Join Date: May 2008 Location: GMT +12 or 13
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Hogwarts RPG Name: Oz Thickey Sixth Year Diagon Alley Proprietor:
Leon Odessa | I did read all of them, but haven't quoted them all. The Eye of Sauron | Zan-y | Snake Charmer "Repitition, chanting, rhythm. Yes these are all correct." Truebridge nodded along as he listened to the given answers. Quote:
Originally Posted by aussiegirl Mia raised her hand in the air. "You are enacting magic through spoken words. Sort of like a chant." She put her hand down and and bit on her lip. Something like that anyway. "All magic is naming magic." Truebridge answered by way of agreement. The spoken word has power, even if it is not a spell, and a Name has even more power than a simple word. In the old days many believed that knowing the Name of a person, gives you power over them, and same with knowing the 'name' of a spell, or the incantation, which I'm sure it is obvious how that can give you power." Knowledge being power and all that. "Knowing the Name of the rune works in much the same way. Using it is powerful, and speaking it is the way to bring that power to bear." Quote:
Originally Posted by scarsandtetris "I, I, I wasn't sure where to go....I don't know any students but my brother. He told me he would show me where the classroom was last night; he said he'd meet me this morning but he didn't, and I've been afraid to ask anyone. I'm really sorry. It won't happen again; I promise," she stuttered, embarrassed. What a great way to start lessons....not only don't I have a clue what's going on, I lost house points! I'm really going to need to be more careful...maybe I'll ask someone else to show me where my classrooms are.
Charley had a horrible sinking feeling in her stomach now. She knew she could do so much better. She opened the textbook on her desk and began reading, hoping to glean something helpful from it. "I see. Did it not occur to you," And Truebridge eyed the Ravenclaw robes, "to ask a prefect? That is what they are there for. To help. After class please be sure to look for your prefects, meet them and..." He eyed Finlay and Ivory, the prefects in question, "Inform them that they are to make sure you know where every class is before you are due to be in it."
He paused.
"Still, you are here now." And he tried to sound... err... kind. Or something. And not speak in his usual emotionless tones. Quote:
Originally Posted by lemondrop13 Bennet contemplated the question a bit deeper, "Well, in addition to the repetition, I think it is probably more the focus aspect of both the 'Intaglio' spell and a galdr. In order for the Intaglio spell to be effective, it required our absolute concentration. I know that as soon as I got distracted, the incantation lost its effect and I needed to begin again. Same goes with a galdr - it needs to be experienced wholly and completely. The entire body, all of your senses, need to be focused one hundred percent on the rune in order to truly experience all that the rune wants to reveal."
And the geek is done. "Entirely true. Rune magic always requires your complete focus to be truly successful. That is partly why there are so many rituals surrounding rune magic because the very act of preparing yourself in such a way serves to focus your intent." Quote:
Originally Posted by Jean1210 JP whispered over to her.
"it's ok. I know how that goes. I was a first year once too. I'm JP. If you want ill show you around after class." Quote:
Originally Posted by scarsandtetris When she heard someone talking to her-well, whispering, but it was class-she jerked her head up, surprised. People tended to avoid her. Looking at the boy's robes, though, she noticed he was a Ravenclaw as well. Within reason, it bridged the personality gap-giving him a reason to not assume her life goal was to be a librarian or a hermit.
"Hi, I'm Charley. That sounds great. My brother can be terribly unreliable. What year are you now?" she responded, blindly pulling one of her many bookmarks from her bag, which sat on the floor next to her, and slipped it into the textbook, closing the book carefully. Truebridge eyed the two Ravenclaws for a moment and made a mental note to mention to Vindictus how polite the boy was...
... even if he was chatting in Ethan's lesson. Quote:
Originally Posted by The1HBIC Marie had no sooner shoved Salander and Professor Truebridge was there telling her to sit down, get to work and to... apologize to Sal. "But he sprayed water in my face. Why should I apologize to him?" She said still not realizing that it had all been an accident.
Feeling the tears start to sting her eyes she started to sit down. It was then that she realized she had actually knocked Sal to the ground. Oops, she didn't mean to shove him that hard. Guess he'll know not to spray her with water again though. Even though she was about to lose it and start crying at any minute now, she couldn't help when a small smile started to appear on her face as she watched Salander pull himself off the ground. Oh, and he was apologizing to her. Crud, that meant she should apologize too didn't it. "I'm sorry too... for knocking you on your bum." She still wasn't sorry for using him as a towel though. He deserved that since he was the one that got her wet.
Hearing Sal's next words though made her look at the boy like he was nuts. "Vacuum me up. Nah, I'll just use your robes some more." She said as she reached out and grabbed his robes to dry herself off a little better. "There all dry." She said letting go of his robes. "You can do something about this though." She said pointing to her hair that was still a little wet in the front.
