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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | sorry if I missed anyone quote-wise The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer SPOILER!!: Magical Soul Quote:
Originally Posted by Magical Soul Louisa's eyes hang upon those fantastic tools that the Professor had just showed them. They reminded her of artifacts that existed in the Louvre; Woody, stick-like, and magical. Looking at her pierced piece of wood again, she threw it away and walked over to the Professor's table.
A pile of new wood pieces laid there, she took one (Tried to pick the thickest.. just in case) and then the Burin. She walked back to her seat turning the tool around in her hand. It did feel like an artifact as well. Oh, she liked those historical things- alas, it was not truly an ancient tool. Never mind that now.
Once seated in her chair, she opened the text book to chapter five and searched for the galdr that matched her rune. " Ansuz..Ansuz.." she was murmuring till she found it- not a very impressive look appeared on her face. " Err.. is this chanting or conjuring spirits?" She whispered to herself. That versus of hers looked CREEPY and she was not about to spell it!
Hmm.. how about hide behind a book and then carve the thing by the wand and pretend that it was all well with the artifact tool?  Sounded like a snake-idea but who cares! Slowly, she opened the big book of runes and put it in front of her on the table. Being young girl helped her to sink further into the chair and held her wand. " Intaglio Ansuz ansuz ansuz ansuz..." She whispered moving her wand over on the piece of wood.
Almost perfectly the spell has worked. One minute later, the carvings were good enough to recognize the rune she was expressing. Louisa gazed into her piece of wood admiring her word when a low thud was heard.. the book has just fallen off. She stared up (nearly frightened) at the Professor with her wand in one hand and the other held on to the piece of wood. Her Burin? it was laid aside the parchment.. uselessly.
Had she said something about spirits? Truebridge figured whatever it was had not been addressed to him so he continued around the class until, when he looked back he could see the young girl had simply used her wand.
"You are only cheating yourself." He pointed out. "And you are more than welcome to use your wand to carve your chosen runes on the table if you prefer." Professor Truebridge gave her an even sort of look and then walked past. SPOILER!!: Luinevaug Quote:
Originally Posted by Luinevaug Luin put her gloves and goggles back on and picked up a burin. She then grabbed her piece of wood and started with her rune
"Kenaz kenaz kenaz
k k k k k k k
ke ke ke ke
na na na na na
na na z z z
k k k k k k"
she worked carefully, trying to make it perfect. It was not completely so the first time though. She did not have the finesse down yet. She picked up another piece of wood and tried again, "Kenaz kenaz...." after a few more tries she finally had the rune on there pretty neat and perfect. She examined it carefully first, just to make sure, and then raised her hand in order to have the professor come and inspect it.
Truebridge approached and took a look at the practice carving. "Good work. You may practice a bit more or start carving the table using whichever method you prefer." SPOILER!!: Zebragirl Quote:
Originally Posted by Zebragirl Emily put her wand in her bag and went to get a burin.
This tools were quite cool!
Still wearing her gloves and goggles she started carving into the wood: "thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th"
Ok, she felt slightly silly doing this, but it was working! Yey! "dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z"
She carved her other rune. They both didn't look as good as the one's in the text book, but this was her first lesson! And she was doing extreamly well for a first year!
Emily made more and more carvings in the wood, then raised her hand. "Profosser? These burins? Are they a muggle tool, except these ones are charmed?" she was curious to how muggles survived without magic...
A question? Professor Truebridge turned his attention toward Emily. "They are muggle tools and charmed, yes. You're doing well. Continue practicing until you are ready and then you can move on to the table." SPOILER!!: sweetpinkpixie Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi picked up her brune...braisin...raisn...whatever the professor had called it and looked at her piece of wood like it was the most daunting of tasks. Despite all her kendo, Kurumi didn't really have that much upper body strength, so carving into a piece of wood was going to be rather difficult. Okay, take a few deep breaths and just stick it to the piece of biggie...
She had already practice carving Wunjo and Kenaz, so she thought she would give Raidho a try this time around. But, first things were first, she needed to get the Galdr down before doing any carving. Kurumi flipped through the pages until she found the proper "chant" and read it aloud to herself first. Ug, there was a part in parentheses...was she supposed to say that part too or was it option in place of the part above it?
