the desk carving, using the chisel wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n
"Whew, nice, i think, mission is accomplished" Raven say
Let the professor, see it, and ask him, how to activate the magic of the rune.
"Professor, what will we do next" Raven ask
Truebridge went over and had a look at Raven's work and nodded, quite pleased with the results.
"Good job. And there is one more step." He held up his finger. They'd get to it in a moment. SPOILER!!: aussiegirl Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Slipping her hand into her bag, Mia pulled out her wand and kind of glared at it for a moment. "Now listen to me Mr Wand, if you carve the rune into the desk without setting it on fire, I promise that I will give you a nice coat of polish." She looked around to make sure that no one was listening to her talk to her wand.
She then turned back to her wand and with a very deep breath, Mia swept her wand across the desk where she wanted to carve the rune and then said the incantation. "Intaglio...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo..."
Mia looked down at the desk and was dismayed to see that she could see absolutely nothing on the desk where she was trying to carve her rune. Now usually she would give up by this point but seeing how she hadn't managed to set anything on fire and Professor Truebridge would probably be disappointed if she gave up now, Mia decided to try again.
With another sweeping motion of her wand, she repeated the incantation again. "Intaglio...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo..." Mia looked down at the desk and this time she was sure that there was something faint now etched on the desk.
Okay she could so do this.
Sweeping motion with wand. "Intaglio...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo..."
Look at desk. Sigh.
Wand moves across desk. "Intaglio...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo..."
Another sigh.
Another wand movement.
Another incantation.
Mia had lost count at how many times she had been doing this spell with not much results but at least she hadn't given up...yet anyway. Taking another deep breath and focusing on the spot she was trying to carve, Mia concentrated really hard as she made yet another sweeping motion wth her wand and said the incantation again. "Inatglio...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wunjo...Wu...Oh my god! I did it." She yelled out excitedly and then quickly shut her mouth and gave a sheepish look. But on the inside she was jumping up and down in excitement.
Seems practice and perseverance does pay off.
"Excellent work, Mia." Truebridge nodded his approval in calm acceptance of the Hufflepuff's excitement. SPOILER!!: aidan Quote:
Originally Posted by aidan Audrey grabbed her second piece of wood. She felt it's smooth texture as she ran her fingers along it. Audrey decided to do Thurisaz as her second rune because of its magical use for discipline, focus and as a study-aid. 'All of those things sound helpful in a classroom environment' she thought. She had also grabbed a burin, safety goggles, and gloves. She placed the goggles on around her eyes and blinked. 'These things are always dirty' she thought.
With the burin in hand Audrey began to chant: thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th
She looked at it closely but wasn't sure it was right.
Her hand shot up.
"Professor! I was just wondering if you would kindly look at this for me please?" ooc: took the link out due to it being directlinked. You need to upload to photobucket or similar 
He did like it when they were polite and raised their hand.
He took a good look and then nodded.
"Good work." He commented and then moved on. SPOILER!!: jengirls109 Quote:
Originally Posted by jengirls109 Jaina knew that she hadn't done all that great with the galdr, so she decided that the Intaglio spell was the way to go. She raised her wand and pointed it at the desk. "Intaglio fehu, fehu, fehu, fehu, fehu, fehu." ---Fehu appeared on the desk. "Intaglio kenaz, kenaz, kenaz, kenaz, kenaz." ---Kenaz appeared on the desk. "Intaglio algiz, algiz, algiz, algiz, algiz, algiz." ---Algiz appeared on the desk.
Jaina raised her gloved hand and asked, "How is this, professor?"
"Fehu, Kenaz and Algiz. Nicely done." Truebridge approved. SPOILER!!: fanficfanatict Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict As Selina continued on with her carving she looked down at her progress. The raidho looked perfect. Everything that the book made it out to be was now ingrained on her desk for the rest of her school existence and would continue to inspire her in Ancient Runes until she graduated.
Once she was pleased with her work she went to completing her second rune Nauthiz. She then prepared her chant and raised her tool. At once she began to sing, "nauthiz nauthiz nauthiz, n n n n n n n n n, nu na nu ne no, nudh nadh hudh nedh niodh, un an in en on, n n n n n n n n n." The tool and the table seemed to be working in harmony to complete the rune. When it was done Selina flicked her wand and carved into the table so she would never forget- her name and year. These runes would always be a reminder of her first class at Hogwarts.
Truebridge eyed the added carvings and then nodded. That was fine. He didn't mind at all. And for good reason.
He had certainly done his share of leaving his mark as a student too. SPOILER!!: Zoerawrr Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Tapping his finger on the table, Jake gave a nod. After checking his safety equipment, namely his safety goggles (wouldn't want any sawdust or other such miniscule wood matter getting into his eye after all), Jake picked up his burin and ducked under the table, before reaching back up, his hand patting said table for a moment, and grabbing his textbook.
Once he had all he needed, Jake squinted at the small writing of the galdrs and tapped his lips with the tip of the burin. Hmmm... which to choose?
The rune was chosen and stuff, so now Jake only had to choose where to carve. Clearly the underside of the table was his general choice, but the boy had to peeeeeeeeer at the grain (it was moderately gloomy under there) to find the right 'direction'.
And then he was ready.
Jake had to get on his knees so his arm could get up and almost hug the desk so as to press it into the floor, otherwise the carving wouldn't work and the table would be jumping and flailing into the air.
With all that sorting, Jake starting to carve and chant!sing one more time.
"thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th"
Because of the angle, this one was harder to do. His chant was rather stop-start because he was concentrating, but more or less it was good.
Except when he had to spit out wood shavings, of course.
When he sat back and looked at the rune, Jake noted that it looked like a man doing the 'I'm a little teapot' dance and assuming the spout went up in the air.
It looked about right.
As Jake started to move out from under the desk, something else caught his eye. A little carving under the table that read 'Zan was here'. The young man smirked. Rock on, little rebel. He assumed that the author of that was now some boring ministry worker or something like that, but nonetheless appreciated it. He hugged the table towards the floor again again and, glad he was under cover of desk, added 'So was Jake'.
Funny how that was a lot simpler than runes to carve, possibly because he was used to these letters. He'd had to carve it at a weird angle 'cause of the letters and everything.
Pretending he'd done nothing else, and hoping Truebridge wouldn't check that rune, Jake came back to the 'surface' and took his seat again. With that, he set down his burin and raised his hand... keeping the safety gear on.
Hogwarts students WERE lethal, after all.
"Professor, my apologies if you already went over this; I must have been distracted if you were, but the Intaglio spell... can it be used to carve things other than runes, or is there another spell for that?"
If there was, Jake had to learn it. ooc: you slay me. Boring little ministry worker? We laugh. Derisively. 
He finished his rounds and passed Jake's desk again hust as the boy asked another question.
"Yes, you can use it to carve in general, but it is far more difficult to form the shapes with just the 'Intaglio' aspect, and there is an addition to the wand movement -two taps on the surface before moving your wand in a smooth line against the surface you are intending to carve. And of course it is a component part of several other specialty spells, like the one we used in Defense Class to conjure carved cucumbers for Kappa."
He cleared his throat.
"Alright now for the final part of the lesson. While it is not entirely necessary, there is one final step which will help to seal in the magic, and give your carved rune life. This is far more important when you are making a personal rune set than what it is to carve into other surfaces, as it will attune the runes to you on a personal level. Can anyone tell the class what is used to stain the runes, and what colour the runes are to be stained?" |