Hearing Truebridge as he continued to walk around the room Marie decided she better actually do something here. Maybe the class would go faster if she did the work instead of sitting there moping and wishing for it to be over. Grabbing the goggles that Sal tried handing her earlier she finally put them on. She then pulled on the gloves... after removing her wand from its holster, and grabbed the semi-dry piece of wood laying there. Okay now, what was the incantation she was supposed to use. Being in her little mood she had totally missed what the instructions were. Not wanting to call the professor back over for fear of him taking points away for not paying attention she decided to just watch the others for a few minutes.
After seeing some of the other students complete the task she grabbed her wand and the piece of wood again. This was going to be easy. She was good with her wand... that wasn't the problem in this class. How the runes actually work, now there was the problem. Pointing her wand at the wood she began. "Intaglio Perthro Perthro Perthro Perthro Perthro..." She repeated as she traced her wand along the wood in the shape of the rune. Looking at the finished product in front of her she felt pretty good that she got it done on the first try.
Looks like she got done just in time too since they were now moving on to the next method of doing this. She listened as Truebridge explained. Then asked what a... galdr was. Ha, she knew that one. That was that crazy word Jimmy had taught her about in their last study session. Raising her hand she said, "A galdr is when you sing to the rune, like... chant the magic and activate whatever channel the magic is intended to flow through. Its Old Norse. Means Incantation, or spell." Now if only Jimmy was still in class he would know that she had been listening to him and that he was a good tutor.
Huh, how was a galdr the same as intaglio? "Um, with both you need a clear intent to cast the spell along with repeating the incantation over and over." Yeah, that one she wasn't so sure about. She hadn't gotten that far in her study sessions with James yet. "How many reasons would you like, Marie?" Truebridge focused on the Slytherin girl. He waited until she did apologise before eventually shifting his attention away, expression mildly disapproving.
Or perhaps disappointed.
But apparently she had been paying enough attention to give a decent answer. He nodded at her.
Just the once. Quote:
Originally Posted by sweetpinkpixie Kurumi flew to her notes and added the details the professor had given before thinking about his next question. "Well, when I first used the Intaglio spell, I didn't really have a rhythm that I was keeping and I ended up making my piece of wood fly across the room...and smack Adam square in the face." She paused for a moment as her cheeks flushed beet red. "With this particular spell, it seems like you almost need to sing it to keep the spell from getting out of hand and making the piece of wood fly across the room or start on fire." Kurumi's eye widened and a giant light bulb turned on inside her head. "Professor, is that why you have music playing in the background? So we could keep in pace with it while we performed the spell?" Truebridge listened to the little Gryffindor and then smiled at her.
"It is one of the reasons. The other is simply that I like the music." Quote:
Originally Posted by fanficfanatict "Sir, with all due respect, this song like chant, isn't it similar to all types of spells. All magic has a rhythm to it. A body and flow if you will. So this specific enchantment is similar to Intaglio because like the spell it has a rhythm. Now we are just more aware of it because the rhythm is more crucial to the performance of this chant, sir. Is that what you meant by your question?" The tiny redhead asked still a little embarrassed by her question on what the galdr was. "It certainly is more crucial. Calling the runes, which is another way of saying 'invoking' or 'singing' the runes, can only be done effectively with your utmost attention. In order to make magic it takes a combination of elements -such as wand movement, incantation and intent- and the rhythm comes from putting them together effectively. Chanting a galdr provides a channel, a conduit for the magic to connect from the witch or wizard, through the rune, and into nature." Professor Truebridge answered after listening carefully. He wasn't one to simplify things, but he'd done his best and the little Gryffindor seemed more than capable of keeping up. Quote:
Originally Posted by loun4157 Chris followed the professor's gaze around the class, and noticed something...different about a few of the runes around the room. She couldn't put her finger on what it was. They had ti be fehu if it was happening as he chanted...or she could just be crazy. "I think that... the reasoning and passion behind carving the runes is the same. You had to have something behind the wand moving across the wood in order to carve with Intaglio. You had to know why you were carving it. You have to know that it's a specific rune you're carving, not a random set of lines. To carve with galdr, you still need to know that," she said, amazed at herself for saying so much in respone to a simple question. In a class. With other people around. Listening to her answer. Just the thought made her sink lower in her seat, just in case her answer happened to be wrong. And another Gryffindor thinking deeply on the question. Truebridge approved.
"You have to want it, and you very much have to know the why of it. Understanding is a big part of intent. To carve with a galdr, you do still need to know that.... however there is one thing missing." Just the one thing. Quote:
Originally Posted by Steelsheen  again
Salander hadnt a clue what a galdr was other than the fact that it got the lad thinking about flying all of a sudden. When it was explained he looked up at the glowing runes around the classroom. Wow.... are they supposed to make their little wooden carvings glow like that?