"...rudh radh ridh redh rodh...rut rat rit ret rot..." Kurumi help the textbook up right in front of her face almost close enough for her nose to be pressed against the pages. Hmm, the latter seemed to be much easier to pronounce than the first one, so Kurumi decided to go with that one. After reading over the Galdr a few more time to make sure she could say everything clearly, she decided it was time for her to give it a try.
"raidho raidho raidho
r r r r r r r r r
ru ra ri re ro
rut rat rit ret rot
or er ir ar ur
r r r r r r r r r," Kurumi sang like a small songbird. Surprisingly, the carving process seemed to go as smoothly as if she were carving small slits into warm butter and before she knew it, the rune had been carve into her piece of wood more elegantly than it had when she had done it using her wand. "All deep things are song," she smiled to herself as she turned back to her textbook to perhaps try a more complicated rune.
Mannaz looked a little more complicated than the previous runes she had attempted, so Kurumi decided to try her luck with this one as well.
"mannaz mannaz mannaz
m m m a a a a a a n n n
mu ma mi me mo
mun man min men mon
um am im em om
mon men min man mun
m m m a a a a a a n n n
m m m m m m m m m," she sang again carving the rune just as easily as she had with Raidho.
Smiling, Kurumi raised her hand and waited for Professor Truebridge to come and check on her progress.
"Good work Kurumi. Choose whichever method you prefer, or mix it up, its up to you. And you can start carving into the table." SPOILER!!: Canoir Greengrass Quote:
Originally Posted by Canoir Greengrass Freya listened carefully when Professor Truebridge explained about the galdr. So they don't need their wand this time? Hmm..Okay. The Slytherin made her way to the box at the front of the classroom. After she got herself a burin, she made her way back to her work desk. She flipped her rune textbook to Chapter 7. Hmm..What will she carve to the wood this time? She was really like the Sowilo but she already made that one before with the Intaglio spell before, but the Professor said that they couldn't make the same rune, right? So she decided to carve the Sowilo rune. Took a very deep breath, Freya. She still had the goggle and gloves on. She hold the burin with her hand and stick it into the piece of wood. "sowilo sowilo sowilo
s s s s s s s s s
s s s o o o l l l
su sa si se so
(sul sal sil sel sol)
us as is es os
si se su sa su
s s s s s s s s s"
And to her surprises Sowilo rune was now perfectly carved into the piece of wood. She smirked and raised her hand so the Professor would check her work.
Ethan Truebridge approached the young Slytherin and eyed her work. "Good." He approved. SPOILER!!: vijaya Quote:
Originally Posted by vijaya Lucy attentively listening in the class as Professor started explaining on for to work on the second method to curve the rune. As the Professor completed explaining the hole method, Lucy with no further due, she went to the table taking a burin and two wood pieces for herself just in case if one was not enough. Taking the required items she came back to her table.
As to start on with her curving, she took a deep breath and took the burin in her right hand and opened the seventh chapter, and look for the Algiz rune. "So there it is" she said excitingly. She practiced it once just to get a hang of it and then when that was done she pointed the burin to the piece of wood and said "algiz algiz algiz
z z z z z z z z z
uz az iz ez uz
oz ez iz az uz
z z z z z z z z z"
And looked at her work, "hmm, this looks good" she said. "Ok to I'm done with my work" she said and looked for the professor "Hey Professor, I'm done with my rune" she said smiling on completing her work.
"You have?" Truebridge approached Lucy and ran his fingers over the rune she'd carved. "Good work." And she seemed confident too, that was good. SPOILER!!: Random_Me_Ly_ Quote:
Originally Posted by Random_Me_Ly_ Heather went to the front of the class and picked up a carving knife. "Thank you, Professor." She said before going back to sit down and carve her wood. She placed the slab in her hand began concentrating.
She began mumbling out loud: "wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n"
She carved as she did the incantation. A line going down, another slanted upward away from the line on the right side and one going back down and meeting the original line. She was happy she had done it. Heather raised her hand and patiently waited for the professor to come to her.
And another hand up. Truebridge checked and nodded. "Good." SPOILER!!: Zoerawrr Quote:
Originally Posted by Zoerawrr Jake did as he was told and flicked his hand in order to drop his wand back into its holster. Yup. 'Cause he was obedient.
Ruff ruff.
"Cold chisel?" the young man repeated. Why cold? Or was that just... a worrrrrd. Meh.
