Thread: Harry Potter: A Lover's Lies - Sa16+
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Old 01-22-2011, 04:04 AM   #105 (permalink)
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Join Date: Jun 2008
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heart xxx

Chapter Thirty Nine

He led her out quickly and tapped her shoulder with his wand, watching her face and hair turn back to normal. Fred followed them ignoring George’s pleas for answers.
“What did you just do?”
“I made him think it was Yvonne for everyone’s sake alright – you modify his memory so it was if he woke up a few minutes after she kissed him, I’m going to talk to her and tell her the good news whilst Soph goes to the toilet to pull herself together.
He sent her off in the right direction as Yvonne appeared with a healer in tow
“No need, he woke up” he smiled “Soph just went to tell his parents, you’d better go in hey”
She rushed in to see him smiling looking at her, she leapt on him in a hug and Fred came out to leave them too it.
“But Harry” he started in whispers “Your playing with fire”
“I’m doing what I have to – Soph loves Charlie more, George will be crazy about Yvonne soon enough she’s pretty much mad enough for the two of them so far”
“It’s not right”
“Yes it is, he thinks she is the one, he doesn’t know any different and he doesn’t have to and neither does she, they’ll be happy and so will Charlie and Sophia”
“And what if you’re wrong?”
“I’m not, you saw the look on his face when he saw who it was when he though she was Yvonne, he likes her a lot, he’s missed her – he didn’t have the chance to love her because of the potion but he will”
“You’ve got me modifying memories, lying to them, to my brother”
“To protect them – we have to do what ever we can to save them from themselves”
“It’s not right”
“Give it time and it will be”
“I want no part in this” he replied shaking his head,
“Fine” Harry replied “Don’t say anything, don’t think about it, don’t do anything to change it – I’m not doing anything else now but helping her and them”
“This isn’t helping its interfering”
“You want to see Charlie hurt, or Sophia, or George or Yvonne – four people’s lives are better now they don’t know the truth, there in the couples they want to be in not in pain or in hiding. Sophia loves Charlie more, she did what she had to, to save George and she did it for no other reason, Yvonne’s kiss didn’t work because they never had the chance to be in love – Sophia was the next best option, not the real reason, I’m sure that if Charlie was under a love potion it would only be her kiss that cures it and the same goes for if she was”
“You should try it and see” he muttered,
“This is over – you want me to modify your memory of it or can you keep your mouth shut?” Harry asked taking out his wand,
“Do it” he sat on the chair putting his head in his hands, Harry touched his forehead muttering the spell, thinking the memory to replace it, to make the story fit – George had woken up after Yvonne’s kiss, everything was right.
Sophia walked up, “Me next Harry” she started sitting down,
“I can’t – not you, your memories are to entwined for me to change, you know every detail – I could miss something and it would drive you mad”
“Mad as is” she smiled watching Fred chuckle,
“Do you think she’s gotten off of him yet?” he asked of Harry “When I left the room she was pretty much eating his face”
“Probably – go and have a look, we’ll go back to the Burrow”
“Alright” he smiled and wandered back into the ward,
“Thankyou Harry”
“It’s ok; just make me believe I’ve done the right thing”
“You have – can I tell you a secret?”
“Go ahead”
“I brought something for Charlie the other day”
“I got him an engagement ring” she smirked,
“You – you’re going to ask him?”
“We do things differently” she shrugged, “I want to see him laugh when I give it too him and get down on one knee”
“Shouldn’t that be you want to see him say yes?”
“That too” she smiled nudging his shoulder, “Think he will?”
“Of course I do, just let me be your best man hey”
“Better then that Harry – I want you to walk me down the aisle”
“We’re getting a ahead of ourselves, I’ve got to get up the nerve to ask him yet, lets forget about it for a while” she smiled,
“Whatever you want – I’m just glad this is sorted”