His eyes returned to the Professor when he asked the next question. Huh. "Well, Intaglio is a spell that carves the rune onto the wood.... so singing a galdr probably does the same thing-- grates the runes onto the wood."
Well all that singing will be grating on someones' nerves alright. "Not entirely true. Singing the galdr is part of the process, but in and of itself it will not carve anything, as you will see in a moment, there is one thing missing." Quote:
Originally Posted by Tazenhani His eyes were back to his own rune as the Professor explained the form and the weight behind it. Nodding slowly, he traced both the jagged and curved lines of the imposed carving on his piece of wood. "Always has to be some aspect of the true form, even if it is just a shadow." Sabel mused, tracing a finger over the carving before glancing up at Truebridge; so Plato did come in handy every now and then. "Thank you Professor, that helps a great deal."
He had to pull his attention away from her to glance up at Truebridge in consideration of the question. Answering with a response about creating the correct form, or a decently similar one to the original, as Truebridge had explained to him didn't seem like the grandest idea though the point was valid. Still he raised his hand to forward a similar, yet slightly different idea. "You still have to create the image. Although it's through a mental projection by which you trace the lines in your mind's eye, the practice of the movement and its pattern is the same as the movement of your wand when preforming Intaglio." "No law is mightier than understanding." Truebridge answered, paraphrasing in response. He smiled at the boy and nodded. "Yes indeed. The form of the rune, its shape, is the equivalent element of the wand movement in more contemporary forms of magic." Quote:
Originally Posted by MissFeenella The similarity of galdr and intalgio? Mhhh, think about it Fee. Well could it be that ou needed to sing them both to get them right?Even though intalgio didnt really have a rythym right?! Or was it something depending on the runes? Woahh there was so much stuff in her head right now.But the blonde couldnt come up with anything making sense expect her first thought.Oh well it was worth a try."Is it that you should sing them both to get it right?",she said raising her hand. "In a way yes, singing is 'chanting' in this sense, and repeating the rune and the phonetic elements of the name of the rune are one of the easiest similarities to identify between the two methods." Quote:
Originally Posted by Anna Banana Once again, Sierra felt herself sinking down in her seat. That sinking--it was becoming a habit of hers. Either that, or she seriously needed to start trying a lot harder in her classes. Maybe Ancient Runes just wasn't for her after all. Maybe she should have waited another year or two...or five or ten.
Either way, she only halfway understood what the professor had been saying. She sloooowly raised her hand, almost hesitant to even give the answer a go. "I think--for me, at least--repeating the name of the rune over and over helped me really focus on what I was doing and what the rune meant. Maybe it's the same with the chant," she suggested.
Hopefully... "Thats right. Its a matter of focusing your intent, repetition helps with that." Quote:
Originally Posted by nogoodforyou Helena raised her hand. "Professor? I'm sorry, my question may have nothing to do with your question, but," she started, hesitating, "are we going to practice some kind of wandless spell? I am talking about the galdr." "Yes we are. The galdr is the next thing we're going to use. For those of you who haven't yet, put your wands away."
He waited for everyone to comply.
"The galdr can not carve the wood on its own. The galdr is the incantation element of a spell, the other two elements, wand movement and intent are comparable to the shape and form of the rune, and of course the focus you need to carve. However, without a wand, you still need a tool to use to actually do the risting."
From a cupboard under the chalkboard, Truebridge withdrew a box containing enough burins for the entire class.
"These are engraving tools, a type of cold chisel that works fairly well for carving runes, particularly in wood. They're called Burins. Each burin has been charmed so that it will only carve wood, and therefore they are perfectly safe to use, and you need not worry about cutting your skin by accident. Naturally you will all still wear the gloves and goggles provided." Because Truebridge did not want another probation. No thank you. And already this class had proved themselves well able to injure themselves and others regardless of safety precautions.
"You will need to use the burin, and chant the galdr for the rune you are carving. You don't need to be exact about the galdr either, as you will see in your textbooks, chapter seven."
He placed the box on his desk at the front of the room.
"Come and get a burin and try it out on your test pieces of wood. If you need another piece of wood you can get one of those too." He placed a stack by the burins just in case. "When you think you have the hang of it and are ready to carve runes directly into the table, put your hand up and I will check your work and answer any questions you might have." ooc: sorry for my absence, it was unexpected and unavoidable. Please have your character get a tool and practice carving runes into the test wood pieces. This is an ELBOW grease thing, physically carving the wood. The Burin won't do a thing without someone physically using it to carve the wood. Have fun and remember the tools are charmed not to hurt people, but any fooling around will result in Truebridge punishing the culprits. Remember, don't carve the tables yet! Burin image credit to
Last edited by Con_Stripes; 01-16-2011 at 10:00 AM.