Blast-Ended Skrewt
Join Date: Jul 2008 Location: Divoland
Posts: 15,583
Hogwarts RPG Name: Dahlia Betsy Marin First Year x7 x6
| If I miss you, I'm sorry. My browser is being annoying today . >_< Sanctuary Abnormal | HuffRavSlythDor | Guard Badger ♥ | Stargater | Awaiting Culling Quote:
Originally Posted by Macavity
After writting down his information on the supplied card, Simon listened as the Professor began the class in ernest with a simply introduction. He took a moment to a mental note of the woman's name before raising a hand to answer her question. "Transfiguration would be the use of magic to change one thing to another," he replied before lowering his hand. Ahh, the first answer. Isabelle smiled in the Gryffindor's direction. "Very simply put, Mr Bennett. And that is indeed one part of Transfiguration, yes." But not the only part. Who would get all of it? Quote:
Originally Posted by Deniiz With pride, Evan wrote the prefect adjective in the boldest way possible before raising his hand to answer the question. Because the woman just needed to know that he was THE prefect, right? Hehe. Because he just had to point that out, as if it wasn't quite obvious from his shining badge over his robes. Hehehe.
Then, with hand in the air he said "Transfiguration is, by the simplest definition, chaging a material into another different one, either completely or partially." Better to start with easy, right? "That is correct, Mr Cartwright." But still not the complete answer. Maybe she should have phrased the question to include the whole of the subject? Quote:
Originally Posted by hermionesclone Kita frowned. The question was quite simple, there was just the matter of phrasing it. And the problem that she might get it wrong. She took a deep breath and raised a hand. "Um... transfiguration is the art of changing the form or appearance of something, like an object..." she said, her voice tailing off, "Oh! And you can vanish objects as well." That made sense right? "Vanishing! Yes, most certainly, Miss Lewis. Not just changing the appearance of something, but vanishing it as well. Good." Issy smiled at the Hufflepuff. One other form down, which was left? Quote:
Originally Posted by WillowSeawinds Rowan raised her hand. "Transfiguration, Professor, is changing an object into a different object with the use of magic." "That is part of what it is yes. Correct." More smiling. So much so, Issy was beginning to get face ache. Not that it could be helped. Quote:
Originally Posted by Roselyn Hmm, yes, obviously she wasn't Professor Kingsley. Was the Slytherin saddened by this? No.
But that didn't matter. What mattered was the question the professor just asked, which also reminded her of Destiny for some reason, which she came to realize, she did not see. Then again, the girl did feel still half asleep. Eh. "Transfiguration..." she started, after raising her hand of course. "Is a branch of magic that changes the nature of an object one way or another." Or something. "Indeed it is, Miss Flores-Shepard." Hmm, double barrelled, and smart too. Very good. Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Jake smiled back.
He was... sure.
When Magnus introduced herself to everyone, Jake smiled. She wasn't Kingsley, this was true... and Jake, for one, was glad. That dude had been such a pretentious...
Raising his hand, Jake spoke. "Well, it's not the exact definition, but Transfiguration includes turning one object into another, for either long-term or short-term. It also includes vanishing and conjuring things. But not everything can be conjured simply."
The young man ran a hand through his hair as an act almost like desperation. It was so hot. BLAHHH. He undid the second button of his shirt, regretting the t-shirt he wore underneath.
So now his shirt and tie were all over the place and his hair was standing up on end in places. Nice. "Ahhh, Jake. Yes Transfiguration does indeed cover conjuring as well." The piece she was looking for. Now they had all been said. Her class was SMART. Quote:
Originally Posted by Balvir Zane nodded to Evan, his prefect. "Evan's right, in it's basic definition it means to change something in some way. It could be as simple as changing hair or eye color, or as complex as a mouse to an elephant." You can do that right? Zane thought so. "A mouse to an elephant? A little more complex than we'll be doing today, but yes I suppose you could do that." Not that she'd ever tried. No space for it. Issy smiled, before moving onto the next answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by fire_faerie Chyler thought for a moment. What was transfiguration? Change. To transfigure, to change? The redhead thought for a moment before raising her hand. "Transfiguration is the art of changing the appearance and or form of an object," she said, not being particularly bothered if her answer was wrong. True, it would bug her a bit but this question would not appear on her OWL - at least, she was almost sure it wouldn't - and therefore was not one she needed to stress over. "That is correct. Partially, as I said before." With a nod, she moved back around her desk towards the board as she listened to the next answer. Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Lexi filled out her card, then raised her hand, "Professor, Transfiguration also conjures and vanishes things, not just change things from animate to inanimate or the appearance." That sounded like a bunch of gibberish. Clearly she had been spending too much time with Dakest... Odd boy. "Absolutely right, Miss Denver." Isabelle smiled at the class and clasped her hands together. Quote:
Originally Posted by alohomora Oh great. This should be good!She quickly raised her hand.''Transfiguration is the art of changing the form and appearance of an object and the vanishing of objects.''she sat down. She turned and saw everyone raising hands,knowing the answer. That was nice to see. She listened to them,taking some quick notes. "That is correct, yes." Another smile accompanied the reply. So many children all speaking at once. Quote:
Originally Posted by JasonPotterWeasley " Transfiguration is chaging one living creature or an object into a different
living creature or object.Rex told the professor. "Example" Changing a rabbit- nice and innocent animal into a lion- king of the jungle" Rex explained to the professor. "You could do that, Mr Trigwell, but I'm not sure a lion at Hogwarts would be allowed. Apart from the Gryffindors of course." Isabelle grinned at the boy, before moving on. Quote:
Originally Posted by Yaya With her arm raised, hand barely twinkling and trying to make it taller than usual, Annie answered the first question. "Transfiguration," she sighed trying to take some breath in order to complete her sentence, " the art of changing the form of objects, their appearance, and why not, disappear them..." She ended and took her hand down. It was not a very original answer, but it was a definition you seriously had to know since you were first introduced into magic, right? "Yes, Miss Robles. You are correct." They all were. A very good bunch she had here. Quote:
Originally Posted by CassiopeiaAKTF Rocking his chair back and forward one last time before Hyun stopped and Balanced on all four. He raised his left hand in the air upon hearing the question. "Transfiguration is changing the form and shape of objects and/or animals" he lowered his hand down and continued to rock his chair again. "Correct Mr Kim," Issy smiled, eyeing what he was doing. "And please try not to break the chair just yet." She didn't want to repair anything right that second. Quote:
Originally Posted by lilshorty7923 Effy hesitantly raised her hand, "Transfiguration is the art of changing the form and appearance of an object and umm it can include vanishing and conjuring objects." She was pretty sure she remembered the definition right; she had read this in her textbook right before class. And the last answer before they moved onto something else - "That is exactly right, Miss O'Reilly." "You are all correct, of course. Transfiguration itself is basically changing the appearance of an object, person or animal. Then you have vanishing, switching and conjuration, which all fall under the same heading." Flicking her wand the chalk by the blackboard rose in the air and hovered waiting for something to write. As Isabelle wiped off the instructions for them to write their names, she got the chalk to add the following: GAMP'S EXCEPTIONS. "Now before I set the question that will kick start the actual lesson, and get your brains being all creative, I would like to make sure you know what the five exceptions to Gamp's Laws of Transfiguration are. Can anyone tell me? One answer each please."
Last edited by MeredithRodneyMckay; 01-20-2011 at 09:07 PM.
Reason: Adding quotes I missed. *flails* xD