The Last of Her Kind
Yay! Finally! All done! And it’s kinda sorta long-ish! (not really) A woman, probably a professor, brings us into a large room. She calls for everyone to stop whispering. “First years! Quiet please! Now, in a few moments you will be called into the Great Hall to be Sorted. Please take a moment to look presentable,” Her gaze lingers on Jason Longbottom, who’s buttoned his cloak wrong, skipping the first and third. Scorpius Malfoy smirks at this, and I see Al glaring at him. “Now. I hope you are all ready to be Sorted. Please wait for the door to open before attempting to enter the Great Hall.” The professor leaves through a side door. Immediately, chatter starts up. Lorcan and Lysander Lovegood walk up to us. They are, of course, finishing each others’ sentences again. “Hi Rose-”
“-and Al.”
“How are-”
“-you today?”
“Fine, thanks,” we respond, almost in unison. “And you?” I ask. I kind-of-glare at Al. Even if the twins are quite annoying sometimes, he could at least try to be polite. “Wonderful!” (In unison) “Mum’s positive-”
“-she found a Crumple-Horned Snorkak this time-”
“-and not another poser.”
“That’s… great!” I respond, trying to smile and not act like they’re crazy, while getting away at the same time. Mum was right- the Lovegoods are nice, but they really ought to figure out what’s real and what’s not! Apparently Luna and Xenophilious were like Lorcan and Lysander too.
As the twins walk away, I realize that there are faint voices coming from the other side of the far wall, getting louder and louder. Suddenly, a figure bursts through the wall. Dressed in brightly coloured clothes, the poltergeist swoops over the students. “Oooh, Ickle Firsties!” he cackles. With no warning, he suddenly dives down and trips a random student. I sigh, realizing who this is. Peeves. Uncle George always says that he’s just having some fun, but Mum told me to watch out.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ As I tune out the professor blabbing on about boring first-year stuff, I look around at who there is. A boy with white-blond hair and a pale, pointed face catches my eye. A Malfoy. He’d probably help me- but of course I can’t tell him what’s going on. Master would kill me if I did that. Literally. Dead. I’ve seen it happen.
I slowly sidle up to the Malfoy, and whisper to him. “Hey. You. Yeah, you. Malfoy. You gonna be in Slytherin?”
“I-I’m not sure. Maybe. Dad was, and Grandad, and all the others…” Indecisive. Not good. I need someone who’ll know that they’re going to land in Slytherin. I look around for some other familiar faces.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I need something to kill. I’m getting nervous. What if the spies have been found out? What if they didn’t make it to Hogwarts? Getting Rose Weasley and Albus Potter is crucial to my plans. If only… I pace back and forth. If only I had a broom. Flying always helped me get out some anxiety.
Last edited by aaetha; 04-17-2011 at 11:06 PM.