Haha sorry Claire... Im doing it all wrong... you want to take over?
just kidding. You'll have to deal with it. Anyway I'm glad you realised that I couldn't possibly kill off Ellie, although its given me an idea 
Next post!
p.s. wont be posting again for a few days due to Australia Day celebrations. But I will post again asap... probably thursday or friday.
Ellouise left the drawing room as quickly as her legs would carry her without running. Once in the hallway she considered her options. She could just do what she said and get some fresh air, she could go to Snowdonia, to her favourite places and relax for a while, roam the mountains in wolf form. Or, she could go to Godric’s Hollow as she and Xavier had planned. It didn’t take long for her to make up her mind and in a split second she had apparated out of the musty hallway of Grimmauld Place.
Ellouise felt her feet land on a rough gravel path, her boots making a light crunching sound as she did so. Immediately she scanned her surrounding and ducked for cover in the nearby shrubs. There didn’t appear to be anyone in the vicinity. Ellouise knew where she was, despite the fact it had been seven years since she’d been there. After casting the disillusionment charm on herself she stepped out into the chilly breeze and began to trudge down the side of the gravel path on the grass so as to not make any noise. After passing a couple of meadows the path she was following connected up to the main road which headed into the heart of Godric’s Hollow. It was barely recognisable. Ellouise thought back to when she was young and she used to take the same road and the same path down to the forest outside of town to collect fresh berries. During those times modest cottages lined the road side, their quaint gardens littered with flowers, various colours scattered everywhere like a rainbow, birds chirping in the distance. Now... well now it didn’t exist. Immediately Ellouise could see the devastating difference the war had made on the region. In the places where cottages used to stand, now there were dilapidated structures of grey stone, remnants of doors lay amongst the rubble, creeping vines and thistles dominating what used to be gardens. Tears welled in Ellouise’s eyes, not from the stinging wind, but from the sheer contrast of her memories and reality.
Ellouise ventured further into town, the destruction was consistent, there wasn’t a single structure that was left unharmed. Even in the small village square, the church, the old post office, pub and shops were completely disfigured and completely unrecognisable. Ellouise stopped to catch her breath, she had been keeping a steady pace, making her way through the town, visiting all the places she remembered. It was a frightening sight, Ellouise felt goose bumps rise on her skin, sending a shiver up her spine and down to her fingertips. Everything was a dreary shade of grey, black or brown, only the creeping ivy, thistles and weeds shone a vibrant green. The grey clouds overhead looked just as unfriendly, billowing over her menacingly. She hoped it wouldn’t rain. After taking a deep breath Ellouise continued through town, crossing the road and strolling passed the high grey walls of the cemetery, she considered going to visit her grandparents but just the thought of being in a cemetery under such conditions made her feel uneasy. Godric’s Hollow was a ghost town, nothing was left, nothing was spared. Ellouise couldn’t help but wonder how many witches, wizards and muggles had been killed here, murdered in cold blood, all for what... a one year old boy. Poor Harry, she thought, he was so young and innocent, and yet an army of death eaters had been sent to terminate him and his family when Voldemort couldn’t. Why? Ellouise didn’t know.