When it was time, Jake got up and went to get a burin, sifting through the box to find the best one, even though they were all pretty much the same. He already had his gloves and stuff on... now for the carving.
Jake shook his hands and arms to loosen his muscles in his arms and shoulders slightly, before picking up the burin again and getting started.
It was hard work. HARD.
Mostly because of the effort, but some of those 'words' were ridonkulous.
"dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z"
Uhm... that looked nothing like the bow-tie shape thing that dagaz was... it was more of an umbrella under attack by the wind.
So... he tried again, really REALLY focusing on what he was doing and what he wanted from the runes. A breakthrough of sorts. This time, when Jake wiped the teeeeeeeny beads of sweat from his brow, he was a little more pleased. He had a wonky bow-tie going on... but the young man was starting to get tired. May as well ask to table carve before he got too tired and stuff.
Raising his hand, Jake looked to Truebridge. "I think I'm ready to carve into the table. And... did you use this method of the other to carve these runes? Assuming it was you..." Because he hadn't seen them in here before.
"Yes. Cold Chisel." Truebridge agreed without elaborating. He watched Jake for a moment and then, when he asked another question he nodded. "I used my wand."
He usually did.
"And yes, it was me. You're ready if you think you are." He agreed. SPOILER!!: Poisonedbyyou Quote:
Originally Posted by Poisonedbyyou Wands away. Charisa glanced down absently at her hand, still clutching her wand. Ohh, right. She slipped the wand into her pocket and then got up out of her seat. She made her way over to the professor's desk at the front of the room and picked up a burin out of the box, as she was told. Woot, following directions.
Sitting back down at her desk, Charisa looked at her piece of wood. It still contained areas unblemished by her previous botched attempts, and one successful attempt, at creating her rune. Deciding it was still good to use for her next try using galdr, she proceeded to adjust her gloves and goggles.
Flipping through her Ancient Runes book to chapter seven, as Professor Truebrige mentioned, she scanned the pages for the basic galdr for the rune in question, Thurisaz. Then, burin in her left hand and poised over the wood ready to carve while the other hand pointed to the galdr she needed in the book so she wouldn't lose her place, Charisa began the chant. "thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th."
She spoke slower than usual, making sure each syllable came out sounding exactly as intended. She didn't want to mess up, even if the burins were charmed and she was focused fully on the task. The tool in her gloved hand carved easily through the wood, until the rune was completed. Charisa put down the burin and gazed at her work. The rune had come out much better than last time. Not as lopsided, with each carved stroke less shaky than before.
Truebridge approached Charisa and examined her work. "Much improvement. I think you're ready to start on the table." SPOILER!!: fanficfanatict Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict Selina nodded her head along when the Professor further explained to her the point which she had brought up. He was very intelligent, it was easy enough to hear from the manner in which he spoke. Every word was dripping with eloquence and awareness. So as he continued to explain in his detailed explanation Selina listened carefully. She wanted to pick up every piece of information. When he was done she smiled, "Thank you, Professor."
When he went on about further practice she took down prolific notes. Then she went to the front of the room and grabbed the burin. Returning to her desk she went back to her block of wood. Putting on her gloves and goggles she began to chant and carve, "raidho raidho raidho, r r r r r r r r r, ru ra ri re ro, rudh radh ridh redh rodh, or er ir ar ur, r r r r r r r r r." The rune then like magic was doing what he said it would. She watched and carved in awe.
After she was done she sat back and admired her work. When she was satisfied she raised her hand and gestured that she was ready for him to evaluate her work.
At the raised hand and gesture, Truebridge approached to see how the little Gryffindor was doing. "Good." He commented. "A very nicely carved Raidho. Which method did you prefer? You may begin on the table when you are ready." SPOILER!!: Anna Banana Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Sierra quickly put her wand away and turned her attention back to the professor. She nodded along to what he was saying, finding that she was actually understanding this part and following along fairly well.
She craned her neck in order to get a better view of the objects in the box Professor Truebridge had pulled from the cupboard. Burins, he called them, objects that they were apparently going to use to carve into their wood. Sierra was a little unsure about having the strength to carve something into a piece of wood with a tool, but she guessed that maybe she'd get so into her chanting that she really wouldn't realize how much effort her arms and elbows were putting into the task.
At least the professor had ensured them that they wouldn't saw off a finger or something. On that note, Sierra adjusted her goggles and secured her gloves, getting herself ready for using the burin.