“You did more then you needed to, you took it upon yourself to sort this mess out and I’m so grateful”
“It’s ok”
“No it’s not, you’ve had so much other stuff, more important stuff going on in your life and you managed to balance it all whilst coming to my rescue – no ones ever done that for me, let alone someone I haven’t even known a year”
“We’re family, the first time we met me clicked, you’re just like your dad, I only knew him two years but it felt like I’d always known him, always had him in my life – with family it feels right, like Ginny, like Ron, Hermione – the rest of the Weasley’s, we don’t need the blood we’re just linked”
Her head rested on his shoulder, “The same way I see Charlie, the first night we talked to each other after the leaving party, it was just like we’d known each other forever, he told me what he wanted to do with his life, all about what he does – it was, it is easy being with him – if me and George, that wouldn’t work, yeah he can make me laugh but there’s no - there’s something missing – you know what I mean?”
“Yeah, I know what you mean, come on” he stood up holding out his hand for her and they apparated back to the burrow,
“I’ll do the talking alright” He replied and she nodded,
“What happened?” Hermione said as soon as they walked through the door,
“Everything’s back to normal again, we found his ex girlfriend – she broke whatever was making him nutty”
“Oh thank goodness” Molly breathed a sigh of relief, “I didn’t know he had a girlfriend?”
“He did, they just didn’t tell, Fred knew and he took us there, there back together now he’s not all obsessed – she knows the reason they broke up wasn’t his or her fault”
“Did you find out how the potion was got to him?”
“Sent in Fire whiskey – supposedly complements of the company”
“We need to get a hold of Malfoy before he does anymore damage”
“We will”
Ginny watched Sophia carefully and then got up to envelop her in a hug, “You look so lost” She whispered,
“I’m realising how much I miss Charlie” she whispered back “I want him back today already” she said with a smile,
“Just another week and a bit” Ginny said with a smile pulling back from her “Stay with us till then, we’re not in lovey dovey disgustingness when we’ve got these two”
“I think – I think I might stay at his place, he gave me his keys”
“The alone time would be nice after this mess”
“Uh huh” she grinned and gave her a quick squeeze before releasing her completely, “I’ll take you, Harry can – I don’t know put his feet up and stop trying to save the world”
“It’s just his nature” She smiled as Harry came up behind Ginny and wrapped his arms round her waist,
“What have I done wrong now?”
“Nothing, just saving peoples lives as usual”
“Second time for me, how many for you?” Sophia asked Ginny with a smirk,
“I’ve lost track” she tiptoed up to kiss his cheek, “Too many”
“I’d better not make a habit out of it then” Harry said with an arched eyebrow,
“Too late for that honey, plus who’s saying we don’t want you too come to the rescue, we just wish it wouldn’t have to be so often, just wish we weren’t always on the brink of impending doom” Ginny replied patting his hand lightly,
“I like that – ‘the brink of impending doom’ sounds like a fantastic holiday spot” Harry said with a grin “We should go there for our honeymoon when we get married again”
“What’s that Mr Potter, are you asking me to marry you for the third time?” Ginny said rolling her eyes and looking to Sophia who had sat down and was watching whilst laughing,
“Oh I don’t know, maybe, seeing lives in danger always make me impulsive” he said making her laugh,
“Ah well if your asking” she shrugged “I’m afraid I’m going have to say yes just to annoy you, so we do actually have to make plans this time round”
“Plan’s are good – let’s say in two weeks we do this properly?”
“Two weeks – you gotta be kidding me”
“If I pull off organising the wedding of the century in two weeks - just in time for your brother to be back in the country will you do it?”
“If I can do it will you?”
“Yes” she grinned “Yes!” and jumped on him in a hug,
“What’s going on?” Molly asked picking up a crying twin before Ginny was able to get to her after being released from his hold,
“We’re getting married” she laughed taking Patience from her arms,
“Properly this time” Harry said with a grin.

