Join Date: Dec 2009 Location: New England
Posts: 2,704
Hogwarts RPG Name: Kaylee Strap First Year | I really hope I dealt with (most) all of the drama! Dragon..Dragon..Draco.. | | Sirius Lee Black
Chapter Sixteen
“What do you want to name her Calypso?” Hermione asked, as she held the baby girl in her arms, smiling down at it.
“Natalie Carmen.” Calypso answered after a minute or so.
“What a pretty name!” Hermione glanced up at Calypso, still smiling.”It's perfect for her.”
“Draco will be devastated, he wanted to name it Scorpia or Scorpius!” Teddy howled in fear.
“Draco can be devastated, this is Natalie.” Hermione laughed softly.” And Teddy, it's her not it.”
“Teddy, let's go, let Hermione rest.” Ginny called, walking in. “Hey Callie, thanks for watching Teddy for me.”
“No problem Ginny.” Calypso grinned, she had at first called her Mrs Potter, but Ginny had insisted for her to not do so.
“See you all later, Teddy, let's go, Harry's cooking tonight.” Ginny grinned right back, then began to leave.
“Thanks by the way, for letting me name the baby.” Calypso murmured as Teddy slowly trudged out after Ginny.
“It was nothing Callie. And out of pure curiosity, why did you chose those names?” Hermione asked tentatively.
“Natalie because, she looks like a Natalie in my opinion. And Carmen was the name of my mother.” Calypso ended in an extremely low voice.
“That's really sweet, thanks Calypso.” Hermione whispered, she was about to say more when the healers suddenly entered and told Calypso she had to go.”Make sure Draco gets you back to school.”
Calypso stared at the eagle statue in thought before finally answering.
“Morbid,” the statue then opened and Calypso stormed in to the Ravenclaw, several first years yelped and jumped, a few seventh years glared darkly at her for interrupting their studying. But Calypso ignored them all, she was looking for a fourth year, and she found him. “Aaron Thayne. I want explanations as to what happened while I was gone. And don't even bother acting like you don't know.”
“I said something, and Jacob and I got in a fight, Michael tried to stop us, but someone hit him with a spell.” Calypso felt enraged, that was exactly what he heard from Michael.
“I want the whole freaking story Aaron!” She snapped coldly.
“No, you really don't.” Aaron responded calmly.
“I know what I want.” Calypso shot back.
“It's getting late, you should get back to your own common room, Gabrielle has your school books.” Aaron said after a few minutes, and began to head towards the boys dormitories. “And Calypso, I think you should re-think about Michael.”
She stared after him in shock, what was that supposed to mean? Finally, she left the Ravenclaw common room since pretty much everyone was staring at her. But instead of going back to the Gryffindor common room like Aaron told her to do, she headed in the complete opposite direction, towards the Slytherin common room. The Gryffindor was to stupid and brave to tell her anything, the Ravenclaw was to secretive and probably wise to tell her, and that left the Slytherin, he would tell, he didn't care.
The only problem was getting into the common room. She stood outside of it for a good ten minutes saying random things that might have possibly been the password, finally Calypso got so annoyed with it she kicked it. “Bloody freaking git's, I hate them so much, Slytherins and Gryffindors are idiots!” The door swung open, and she stared at it surprised. “Gryffindors are idiots? That's the password, seriously?” Rolling her eyes she entered the common room and everyone stopped what they were doing and stared at her.
“How did you get in, Gryffindor?” Some girl snarled at her, and Calypso turned to face them.
“I guess it's just the Malfoy part in me.” She said, then proceeded over towards the Slytherin boy dormitories, since Jacob wasn't in the common room.
“And maybe it's the stupidity of a Gryffindor in you that you actually thought you'll be getting out of here okay.” The girl called after her.
“Maybe!” Calypso yelled back, and that's when a teenagers head shout of their room, shocked.
“Merlin, Calypso Granger-Malfoy, what are you doing here?” Jacob exclaimed, and Calypso shoved by him in to the dorm, fortunately Jacob was the only one in there.
“I want to know what happened between you, Aaron and Michael, the later two are being stuck up prats and won't tell me a single thing.” Calypso demanded of him.
