Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Divoland
Posts: 15,583
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dahlia Betsy Marin First Year x7 x6
| grouping you a bit. makes it easier. :P LOOOOONNGGG Sanctuary Abnormal | HuffRavSlythDor | Guard Badger ♥ | Stargater | Awaiting Culling SPOILER!!: FOOD Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity The quidditch captain smiled back as the professor accepted his answer, writing down any notes provided by the others he thought was usefil. "Food can not be created from nothing but can be duplicated," Simon replied supplying the first exception he remembered. Strictly speaking he remembered for all the times he needed to remind Josh of that fact when he was his usual hungry self. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen He saw the Professor starting to laugh and the Slytherin lad started to grin-- which quickly vanished when he heard her explain. Ohhh... she aint Professor Kinglsey? And she's really a she? He chuckled awkwardly with her as he slumped low in his seat out of embarrassment. Way to make a good first impression doof.
His eyes re-focused on the board when he looked up at the board when something new was added to it. He raised a brow-- Muggles? Suddenly there's all this interest with Muggles. Business must be good for Professor Zookara....
And the Professor asked a question. Okayyy..... try not to mess up.
*think* "Transfiguration is the magical act of... transfiguring....
--I mean transforming!....
.... of stuff. Any stuff.
... not necessarily just mechanical stuff."
Oh! He knows this one... "Cant create food outta thin air!' he said suddenly. yeah he's pretty sure about that, othewise the Kitchens wouldnt have seen the sight of him at all. Quote:
Originally Posted by Deniiz Evan raised his hand again, though more hesitantly this time. "You can't create... food?" He knew that, but wasn't sure if it fell under Gamp's laws. Quote:
Originally Posted by WeasleyGirl Georgiana was looking at the professor while she was explaining the class, she didn't raised up her hand at the first question due to everyone else did very quickly. At the second question she raised her hand and said " Food and... bringing someone back from the death" she nodded, it was the only two things she could remember. Quote:
Originally Posted by sarahb Jackie thought as she twirled her hair through her fingers. She remembered reading a book, a fiction French one to be exact, and the girl bragged she could make food appear, but someone said it was impossible. Jackie raised her hand and said, "Professor, isn't food one of the five exceptions." Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana As Sierra listened to the answers of those around her, she adjusted the position of her name card so that it was facing the professor. It said:
Sierra Greingoth
First Year
There now. With that over and done with, she raised her hand to chime in a response to Gamp's Law off Elemental Transfiguration. There weren't that many, and she was sure all of them had at least been mentioned already, but nevertheless she spoke up anyway. "Food can actually multiplied once you have a real piece of food to duplicate, but you can't just create food from nothing at all," she said. Quote:
Originally Posted by hpfan18 Belle thought of what the laws were..she knew one of them. "Professor isn't food one of Gamp's laws?" that is all about she knew so far.
Ahhh, some of them did know! Excellent.
The chalk busily scribbled on the board as each correct answer was said, Isabelle all the while leaning against her desk with a beaming smile on her face. "All of you that said food are correct. You cannot conjure it, but yes, you can duplicate if you wish, Mr Bennett, Miss Greingoth. Although I'm sure the duplicated stuff wouldn't taste half as nice as the original. And you can also summon it if you so wish." Yes. SPOILER!!: LOVE Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Gamp's Law. "Love," Chyler stated simply, raising her hand as she jotted down some pointers she'd picked up. This was... Fun? No, it wasn't fun. But it wasn't boring her to death either, so that was nice. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi set her name plate on her table aligned in perfect symmetry with her parchment and quill. Professor Magnus Kurumi mouthed to try and remember this professor's name. There certainly were a lot of new professors this term and, while she was going to miss Professor Ruffles, she was looking forward to Professor Magnus perspective of teaching. After hearing the question, Kurumi's hand shot up to try and add something that her classmates hadn't already. "Professor, also a part of Transfiguration is Conjuration in which an object or animal is Transfigured from, well, thin air. An example of this I believe is the Incendio spell."
She then raised her hand. "Professor, someone has already mentioned love. But I would like to expand on that, if I may. Love is not something that can be created, rather is can only be imitated through a Love Potion or the Imperius Curse.In which case, this is hardly considered love and is more of an obsession and infatuation." Quote:
Originally Posted by Walrus Jacob wrote his tag as the professor started the class with questions.
He put it down and raised his hand. "Isn't one of the laws, uhm... love. Magic can't create the emotion only manipulate and imitate it." Jacob stopped talking, maybe, he knew he'd read it some where... just couldn't remember where and why he had read a text book... or a regular book for that matter. Quote:
Originally Posted by Yaya Annie raised her hand. That was something she really didn't quite understand, but it was worth the try, right? "Isn't one love? And may I ask why? Because it seems to me, as making a contrast with my classmates' answers, that you cannot create things simply out of nothing. So..." Why?
And that's why Annie needed, HAD to attend potion lessons. "You are both correct, Miss Hollingberry and Mister Blunt. Love cannot be created. True love comes from the heart, Miss Robles, and no amount of magic can make the emotional real. But as you say, potions and spells can make it seem like love, or infatuation - that's a good word Kurumi." Isabelle nodded and grinned, turning her head slightly to check that the chalk was getting all this down. SPOILER!!: LIFE Quote:
Originally Posted by Lezleighd Satine shot her hand into the air, "Professor, one of the exceptions to Gamp's Laws of Transfiguration is
Bringing something back from the dead." Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Raising his hand, Jake looked around at everyone else. He knew these rules vaguely... the food one was the one he could actually never remember. "You can't bring a dead person back to life. You can only animate them as though they're puppets. Like inferi. A lot of people think that's Transfiguration."