After retrieving her burin, Sierra steadied her piece of wood and positioned her tool. "eihwaz eihwaz eihwaz
(iwaz iwaz iwaz)
ə ə ə ə ə ə ə ə ə
iwu iwa iwi iwa iwu
iwo iwe iwi iwa iwu
e e e e e e e e e"
...she chanted, her burin moving along the wood.
She paused halfway through, her hand feeling as if it needed a little break before starting up again. She eyed her rune, fairly pleased with what she saw. She started the chant again, carefully moving her burin along as she thought about what the rune meant for her and what its presence in the wood would accomplish. Determination...succeeding...changing her mind about Ancient Runes...
Several thoughts drifted through her mind as she carved the final line into the wood. Raising her hand, she said, "Professor Truebridge?"
"You're done?" Truebridge queried and then approached to see for himself. "Good work. You're making excellent progress already. You're ready to work on the table I think." SPOILER!!: MissFeenella Quote:
Originally Posted by MissFeenella Fee listening intensly to what the Professor was explaining.This sounded really cool.Another reason why she liked ancient runes so much.The practicing part. Taking the required piece of wood she made her way back to the table.
Taking a deep breath she practised once and then started with her poiece of wood.Ohhh this was exciting.Hehe.
"jera jera jera
j j j j j j j j j j j
jur jar jir jer jur
jo ja ji je ju
j j j j j j j j j j j j"
Ohh this looked nice.Hehe very good.
"Very nice Jera." It was very well carved. Truebridge nodded approvingly. SPOILER!!: mellamaet Quote:
Originally Posted by mellamaet Cass tucked her wand back into its holster tucked it back into her sleeve. Then she placed stood up and took a burin from the professor's table and walked back to her desk. Then she sat down and sighed. More carving. yay.
Might as well get it over with.
So she snapped her goggles back on and started craving, while chanting "isa isa isa
i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i s s s s s s
(s s s s s s i i i i i i)
i i i i i i i i i"
She thought it was rather silly until she saw that the wood was starting to resemble the rune of her choice. "Cool." She simply said with a self-satisfied smirk on her face. It wasn't as good as she wanted it to be, but hey, it was her first time. Cut her some slack.
Happy with the result of her first attempt. Cass tried to carve out another rune. She thought for a while and decided on a rune.
She started to carve on the wood once more while chanting "ehwaz ehwaz ehwaz
e e e e h w a a a z
ehwu ehwa ehwi ehwe ehwo
ehwo ehwe ehwi ehwa ehwu
e e e e h w a a a z"
Truebridge walked past another Slytherin and listened to her while making note of her progress. Good. She was ready too as long as she concentrated and felt herself to be ready. SPOILER!!: Pinky Quote:
Originally Posted by Pinky Lexi listened closely as Truebs spoke. Sooo... they had to do manual labor. Hmm. She would give it a shot. Least she could do. Getting up from her seat she made her way to grab a burin and returned to her LONELY little table. Finding a blank section of the plank she set the burin's tip on it and took a deep breath.
Panic overtook her for a moment so she pulled it away and checked to make sure her protective wear was still securely in place. Yep, check. Anything else she could do to stall? She shot some glances around the classroom and decided quickly THAT was a bad idea. So... time to start.
Putting the tip of the burin back against the wood she began to chant, "Wunjo wunjo wunjo
wu wa wi we wo
wun wan win wen won
wo we wi wa wu
w w w u u u n n n."
She felt like an idiot. She tried to carve her little heart out. Not literally. Stopping for a moment to consider her work she shrugged. It could definitely be worse. She began to carve again and chant to boot. She was already breaking a tiny sweat from the amount of pressure she was applying to the board.
Not wanting to disturb Lexi mid-chant, Truebridge simply nodded at her. Good work. SPOILER!!: JeshieRAWR Quote:
Originally Posted by JeshieRAWR A burin? Who named these things anyways? Why couldn't they just call it a wood chiseling tool or something obvious like that? Psh, silly people and their silly non-obvious names for things. Sebastian waited for Professor Truebridge to finish and he flipped in his textbook to Chapter 7, skimming through it.