She unlocked the door and walked inside, it was strange being here without it but as soon as she put on pyjama’s and climbed into the big comfy bed she didn’t miss him so much. The sheets still carried his strong smelling cologne, and she wrapped herself up in them huddling amongst the warmth to sleep.

Hermione gave her a break for the tutoring for the time and she browsed her books passing the days until she got to meet him at the airport. It finally got there and she’d been practising her apparition and took the test, apparating distances to the point she was sure she could do it. She arrived in style, emerging from the female toilets as if she was a passenger and hurried to find his flight standing by the international arrivals gate.

Her head bobbed up over the crowds, and she squeezed through to try and see him but to no avail, the mass of people were too thick, there were three other flights that had landed at the same time. She gave up and moved to the chairs to sit down, twitching – her foot tapping on the floor as her eyes darted around to look for him. He wasn’t there, she couldn’t see him, and she looked down at her feet forlorn.

He walked out back pack on looking for her but she wasn’t there. He got through the crowds and spotted her, moving to try and get closer, she hadn’t seen him “Hey Gorgeous!” he called out weaving through people, she looked up, she grinned, she got up and ran squeezing through the mass of people before jumping into his waiting arms. His back pack fell to the floor behind him and he spun her around with ease as she held on to him, taking in her familiar warmth and smell before he pressed his lips to hers when they stopped.

The people around them turned to look, to stare and say “Aww” but she didn’t care; she just wanted to kiss him. “I’ve missed you so much” her hands at his neck, legs round his waist smiling at him,
“I can tell” he chuckled, his arms holding her securely in place without any sign of letting go soon, “I missed you too you know”
“I’d be worried if you hadn’t - I’ve stocked up your fridge on food and I don’t plan on leaving your apartment for the next few days”
“I’m good with that, quality time with my girl, make up on the month I’ve missed” he kissed her again, “In fact you know what, just don’t leave – ever – move in with me!”
She stared at him leaning back from his embrace “What – really, I mean you and me living together?”
“Yeah – no kidding move in with me” he grinned, “I’ve had a month to think about it, I want to be with you Sophia, I love you”
“I love you too” She giggled and kissed him again, pulling him as close a possible ignoring the stares and the people trying to get past,
“Ok -” she nodded bestowing one last kiss on him “- Take me home Charlie”