Jacob didn't even pause to say that she didn't want to hear it, he went straight in to it. “Aaron had just handed Zoe and Gabrielle your bag and then I heard him mutter 'Calypso is just as stupid as her friends, their all so easy,' naturally that got me furious so I punched him, we were in a brawl and Michael showed up and tried to get us off of each other, and... Aaron and I both hit him with the same spell, sectumpsempra.”
Calypso stared at Jacob for some time and finally spoke. “Thank you Jacob.” Was all she managed to say, and Jacob looked up from his feet, Calypso leaned over and hugged him tightly. “Thank you, it means a lot to me for you to tell me what happened.” She sat up and began to leave.
“Calypso,” Jacob said suddenly. “I'm sorry for being such a pig-headed git, you have been going through a lot recently and um, you probably were so scared and confused, and that's why you didn't tell us, and uh, I shouldn't have reacted the way I did.” Calypso smiled and engulfed him a hug again.
“I forgive you Jacob.” Calypso murmured in to his shoulder. “Can you uh-er, walk me out of the common room though, I don't want to die.”
“Of course.” Jacob nodded, and led her out, one arm around her waist protectively, all eyes were on her once again, but she felt a heck of a lot safer now that she had a friend with her. “I'll walk you to the Gryffindor common room as well, Mickey would kill me if I didn't.”
“Thank you again Jacob, your a great friend, don't ever forget that.” Calypso looked as if she wanted to say more, and finally she did. “And for the sake of everyone's sanity, do try and make up with Zoe.”
“Yea, about Zoe, is it, possible, that she's ever talked about me, or um, likes me?” Jacob asked hesitantly, Calypso nearly laughed at him, she had never seen him act like this about a girl, he was always sure of himself.
“Jacob, she talks about you all the time, and I won't answer the last question, because it's funny just how stupid and blind you can be.” Calypso told him.
“What, what do you mean?” Jacob looked at Calypso, confused.
“You are such a silly person, thanks again for walking me here.” Calypso laughed softly and hugged Jacob, who hugged her back, then walked off. “Grumble-sprout.” She said as she turned towards the fat lady, who nodded sleepily before letting Calypso enter. She was shocked when she heard someone shout out her name, for she presumed it to be completely empty at this our.
“Calypso!” Michael repeated himself, sounding beyond worried. “I heard that you went to the Ravenclaw common room, and when I checked in with Dianne Short, and she said you had been there and that you had left to come back here, what took you a whole bloody hour? I was so worried for you Callie!”
“Whoa! Calm down Mickey, I went the Slytherin common room.” Calypso realized after speaking, that what she said wasn't the most calming thing.
“WHAT?” Michael yelled in fear.
“It's okay, Jacob, he walked me back here, and made sure no Slytherins tried to kill me.” Calypso sighed and collapsed on the couch next to Michael.
“I take it you two made up?” He queried, just to be sure.
“Yea, and speaking of which, why didn't you tell me that Aaron and Jacob hit you with sectumpsempra? And if you did know, why didn't you tell me what a... Aaron is?” Calypso asked forcefully.
“I didn't want to ruin your happy moment, your mum was having a kid, I just... I didn't want you to get to Hogwarts somehow and murder Jacob and Aaron.” Michael groaned, letting his head fall into his hands.
“Oh.” Calypso opened and closed her mouth several times. “I'm sorry Mickey, I just, jumped to conclusions.”
“It's okay, we all do.” Michael smiled at her.
“Even you?”
“Even me, I'm not perfect silly.”
“Ha-ha, like what?”
“Like, you liked Aaron.”
“You thought I liked him?” Calypso looked at Michael astounded. “I mean I did, as a friend, even though he did use a cheesy pick-up line on me.”
“He used a pick-up line on you?” Michael sounded outrage.
“Yea, we had asked each other our favourite classes, and he answered after Arithmancy, 'charms because that's what you seem to be made of.' Jacob happened to hear, so he never really did like Aaron, I think he knew that I liked you.” Calypso chuckled a little.
“That is one of the stupidest pick-up lines I've ever heard.” Michael chuckled with her.
“Yea.” Calypso agreed, then slid onto his lap, kissed his cheek softly, and then left a chaste kiss on his lips.
“Whoa, is that all I get?” Michael joked, and Calypso laughed again. He kissed her again, and this time, it was a little longer and filled with more love.
“Your so silly.” Calypso said with a smile as she curled up on him. “But you know, I like you that way.” She then began to fall asleep, happily in her boyfriends arms...