Hmm, so this was the way to actually carve out the rune, without the wand. He got up from his chair and walked up, getting two burins for himself and Sophie. Before he was about to go back to his original spot he grabbed an extra wood piece and walked back over to his spot, taking his seat. "Here you go, Sophie. I got you an extra wood piece, you know, just in case." He chuckled and gave her a wink as he sat the burin and extra wood piece in front of her.
Okay, now to start carving. He fixed the goggles that was placed in front of his eyes and pulled up the gloves once more as they kept on falling down. He grabbed his burin that he had gotten and flipped through Chapter 7. Algiz, once again, but carving it this time. This is going to be hard work.
He scanned the galdr once more and started to carve into his test piece of wood. "algiz algiz algiz
z z z z z z z z z
uz az iz ez uz
oz ez iz az uz
z z z z z z z z z"
He chanted as he started to carve his rune. Yeah, his hands hurt already. This was some tough elbow grease stuff as his muggle friends would say. Now he was just feeling silly.
The boy was chanting appropriately but Truebridge felt he could be focusing a little more. He walked past and when he caught the boy's eye he nodded. Keep it up. Keep working. SPOILER!!: Emily_Potter Quote:
Originally Posted by Emily_Potter Emily put her wand away, much to her disgust. She didn't like the sound of all this carving and elbow grease business....
Lacking motivation and enthusiasm she dragged her feet to the front of the class where she picked up a new practice board and a burin.
Once she returned to her desk she flipped through chapter seven of the text and with a sigh she set it aside to begin her carving. "ansuz ansuz ansuz
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw s s s s s s
aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw"
she recited as she pressed the burin to the wood. It wasn't easy work, sweat drops began to form on Emily's forehead as she worked to carve her rune. .....
she continued this only to examine her rune and discover is was crooked and wonky in places... "I can do this...." she tried to reassure herself.
And so she tried again. "ansuz ansuz ansuz
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw s s s s s s
aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw"
"Stop for a moment." Truebridge suggested, noting the results were a little wonky. "Focus and try to relax a little bit. You will have better results. Remember to keep in mind the rune you are carving and its magical associations." He encouraged quietly. SPOILER!!: Jean1210 Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean1210 He took up the tools , began carving and chanting.
He thought to himself. "This isn't to bad. No wonder i like this class"
JP was happy in this class. This class was one of the few classes he walked into confident and happy. The professor was awesome and he still needed to speak to him but he would wait after class.
He walked past the Ravenclaw boy, noting that he was intent on his carving.
They were all taking to this rather well, weren't they? SPOILER!!: lilithpotter Quote:
Originally Posted by lilithpotter She got up and walked over to his desk, picked up her board and a burin and walked back to her seat. She wasn't so well at the other part but how hard could it be to chant or sing an incantation so that the rune would be carved onto the board. The more she thought about the hard it seem to be. Plus she didn't want everyone to here her singing voice and be suprised at how good she was.
She just sat back and thought for a moment. The little part between her brow became wrinkled and her eyes looked unfocused. She was in deep thought. Finally after a moment of two she had an idea.
Shaking her head to clear her mind. She would just say it and not sing it or not to loud anyways, besides everyone else was busy with there own horrible singing.
Clearing her throat she began. kenaz kenaz kenaz
ku ka ki ke ko
kun kan kin ken kon
ok ek ik ak uk
She watched as the burin began to carve the rune symbol into her board smoothly as though it was just meant to be there. She was glad that had worked and that no one heard her singing. "Professor, I think Im ready," she said raising her hand so that he would know who had spoke to him.
"Nicely done." Truebridge commented once he had gone over to take a look. "I think you're ready for the table." SPOILER!!: aussiegirl Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Sweet!
No more having to cause mass destruction with her wand. Mia tucked it back into her bag because she didn't have one of those holster thingy's and really she was liable to cause damage to herself if she did.
She listened carefully as the Professor spoke and gave instructions on what to do. When he had finished speaking, Mia got up and went and got herself a bruin and brought it back to her desk.
Now carving was something she had done before. Of course she usually did it without having to chant anything at the same time but she felt more confident with this then she did using her wand.
Placing the piece of wood in front of her, Mia held the burin at a slight angle, making sure that the sharp edge of the burin was against the wood. Taking a deep breath, she moved the burin along the wood while chanting her rune.
"thurisaz thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th..."
She repeated this method a few times until she was satisfied that she could see a definite carving in her wood. Yes she definitely liked this method better. But just to make sure that she had done this right, Mia raised her hand in the air. "Professor Truebridge, is this right?"