She stared “What – really?” Ginny grinned from the couch holding a twin,
Sophia nodded “Really!” grinning equally happily back and holding the other, “That’s why no ones kind of seen us for a few days, we’ve been celebrating – he asked me at the airport”
“That’s brilliant – but what are you doing about Grimmald place?”
“Renting it out, I’ll ask Hermione if she knows anyone” she shrugged “If not I’ll sell it too her, that house maybe all that’s left of my dad but its not his home, there’s no real connection to it from him to me – Harry said he’s more in me then the house he hated and I believe him”
Ginny nodded “Sirius would be so happy for you, I don’t think he’d have any problems with the house being sold – or torn down for that matter”
“I can’t wait to officially be living there” she grinned “It’s like when you can’t see them you lose the plot – you know what I mean?”
“I know – drives me crazy” she laughed “I mean being in that hospital combined with the hormones, I was a psycho – literally a psycho, he told me I pounced!”
“Exactly – I mean not seeing Charlie for that month…You just want to leap on them and rip there clothes off!”
“I know right!”
Harry stoped in the doorway “I think I’m going to leave and come back when the conversations changed”
“Harry your home” she smiled,
“Yeah – but I think I’m going out again, and I might take the twins away from your bad influence”
“I can’t help it if I find you so damn attractive I want to jump you every time I see you”
He laughed and wandered into the kitchen “Give it ten years and you might change your mind”
“You’ll be twenty eight honey and I don’t think you’ll have let yourself go – not if you still want me to sleep with you that is” she smirked,
His head peeked up from the fridge “Right well I’d better take up the ministries offer then”
“What offer?” she turned to face him properly,
“They’ve offered me a traineeship on the program – mainly running around – fieldwork, keep me fit and healthy, I’ll be the student teacher”
“That’s awesome” Ginny grinned, getting up, placing the baby down on the mat and walking over to hug him, her kiss lingering on his lips, tempting him –
“Celebrate later” she whispered in his ear,
“Hmm” he replied as she let the small satisfied smile appear on her lips and walked back happily to the couch, “Sophia’s moving in with Charlie”
“Wow, big step – I take it you’re going to sell your half of Grimmald place then?”
“Maybe – up to if Hermione can afford it, I don’t think she can”
“She might sell up too; I think Ron wants to go back to the Burrow you know”
“He only wants to go back because he misses the food and she’s still refusing to sleep with him” She replied rolling her eyes,
“I thought the jabs at her character were over now?” Sophia asked “I mean you forgave her, she said sorry…”
“She has her own jabs at me – she may like us again but she’s frigid and mean and I’m young, stupid and impulsive”
“Love to hate” Sophia said with a grin,
“Exactly, we get on, it’s just – it’s not – there’s the friendly banter, she’s still my friend, she’s just more - it’s more like it used to be, not my bestie but my brothers best friend – or now should I say girlfriend – the only difference is the name”
“Gin, you have to be mean?” Harry asked,
“Yeah” she shrugged “When she stops, I’ll stop”
Patience started to cry in Sophia’s arms as she spoke “Hmm - phew she’s a bit stinky”, Harry took her,
“Yep – due a nappy change I think”
“I’ll do it” Ginny got up reaching for her,
“Talk to Soph, it’s my turn” he sorted out the other mat and fished around for a nappy,
“You got him trained nicely” Soph said with a grin,
“Course, he actually does too much though – not that it’s a bad thing when he’s willing to stay up with them, he knows I love him for it”
“Yeah, yeah” he stuck his tongue out at her, before touching the baby’s belly saying ‘All done’ and smiling at her, Patience smiled back with a gurgle,
“Whoa – I think that was a smile” Harry said looking up,
“Really – you’re not joking, she’s smiled!” Ginny said kneeling down, Harry tickled her again smiling and baby talking her, and she smiled again, “Aww!” Ginny grinned lifting her up to hug her, “Clever girl, and my happy little girl”
“Don’t forget your other one” Harry said watching and holding Faith to him,
“I’m not this is just a special moment for my littlest one” she kissed her touching the jet black on her head, “Could you get there book?”
He went and got it, writing it in “Now it’s just for her first smile” he said looking to Faith, they copy each other so it won’t be long”
Sophia watched beaming “There how old now?”
“Nearly two months” Harry said lying Faith in the cot, Gin put Patience beside her and yawned moving to curl into Harry’s embrace,
“How’s the wedding going, you only having - what a less then a week left?”
“All on track” he said knowingly “I just have one thing for you girls to do – I know that Ginny won’t let me do this – she needs a dress”
Sophia held back a laugh with a smiled and an “Ahh”
“And so do the brides maids – your mum’s coming tomorrow to take you all out” he added looking down at Ginny,
“You what – dress shopping with her – no”
“Yeah, you’re going, it’s arranged, me and Ron are babysitting”
“I love you Harry but I’m not going dress shopping with her, she’ll make me look like a – a candy floss cake or something!”
“You’re going honey”
“You can’t make me” her arms crossed and she huffed,
“Well you’ll be getting married in your Hogwarts uniform then – that’s the only thing that hasn’t been baby stained” he grinned,
“Fine” she replied stiffly,
“You know we could just lead her into a shop and apparate somewhere else” Sophia suggested,
“Don’t give her ideas please” Harry grinned, “This is supposed to be mother daughter bonding time”
“I don’t want bonding time and I don’t want to get married looking like a white, ruffled, silky, lacy, fluffy monster!”
