Originally Posted by ArianaBlack
Nika looked around and saw that other kids had already said the spell and got everything done with. So Nika grabbed the watch that the proffesor placed on her desk. It was a HUGE pocket watch. "Who would ever carry around one of these." She said half to herself.
She held the watch in her hand and weighed it. "Wow, this must be 5 pounds." Nika went to place it down on the desk when the wand slipped out of her hands.
The watch hit the desk and shattered. Nika was so embarrassed her cheeks turned red. She could already tell that transfigueartion was not going to be her type of class. "Err excuse me professor. I accidentally dropped my watch. Nika looked at the professor hoping she wouldn't get mad. "I-I didn't mean to. It slipped. I'm really truly sorry Professor."
Isabelle spun on the spot to see what on earth the noise was. Considering they hadn't been using their wands, it was unlikely that anyone had blown something up. Unless they weren't doing as they were told? But no. The scene that greeted her eyes was just broken glass, bent metal, and a red faced child.
"It's alright," Issy smiled. She wasn't mad about that. Not at all. In silence the Canadian mended the watch and smoothed her hand over the newly formed glass.
"Just try to be a little more careful, okay?" she said, handing it back to the girl, before turning her attention to the boy who spoke....
Originally Posted by
Orion Black
Benjamin thought about what the girl had said. So she's a muggleborn and a metamorphmagus.This is interesting....
"Professor, the cage one, does that mean we make the muggles into cages? Or just turn simple things into cages?" The latter of the two was boring, but the first one seemed extraordinary to him. "But anyways, I vote for the oil one." He had ulterterior motives for that spell. "And can't we break up into groups for this lesson? The ones who what to learn the compass, can learn that spell, while the few of us canlearn the oil one? That would be the democratic thing to do, wouldn't it?"
After hearing that there were watches coming out to them, he gave a deep sigh. He saw a closed pocket watch coming toward him, he grabbed it from the air and slammed it down on his desk. Blasted people with the bloody compass, he thought to himself. Oh well. let's see if I can do this without killing the watch.
He muttered to himself aloud,"Com-LET-e-ah. Comletia, comletia. I think that's right. Bring on the wands. I believe I can do this." He picked up the watch, rolled it in his hand and then opened it up. It was a very nice watch. silver, locketed, no scratches or dings. Inside was a picture, faded, but clear enough to see a male, female and a baby. Benjamin wondered who owned this watch before it was stuffed into a box full of ratty and tattled watches. It inerested him, so he rolled it in his hand again to look for any kind of signs as to who owned it. It was plain. But it had belonged to someone.
"Professor? Can i see you after class to discuss something? I'd be very thankful if we could."
Breath, Issy. He is a first year, you can't shout at him, even if your head wants to explode.
"Mr Trevors - no, Incarcifors would not turn the muggles into cages, it was simply an idea that could help them with the capture of things. Robbers, rats, for instance."
Democratic? Of course she could have just not let them choose at all. Patience, Isabelle.
"The majority of your classmates chose the compass spell. Now I'm sorry your choice did not win out, but that is the way voting works. Majority. So please just keep practising the incantation. And of course you may come to my office after class, by all means." Just give me time to get rid of this headache. Isabelle smiled as walked over to the window and flung it open. Air. Now.
"Right everyone," she smiled from her position by the window.
"It would seem that you are all set with the incantation, now onto the wand movement." Isabelle took out her own wand again and held it in front of her for them all to see.
"Firstly you make a small cross shape - top to bottom, left to right. Then you carry that through to a small circle shape finished by a gentle jab at the item you are changing. But you do not need to touch it." She demonstrated what she meant by applying it to the watch she had left on her desk. Cross shape, circle, jab.
"One long, fluid movement, no stopping and starting or it won't work correctly.... Comletia!" With a poof the watch became a bright red compass, similar colouring to what the watch had been. She held it up for them to see.
"Now if you wish to change the appearance even further, beyond merely making it a compass, you need to concentrate even harder, and more completely on what you wish the final object to look like." Placing the new compass back down on the desk, Issy leant her bum against it as she looked at the kids.
"Concentration and intent are key to making sure you get the exact thing you are aiming for. Now please practice the wand movement without the incantation, and once you feel you have mastered it, move on to doing the two together."
Feeling the cool air blow on her face, Isabelle closed her eyes and smiled. It was helping.
"If you make any mistakes, or simply want to keep practising more than the once - which I hope you do - I shall revert the compass back for you to a watch, or you can ask one of the older students for help with that. I'm sure they'd be more than willing." Right?
"You may begin." OOC: I'm going to have get an early night, I'm sorry. Just continue practising, first with just wands, then with wands and incantation. You can chat a little, but please don't go overboard. I might not be here, but Professor Magnus is still in the room, and with her headache she will take points. So please have your character behave.