Truebridge went back over to Mia and nodded after taking a good look at her work.
"Yes it is. Good work Mia. You appear to be a natural at this." He told her quite seriously. SPOILER!!: Vargaroth Quote:
Originally Posted by Vargaroth Draven put his wand away as the professor explained how to create runes without the use of it. As Truebridge placed the box out Draven went up and to grab the engraving tools needed to perform the next task.
Draven then put his goggles back on and began to use the burin and then began the incantation of the spell, "Algiz, Algiz, Algiz" while watching the rune appear on the wood. He then skipped over the wood a bit and practiced some more, "Thurisaz, Thurisaz, Thurisaz" as the rune continued to appear before him.
Draven wanted some more wood to practice on to be sure he had it down, "Professor? Could i please have another piece of wood?" he asked politely.
"You certainly can." Truebridge agreed. "Practice makes perfect." He levitated a piece of wood over to Draven. SPOILER!!: top94a Quote:
Originally Posted by top94a Raven walk silently to the box containing the called burins by the Professor, he smile when he see it and found out "It's just a chisel, the tool commonly use by muggle in wood carving" Raven murmured, he took one, and march up to his table. What to do, chapter seven as the said. Raven read the book, "how tricky method" he shouldn't resist to say.
Raven ready, wore the gloves, and also the goggle, now the chisel place in the wood, he place it carefully at very near in the rune he just made earlier using wand.
Raven begun the chant, isa isa isa
i i i i i i i i i
i i i i i i s s s s s s
(s s s s s s i i i i i i)
i i i i i i i i i
He say it chant slowly, very carefully the --the burins have blade --meaning it's totally make carving --as Raven say the chant, he notice the burins, magically cut the wood. "ohh, it's more easy than the other method" he said happily. he study the two rune in the wood, it's identical, basically identical
"Good work. I think you are ready to work on the table now. You can choose which method you'd prefer to use." SPOILER!!: aidan Quote:
Originally Posted by aidan Audrey picked up her wood. She was concentrating so hard she felt her head hurt and her grip tighten around the wood, but none of that mattered. The only thing that mattered to her at this moment was carving Ansuz symbol into this piece of wood correctly
She chanted :
"ansuz ansuz ansuz
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw s s s s s s
aw aw aw aw aw aw
aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw aw"
She felt the energy surround her hand and the wood and saw the symbol for Ansuz appear on her wood. Audrey could not hide her excitement as she raised her hand. "Is this correct Professor?"
"Very nice Ansuz." Truebridge commented, examining the practice piece. "Good work." He told the girl sincerely. SPOILER!!: Tazenhani Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani He had followed up until now. Why one wouldn't simply care the Rune with the burin without having the chant the incantation was beyond him. With a quizzical expression and pursed lips, he moved up to the front to retrieve a burin, pausing near Truebridge as he considered the object. "Sir, forgive me but I'm slightly confused. Is the galdr what puts the magic into the carving? Because I don't see how if you carve with your hand, what you carve is going to come out differently than how you guide the burin."
It was simply how carving worked; you could say what you wanted, but it would still come out however you yourself carved it. "Can you not simply carve the rune with the burin or a pocket knife or other sharp device and get the same effect as long as your intention is there? Even paint it?"
Never one to be bothered by questions, Truebridge nodded.
"As with any spell, the incantation is important particularly while learning. You can, for instance, practice a wand movement and not make magic. Likewise you can carve the wood and have a rune carved into the wood, but it will not be magically charged." He paused. "Much like non-verbals, such things come with practice and in general won't be as powerful without the sound elements of the runes you are carving." As for the painting part, well.
They would have to do that in order to seal in the magic. That would come later. SPOILER!!: scarsandtetris Quote:
Originally Posted by scarsandtetris Charley quickly put her wand into her bag, then hunched her shoulders and clasped her hands together nervously as she responded.
"No, I, I'm sorry, I did not think to ask them. JP has already offered to show me around, though, so they needn't help me," she said as confidently as she could, convinced that her voice sounded as shaky and uneven as she felt.
After Professor Truebridge began answering others' questions, she released the air that she'd kept inside her lungs practically since entering the classroom. She watched and listened intently as he introduced the burins, then went and grabbed one, along with rather diminutive piece of wood.