“I’ve told her your picking the dress, I’ve told her you’ll have the money, I’ve told her it will be your decision and she agreed that if she crosses the line you’d get to punish her in what ever way you like alright”
“She would never agree to that”
“For you she has, so Ginny, your mum will be here at nine to take you shopping”
“You know how much I hate you right now”
“Less then how much you love me” he said with a grin and leaned down to kiss her to keep her quiet,
She muttered something indecipherable and let him kiss her again,
She realised what he was doing when Sophia started to laugh, watching him play with her hair and kiss her neck. She lightly slapped his hand and arm away giggling “Stop it Harry, I’m not going to give in”
“You already have” he chuckled quite pleased with himself before getting up and taking the twins up the stairs in the carry cot,
“There due a nap” she rolled her eyes “And he can walk away from torturing me and not get hurt – I hate it when he does that”
“He makes up for it I bet” Sophia said with a grin,
“Oh he does, he just knows it makes me want him more which is irrational and irritating
“I know - Charlie does the same, you can just forget what you were mad at them for – for some reason we’re going to the Burrow again, and your dad is awesome but your mum…”
“There’s no excuse she’s just a nesting Dragon”
“I said that too him, I said that’s why he’s scared of girls, he’s only had his mother for most of his life - I wanted to know why they couldn’t come to us, I could cook and it got onto how he’s – well all the boys in your family are attached to their mother’s apron strings still! Yeah he’s moved out but going back there for meal more then once a week when you have your own kitchen is nuts! – and what you said about Ron wanting to move back”
“I know, I know, but Charlies her first born – he got the full blown mummying until Bill came along – when Bill told her he was engaged, not a good thing to do if they’ve only met the girl once, he didn’t really hang around me there’s nearly ten years between us so he had already gone off to Romania and Europe so he has only known mum”
“Why is she just so – so… I don’t know – mothering”
“It’s where ‘smothering’ comes from Soph” Ginny said with a smile “Just you wait until Charlie tells her he’s moving on from the dragons, she’ll want a reason and if not she’ll blame you even though it’s not something anyone can possibly be a fault from”
“You think so?”
“She blamed Harry for everything during the pregnancy – so the actual pregnancy bit was him, but it does takes two, I mean I’m not running away from the fact I started it, I kissed him, I told him to say goodbye” her eyes glazing over as they lost focus in the present and went back to every single moment she’d attacked him “She told him off for looking after me, for sitting next to me, for me making the decision to keep them, for me not wanting her near me, for me actually wanting to sleep with him and for ‘forcing’ me into marriage”
“She’s just so – so – but I guess I’m just going to have to live with it, I mean until me and Charlie become anything else, then once she doesn’t have a hold on him as much we might get along”
“She’s softened up on Harry because she’s known him years, Hermione had no trouble, forgiven instantly for every bad word against me and Harry in a heartbeat because she can trust a girl who’s just like her”
“Hermione’s like her?”
“In everyway but the cooking skills – Ron’s stomach thinks for him more then his actual brain”
“She’s better get some lessons or they’re going to be moving back there and never leaving”
“I know – Fleur only keeps Bill away so much because she’s French and cooks him basically rare meat”
She looked confused “Rare meat?”
“You’ve met Bill – the scars, there from a werewolf attack”
“Oh – right – but he’s not a werewolf right, not like – what’s his name – my dad’s friend?”
“Not like Lupin – oh my god I’ve just realised, you’ve never met him!”
She shrugged “I never thought about it”
“You have to, he’s your dad’s best friend, just like James was, he’d need to see you to believe you were real – we’ll go now – no wait, Harry should take you or – or they can come here” she sent out a patronus, “They’ve met the twins, we’ve seen them in diagon alley only you never came up in conversation and I always thought it was odd, but its because no one told them – it’s been months and your still virtually a secret” Ginny said with a unhappy expression on her face, “He’s your second link to him after Harry and we’ve been so stupid and kept you to ourselves that he doesn’t know you exist either”
“Don’t worry about it, I didn’t think about it either”
“I’m so sorry Soph, he could tell you so much about him and we’ve been so slack in helping you”
“You had other things to think about then helping a newbie” she smiled reassuringly “Please don’t beat yourself up about it”
A patronus in the form of a wolf strolled in the room “We’d love to, see you at six” said the voice of Tonks,
“Right – that’s sorted, you can help me cook” she grinned getting up “And then go and get changed and get Charlie and met us here at six and we’ll have dinner and you can meet them” she smiled happily rolling up her sleeves and taking out her wand.
“Oh – all right – I mean that was quick”
“Magic” she shrugged “Now what do we have I can cook” she looked in the fridge “Alright – roast it is”
“Roast what?”
She looked up “Beef or chicken?”
“What do they like?”
“Hmm – probably chicken, the wolf thing”

Hey Soph,
I don't post on any other sites but I do write other stuff - i'm going to uni for a creative writing degree and i've finished one novel nearly finished two others - i like your fic too so thanks for asking about me do you write others stuff too? - it seems to be romance writing for me, but teenagers and young adults being nearly 21 and all :-)

RIP JD Salinger
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