Originally Posted by
Oh good question! why didn't he want to help out a muggle? "I don't know" Hyun said and looked at his fingernails, examining them. "muggles have adapted themselves in to the world without having to use magic so why reveal the magical world? If they knew about magic the whole world population would want to learn magic and i think there will be fights over it because they simply..can't do it. They will get frustrated and demand to know how we use it?" oh wow what a lame answer but it was the best rambling he could think of at the moment.
He grinned stupidly at the professor's comment. "Actually, professor, you never told me to be careful, just that i should not break the chair and i didn't" He couldn't help it.
Still no wand work? Hyun was slowly getting impatient. He really wanted to do magic so the faster he voted on one of the examples the better. He raised his hand in the air (this time his left hand, for some chance). "I'll vote for the compass, professor" It sounded the most useful. He did, however liked the oil example but it would only make a mess. And it was only because oil = money ...and he had money.
A good point, certainly. Some muggles did seem to want to start a war over the most trivial of things, and magic wasn't that.
"I can see your point, Hyun, but I hold the personal view that people should help people - and why should we hide our magic when it could possibly help, and we could all work together?" Now probably wasn't the time for a deep and meaningful talk on that subject though, so Isabelle merely smiled and moved away.
...Until he spoke again.
"Be careful with your tone, Mister Kim. My patience and humour only stretch so far." Giving him a warning glance, she now DID turn her attention back to the rest of the class.
"Thank you for all the votes, it would appear that the majority of you have chosen the compass spell. A useful one for those that don't want to constantly use Point Me! And want something more permanent." Muggles for instance. And the kids did seem to think they got lost alot, so why not learn this? Plus the fact you could use it then keep your wand free for other things. Anyway, moving on.
Walking to the table behind her desk, Isabelle took a deep breath and picked up one of the many boxes.
"In here I have a range of watches - wrist ones, pockets ones, big, small. I'll pass them out to you all then we can concentrate on getting the incantation correct, along with the wand movement." Placing the box down on her desk, Issy lazily flicked her wand and watch after watch made it's way to a students desk.
"Once you have had a chance to get the feel of your watch, you can try the proper pronunciation of the spell. WITHOUT wands first." She emphasised that bit. Didn't wand them to blow something up because they didn't do the right wand movement.
"Alright everyone. The incantation for this spell, as you can see on the board, is Comletia, and it is pronounced thus: Com-LET-e-AH. Have a go at getting that right, then we'll move to wands." OOC: I'll be back a little later, feeling a bit ill right now. Please just have your character inspecting their watches and practising the incantation - NO WANDS YET. No excessive chatting please, just keep it to the learning. Thanks.