Jake's voice had been starting to sound hoarse and everything, tempting him to stop talking. However when he heard someone speak, he couldn't help himself.
His hand... was still up anyway.
"Actually, you can. It's only a few things you can't. But conjuring is a part of Transfiguration. You know the Aguamenti spell? Like that," he pointed out and smiled.
The Ravenclaw side of Miss Bott must be rubbing off on Mr. Morgan. Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH Smiling at the new Professor, Patroclus raised his hand, "One rule is the inability to ressurect the dead, however their are notable attempts to circumvent this rule, such as the use of Inferi, a horrible and deeply evil use of enliving the corspes of dead people. However they remain dead, just animated." He nodded sternly, it was a grim issue, but an example none the less, "And there is also the myth of the Ressurection Stone, a way to recall those who have pasted on, yet they would appeared cold and distant, as though seperated by a veil."
Let them lie in peace, that was Patroclus thougths anyway.
Hmm, more answers, and quite correct, too. "Life is certainly one yes," Issy nodded emphatically this time. "As you both said Jake, Patroclus, you can animate something, or someone, but they are not truly alive. They can no longer feel emotions, pain - they are existing simply through magic. And that is just not real life." Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Lexi raised her hand and smiled, "Animals cannot be turned into Humans according to the law." Yeah. Transfig was kind of her thing. Sometimes. Hehehe. Not to mention that this professor was pretty AWESOME! "Yes, Miss Denver. True. Not quite one of the exceptions I was looking for, but true nonetheless." Isabelle gave the girl a nod and a small smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Balvir "You can't create something from nothing" Zane said, raising his hand. He knew that one for sure! "Actually, as Jake just said," she gave the Hufflepuff a knowing look as she spoke, "you can create things, which is what conjuring does. But there are five exceptions, which is what I'm looking for. Good try though." Quote:
Originally Posted by hermygirl "Depends what we're doing," Spike replied to Ellie quietly, before turning to the Professor as the lesson officially started.
Gamp. Gamp. Spike wrinkled his nose in thought. He'd certainly heard of Gamp's Laws a while ago. "Destination, Determination and Deliberation?" he wondered aloud, his hand half raised. At least, he thought they were Gamp's Laws. And you had to focus for things like transfiguration spells, right? She couldn't snort at the kids, could she? It's just this one was so cute, and his answer quite funny. No? Rats. "I think you'll find that is the motto to help in learning apparition, Spike, but good effort." She gave him a thumbs up for that. Because he was cute. And a first year. Quote:
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_ "You can't create money." Heather said after she raise her hand. She was very excited about transfiguration class. She loved doing magic! Quote:
Originally Posted by Herminny Chloe heard the first question and her hand shot up and she responded, "I believe that you can't duplicate money under Gamp's laws". "Money! Yes, the fourth one on our list. Correct." Isabelle turned her attention to the person that had spoken this time. "You cannot conjure it, and any money that is duplicated is essentially worthless and will eventually disappear." Quote:
"So i can break the chair later? just not yet." a smirk was becoming visible on the boys lips but he did stop his rocking movements. No need the loose points for his house when it can be prevented , right?
Sitting on all four chair legs again, which he didn't really like, he prefered rocking it but whatever, Hyun raised his hand in the air again. " i heard something about intentional Curse Damage?" he wasn't sure about that one though.
"I'd prefer the not at all option, if you don't mind," she smiled, raising her eyebrows at the boy. He was one to watch, obviously. Heh. "Not one of the ones I was looking for, and there are only five known ones, Mister Kim." But you know, good try. Quote:
Originally Posted by Super Spaz Conan raised his hand, "Who is Gamp?" And why did he have laws? What made him so special? Oh and first year, that didn't appear to have read is textbook yet. "Hesper Gamp, my dear. It's believed the laws that govern Transfiguration and it's usage, were discovered by her. Chapter 2 of your textbook I believe." Smile. Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Lexi raised her hand again and said, "Professor... I know that food cannot be created from nothing... but if it is possible to Transfigure objects into animals couldn't meat be taken from that animal and eaten?" Huh, what a mind. "I suppose you could. Although how it would tastes remains to be seen. Much like the object you transfigured it from, most likely." And it wasn't something she was going to be trying. "The last law is magical items. You can duplicate, conjure them, they will not work like the original items do. Just a blank copy, if you will." Isabelle flicked her wand and the chalk fell back down onto the ledge of the board, now all the answers were written on it. Quote:
Originally Posted by GAMP'S EXCEPTIONS 1: Food
2: Life
3: Money
4: Love
4: Magical Objects -------------------------------
Right, now to get onto the lesson. "For this first lesson I have decided to let you choose what you learn." Issy's eyes took in all their faces before she continued. "This is why I asked you to prepare to be creative. Imagine for a moment," cue the walking around the room "that you could perform magic infront of muggles, and even use it to help them. I would like you to provide to me a situation where you think a muggle might need assistance, and which spell you would use to help them. Be it transfiguring something, conjuring something - I'm going to let you decide. I will list them on the board behind, then we shall have a vote on which one we learn in the second half of this lesson."
Isabelle stopped at the front of the room and folded her hands in front of her. She kept quiet for a few seconds to let what she had said sink in. Hopefully they would come up with something good. They looked like they might. "Bear in mind what you cannot do, as per the five exceptions behind me. Please let your imaginations go. Fire away!" OOC: Just be creative here. Have it from your charries point of view as well, so if they don't know much about muggles - it might mean they come up with something weird. Also if you don't know the name of a spell, or it has no incantation, just tell Isabelle what it does and she'll go with that.
And this is my last post for the night. Please keeping the chatting to a minimum, unless you are discussing the lessons subject/question with each other. Thank you! |