Once she returned to her seat, she turned her book to the chapter he'd mentioned, relieved Truebridge did not admonish her for being late-or for speaking during class, for that matter.
After sliding her goggles (an old pair of Henry's she'd brought, naturally) down off her hair to her eyes and slipping on the gloves required, she began chanting the Galdr listed in the textbook-whispering, really, as she was very quiet and her voice shook as if she were about to cry-and pressing the chisel into the wood.
"thoor-ee-saws thurisaz thurisaz
th th th th th th th th
thur thar thur ther thor
thu tha thu the tho
th th th th th th th th th "
Truebridge said no more on the 'being late' issue and observed the Ravenclaw girl begin her work.
It took him a bit but eventually he worked out she was experiencing some sort of emotional dilemma.
Without saying a word, Truebridge placed an unopened chocolate frog next to her textbook and continued walking around the room.
Encouragement, perhaps. SPOILER!!: PattyH. Quote:
Originally Posted by PattyH. Patroclus couldn't help but giggle, yes giggle, as he listened to the other students start chanting their Galdr. It was just plain funny.
With a grin on his face the lion slide out of his chair and headed to the front of the room, where he collected a fresh piece of wood and a carving Burin, with a nod to Truebs. Arriving back at his desk, he opened his textbook to chapter Seven and started to read.
So I must have intent, whilst pushing the Burin across the wood into the shape of the Rune, whilst chanting the Rune...easy right? We will see....
Placing the Burin to the wood, Patroclus began to push it across the grain, and started to chant; "dagaz dagaz dagaz
dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z
du da di de do..."With his eyes focused on the book, chanting what he read, Patroclus had to hope that his intention would be strong enough to guide the burin correctly. ".......dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh dh
odh edh idh adh udh
od ed ud ad ud
d d d a a a g g g a a a z z z"
Once he had chanted the whole galdr, Patroclus could help but laugh, he must have looked so odd, but hey so did everyone else! "Professor, is this correct?"
"Yes. Good work Patroclus." Truebridge barely registered the laughter.
And certainly had no clue of the reason as he didn't find anything in particular to be amusing.
But then, he hardly ever did. SPOILER!!: Steelsheen Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen Okay..... so the galdr chant wont do the carving-- thats good, least we can cut down on the singing.... ... no wait, did the Professor say theres one thing missing?
Salander looked on curiously as Truebridge brought out the box and drew out--
... an ice pick. An ice pick that seems to have been used as a doorstop way too many times.
The Slytherin lad took a burin out and examined it, rolling it between his fingers before setting it down on a new wooden piece. His eyes shifted left and right-- people chanting like they're in some sort of trance. Shrugging, he set the bruin against the wood and started the chanting of his own....
(Tiwaz Rune) "tiwaz tiwaz tiwaz
t i i i i i r r r r r
tu ta ti te ter tor
tur tar tir ter tor
ot et it at ut
(Tyr Tyr)
T i i i i i r r r r r"
He had to chuckle as the chant ended. He thought people sounded funny but it seemed more ridiculous to hear himself do the same thing. He blew the shavings off the small wooden palette and has gotten the vertical line down-- not quite as deep or as clear as the way he did with his wand.
Hmm, maybe wand way is better.....
Truebridge glanced at Salander's work for a moment before addressing the class.
"Alright for those of you who feel they are ready, you may begin to carve the table. Please complete three runes by the end of the lesson and remember they need to be runes which you think will be beneficial in the classroom environment."
He stopped at the front of the room and faced the class.
"Some of you may have noticed some difficulties with carving, and there is one thing that will certainly help." One thing that he'd intentionally not mentioned because oftentimes it was easier to experience it than to hear it. "Carving against the wood is easier than carving with it. Carving against the wood also means that the cuts you make will not close up again over time, that is why the runes are made up of diagonal and vertical lines, as in general the surface used for carvings, one would place the grain on the horizontal in front of them." And most of them had done so while practicing without even realising it.
"Please keep this in mind as you start on the table, using whichever method you preferred. If you wish to practice some more then that is fine too." ooc: now you can RP carving runes into the table, using either the Intaglio spell and your characters wand or with the Burin tool and a galdr. Have fun and don't get too crazy now, we're on the homestretch and we're entirely convinced Tate would be displeased at sudden, random or unfortunate death. |